
RE: Mission Äh..ccomplished?

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 27.01.2019 17:04
von Willie (gelöscht)

Clarence Thomas' wife hired ex-Turning Point USA staffer who once said 'I hate blacks': report
The wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has reportedly hired a former Turning Point USA staffer who left the conservative organization after reports emerged that she once sent a text saying "I hate blacks."

Thomas's wife, Virginia "Ginni" Thomas, has reportedly hired ex-TPUSA staffer Crystal Clanton, Mediaite first reported.

Clanton's comments became public last year when The New Yorker obtained and published screenshots of text messages sent by Clanton to another TPUSA employee. "I HATE BLACK PEOPLE. Like fuck them all . . . I hate blacks. End of story," Clanton wrote, according to The New Yorker. ...

Ginni Thomas: Unhinged Conspiracy Nut
Ginni Thomas, wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, has long made her career as a conservative activist. And as the right has become the far right, she has become increasingly unhinged along with so many others, relentlessly pushing conspiracy theories that would be embarrassing to any rational person.

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RE: Mission Äh..ccomplished?

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 27.01.2019 18:43
von Maga-neu | 35.187 Beiträge

Incest babies etc.

Na, Willie, mal ein Wort von dir über diesen Rassismus? Oder bist du der Ansicht wie einige "liberals", dass Rassismus mit Herrschaftsverhältnissen einhergeht, die eben weiß sind, weswegen es zwar einen weißen, aber keinen schwarzen Rassismus geben kann.

Und nahal, ich hoffe, die Israelis sind bereit, Platz zu machen für diese "true hebrews". :-)

zuletzt bearbeitet 27.01.2019 18:43 | nach oben springen


RE: Mission Äh..ccomplished?

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 27.01.2019 18:47
von Maga-neu | 35.187 Beiträge


Okay, dieser Schwarze ist mit Sicherheit ein RASSIST: Ein MAGA-hat UND ein Brexit-Shirt. Wenn das kein Rassismus ist, was ist dann noch Rassismus? :-)

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RE: Mission Äh..ccomplished?

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 27.01.2019 19:10
von Willie (gelöscht)

Black Hebrew Israelites

The Black Hebrew Israelites and their connection to the Covington controversy, explained
How a rarely discussed religious group became part of the viral Covington story.

Who are the Black Israelites at the center of the viral standoff at the Lincoln Memorial?
... With an elevated profile, Hebrew Israelite groups such as HOI have received significant pushback from organizations such as the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Anti-Defamation League — which brand them as “hate groups” for their inflammatory messages about white, LGBT and Jewish people — as well as from Christian groups that see them as a growing religious threat. ...

The Hebrew Israelite movement is rooted in Black Judaism, a belief system birthed in the late 1800s by black Christians from the South's Pentecostal "Holiness" movement. They claimed to have received a revelation: America's recently emancipated slaves were God's chosen people, the true Hebrews.

The black supremacist wing of the Hebrew Israelite movement is spreading and its leaders are growing increasingly militant

zuletzt bearbeitet 27.01.2019 19:14 | nach oben springen


RE: Mission Äh..ccomplished?

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 27.01.2019 20:22
von Maga-neu | 35.187 Beiträge

Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #4804
Black Hebrew Israelites

The Black Hebrew Israelites and their connection to the Covington controversy, explained
How a rarely discussed religious group became part of the viral Covington story.

Who are the Black Israelites at the center of the viral standoff at the Lincoln Memorial?
... With an elevated profile, Hebrew Israelite groups such as HOI have received significant pushback from organizations such as the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Anti-Defamation League — which brand them as “hate groups” for their inflammatory messages about white, LGBT and Jewish people — as well as from Christian groups that see them as a growing religious threat. ...

The Hebrew Israelite movement is rooted in Black Judaism, a belief system birthed in the late 1800s by black Christians from the South's Pentecostal "Holiness" movement. They claimed to have received a revelation: America's recently emancipated slaves were God's chosen people, the true Hebrews.

The black supremacist wing of the Hebrew Israelite movement is spreading and its leaders are growing increasingly militant

Das Land ist voller Hass, und die letzten vier Präsidenten haben die Spaltung nur verschärft. Ich war bestürzt, als ich gesehen habe, wie angespannt die Rassenverhältnisse in deiner Stadt, in Chicago, sind. Was für ein Unterschied zu Lüttich, wo an unserem Nachbartisch - das Restaurant war ausgezeichnet - Weiße und Schwarze an einem Tisch saßen, sich unterhielten und lachten. Das Lachen ist in den USA kaum möglich, da man immer Angst haben müsste, irgendetwas zu sagen, das den anderen beleidigen könnte. Und die identity politics verschärfen das Problem immer mehr und sorgen dafür, dass Idioten auf allen Seiten, wirkliche white supremacists, die es gibt, allerdings nicht in dem Ausmaß, wie es behauptet wird, Neonazis und schwarze Rassisten immer mehr Gehör finden.

zuletzt bearbeitet 27.01.2019 20:24 | nach oben springen


RE: Mission Äh..ccomplished?

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 27.01.2019 21:39
von Willie (gelöscht)

Zitat von Maga-neu im Beitrag #4805
Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #4804
Black Hebrew Israelites

The Black Hebrew Israelites and their connection to the Covington controversy, explained
How a rarely discussed religious group became part of the viral Covington story.

Who are the Black Israelites at the center of the viral standoff at the Lincoln Memorial?
... With an elevated profile, Hebrew Israelite groups such as HOI have received significant pushback from organizations such as the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Anti-Defamation League — which brand them as “hate groups” for their inflammatory messages about white, LGBT and Jewish people — as well as from Christian groups that see them as a growing religious threat. ...

The Hebrew Israelite movement is rooted in Black Judaism, a belief system birthed in the late 1800s by black Christians from the South's Pentecostal "Holiness" movement. They claimed to have received a revelation: America's recently emancipated slaves were God's chosen people, the true Hebrews.

The black supremacist wing of the Hebrew Israelite movement is spreading and its leaders are growing increasingly militant

Das Land ist voller Hass, und die letzten vier Präsidenten haben die Spaltung nur verschärft. Ich war bestürzt, als ich gesehen habe, wie angespannt die Rassenverhältnisse in deiner Stadt, in Chicago, sind. Was für ein Unterschied zu Lüttich, wo an unserem Nachbartisch - das Restaurant war ausgezeichnet - Weiße und Schwarze an einem Tisch saßen, sich unterhielten und lachten. Das Lachen ist in den USA kaum möglich, da man immer Angst haben müsste, irgendetwas zu sagen, das den anderen beleidigen könnte. Und die identity politics verschärfen das Problem immer mehr und sorgen dafür, dass Idioten auf allen Seiten, wirkliche white supremacists, die es gibt, allerdings nicht in dem Ausmaß, wie es behauptet wird, Neonazis und schwarze Rassisten immer mehr Gehör finden.

Factual analysis fail.

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RE: Mission Äh..ccomplished?

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 27.01.2019 21:46
von Willie (gelöscht)

Pelosi Embraces Legislation To Effectively Prevent Future Government Shutdowns
And she isn’t the only one to do so after the just-completed 35-day shit show.

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RE: Mission Äh..ccomplished?

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 28.01.2019 11:05
von Maga-neu | 35.187 Beiträge

Ich bin Trump gar nicht so feindlich gegenüber eingestellt, aber in dem Fall des shutdown ist er als Tiger gesprungen und als Bettvorleger gestartet. Man macht keinen Shutdown, wenn man nicht willens ist, ihn durchzustehen. Über seine Drohung eines erneuten shutdowns werden die Demokraten nur lachen. Was für ein Unterschied zu Old Abe, der Richter Taney vom Obersten Gerichtshof verhaften ließ, oder zu FDR, der die republikanische Opposition immer wieder ausspielte.

Trump hätte andere Möglichkeiten gehabt: Er hätte durchs Land reisen und seine Anhänger mobilisieren können (und in der Zwischenzeit mit Vergünstigungen in Wahlbezirken einige gemäßigte, pragmatische Demokraten "kaufen" können). Oder er hätte wirklich den nationalen Notstand ausrufen können. Jetzt ist es vorbei, und der Präsident ist besiegt.

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RE: Mission Äh..ccomplished?

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 28.01.2019 16:39
von Willie (gelöscht)

Trumpsky heute:
Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump
Tariffs on the “dumping” of Steel in the United States have totally revived our Steel Industry. New and expanded plants are happening all over the U.S. We have not only saved this important industry, but created many jobs. Also, billions paid to our treasury. A BIG WIN FOR U.S.
5:16 AM - 28 Jan 2019

Die Realitaet:
The Evolution of Trump’s Bizarre Lie About New U.S. Steel Plants
It wasn’t true when Donald Trump claimed U.S. Steel was opening six new plants, and it wasn’t true Monday when he bumped that number to ‘eight or nine.’

That Donald Trump continues to have a unique relationship with the truth isn’t news; The Washington Post has now tracked more than 5,000 falsehoods uttered by the U.S. president.
But one, in particular, keeps cropping up in his public appearances—and the lie keeps growing.
Trump has repeatedly claimed that his tariffs have led to U.S. Steel opening new plants stateside.

Fact-checkers picked up on the claim months ago, but a direct refutation from U.S. Steel itself not stopped Trump from making the claim.
Indeed, he’s super-sized it: From his claim of “six new plants” in Tampa on July 31, he’s bumped the number to seven in Wilkes-Barre a few days later and, now, “eight or nine” Monday morning at the White House.

Trump has reason to back the outlandish claims, of course. The administration’s 25 percent tariffs on imported steel and aluminum were a vanguard for his proposed future tariffs, some of which have already been deployed; the idea that the steel tariffs “worked” is essential to building support for future restrictive trade initiatives.

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RE: Mission Äh..ccomplished?

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 28.01.2019 16:43
von Willie (gelöscht)

The government shutdown cost the economy $11 billion, including a permanent $3 billion loss, Congressional Budget Office says
The federal government shutdown cost the economy $11 billion, according to a new analysis from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office.
Although most of the damage to the economy will be reversed as the government re-opens and workers return to their jobs, the CBO estimated $3 billion in economic activity is permanently lost.
Overall, the CBO projected economic growth will slow this year to 2.3 percent, compared to the 3.1 percent rate last year, as the benefits of the new tax law begin to fade.

Two major companies — Caterpillar and Nvidia — on Monday blamed China for poor earnings
The number of companies warning of a slowdown in China is growing, with both construction machinery company Caterpillar and chipmaker Nvidia blaming weaker demand in the country for disappointing figures, a bad omen for the global economy.

"Sales in Asia/Pacific declined due to lower demand in China, partially offset by higher demand in a few other countries in the region," Caterpillar said in its earnings press release. "Unfavorable currency impacts also contributed to the sales decline."

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RE: Mission Äh..ccomplished?

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 28.01.2019 18:36
von Maga-neu | 35.187 Beiträge


Mauern sind unmoralisch, aber Abtreibung fast bis zur Geburt ist moralisch. Man muss wohl Demokrat sein, um das nachzuvollziehen. btw, Dolan war einer der papabili des letzten Konklaves. Er wäre wohl eine bessere Wahl gewesen als...

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RE: Mission Äh..ccomplished?

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 28.01.2019 19:22
von Nadine | 3.633 Beiträge

Ist Trump ein Stehaufmännchen?

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RE: Mission Äh..ccomplished?

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 28.01.2019 21:43
von Willie (gelöscht)

Zitat von Nadine im Beitrag #4812
Ist Trump ein Stehaufmännchen?

Nein, nur das Wrack von einem lebenslangen Con Man, der bislang noch von einer Minderheit aus religioesen Fanatikern, Opportunisten, Rassisten und Bekloppten getragen wird. Und das auch nur, bis die Justiz/Mueller ihn letztlich kassiert. Hoechstwahrscheinlich im Laufe dieses Jahres noch.

zuletzt bearbeitet 28.01.2019 21:57 | nach oben springen


RE: Mission Äh..ccomplished?

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 29.01.2019 09:55
von Maga-neu | 35.187 Beiträge

Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #4813
Zitat von Nadine im Beitrag #4812
Ist Trump ein Stehaufmännchen?

Nein, nur das Wrack von einem lebenslangen Con Man, der bislang noch von einer Minderheit aus religioesen Fanatikern, Opportunisten, Rassisten und Bekloppten getragen wird. Und das auch nur, bis die Justiz/Mueller ihn letztlich kassiert. Hoechstwahrscheinlich im Laufe dieses Jahres noch.

62,979,879 religiöse Fanatiker, Opportunisten, Rassisten und Bekloppte?

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RE: Mission Äh..ccomplished?

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 29.01.2019 15:03
von Willie (gelöscht)

Let Them Fight
The #AlwaysTrump MAGA-heads and the Build-the-Wall nativists have gone to war. And it is glorious.

Last Friday the president of the United States trudged into the Rose Garden a torpid mess, with his tuft of hair-like substance sitting lifelessly on his head. It was a harbinger of the weekend to come. Presiding over the longest government shutdown ever had taken its toll on the president: His face looked more bloated, his eyes tired from the strain of all so many days without golf. He had the walk of a defeated man. Speaking from the podium, Trump seemed both bored and irritable.

He began a freestyle monologue about women with duct tape over their mouths and then, just a few minutes later, it was all over. Donald Trump—the master negotiator, the dominance politician, the galaxy brain—had caved.
The president’s desultory weakness then touched off an entirely-predictable war between his power-hungry sycophants and the anti-immigrant ideologues who previously had combined to form Trump’s unified media base.
And now, just as he split the Republican party three years ago, the president has fractured the party of Trump, too. ....

...The best (and worst) thing about the cult of Trumpism is that any deviation from the officially prescribed adoration is cause for ostracism. Trumpism cannot accept dissenting views from its supporters and will countenance no accountability for the dear leader. What is good is what is Trump; and whatever Trump is, is by definition good.

It turns out that not everyone who joined this cult realized what they were getting into. Sure, some people signed on for the Twitter followers and the TV contracts and the prospect of landing one last job in government. But some people signed on because they really, really wanted a wall.
Today those people are like the rubes who paid to go to Trump University. And they know it.

The two camps are going to war now, but this is just a skirmish—a limited preview of what the conservative world will look like if Trump loses reelection. It will be a war of all, against all, the likes of which American politics has not seen in a hundred years.

zuletzt bearbeitet 29.01.2019 15:08 | nach oben springen


RE: Mission Äh..ccomplished?

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 29.01.2019 21:33
von Willie (gelöscht)

Harley-Davidson Profit Is Wiped Out by President Trump’s Tariffs

Trump: ‘The Greatest Salesman’ Who Can’t Sell Anything
Ann Coulter and the base took Trump’s word for it on the wall. They never considered that the guy who conned others might be conning them, too.

George Conway To Trump: ‘Your Stupidity Knows No Bounds’
Kellyanne Conway’s husband called out the president for his criticism of Cliff Sims’ new book.

zuletzt bearbeitet 29.01.2019 21:41 | nach oben springen


RE: Mission Äh..ccomplished?

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 29.01.2019 22:06
von Willie (gelöscht)

Rachel Maddow: Trump May Have Cooked Up ‘Taped Women’ From ‘Sicario’
“in any normal administration it would be insane to suggest” this, she concedes.

President Donald Trump has been obsessively repeating a horror tale of trafficked women in cars at the southern border, their mouths taped shut, so they “can’t even breathe.” The problem is that trafficked women and border officials apparently have no idea what he’s talking about. Now Rachel Maddow, along with some media outlets, believe it could be possible that Trump witnessed it with his very own eyes — on the violent movie “Sicario: Day of the Soldado.”

The film shows such a scene at the Mexican border, eerily similar to what Trump has described. There is also a scene of Muslim prayer rugs in the southern desert, which has also popped up in a Trump tweet. He has talked about the smugglers’ amazing cars, just like in the movie.

All are “plot points in the same movie — which is fiction,” Maddow emphasized Monday.
“Now in any normal administration it would be insane to suggest ... even joke about the president of the United States seeing stuff in a movie ... and maybe thinking it was real — or at least real enough to justify an actual military deployment of thousands of active duty U.S. troops to the border,” she said.

Und das it der amerikanische President. Wahnsinn!

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US-Geheimdienste widersprechen Trump-Weltbild

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 30.01.2019 11:16
von Indo_HS | 2.703 Beiträge

<<US-Geheimdienste sehen die Welt anders als Trump>>

Von Nordkorea über den Iran bis Syrien: In der Bewertung internationaler Bedrohungen weichen die US-Geheimdienste erheblich von Präsident Donald Trump ab.

<<US-Geheimdienste widersprechen Trump>>

Iran, Nordkorea, Russland: Die Chefs der US-Geheimdienste kommen in ihrem Bericht zu ganz anderen Schlüssen als der Präsident.

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RE: US-Geheimdienste widersprechen Trump-Weltbild

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 30.01.2019 14:38
von Willie (gelöscht)

Zitat von Indo_HS im Beitrag #4818
<<US-Geheimdienste sehen die Welt anders als Trump>>

Von Nordkorea über den Iran bis Syrien: In der Bewertung internationaler Bedrohungen weichen die US-Geheimdienste erheblich von Präsident Donald Trump ab.

<<US-Geheimdienste widersprechen Trump>>

Iran, Nordkorea, Russland: Die Chefs der US-Geheimdienste kommen in ihrem Bericht zu ganz anderen Schlüssen als der Präsident.

Top intel chiefs contradict Trump on Iran, North Korea nuclear developments
Top leaders of the intelligence community on Tuesday directly contradicted President Trump’s claims about North Korea and Iran in a new assessment about nuclear developments in the two countries.

Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats threw cold water on the idea that North Korea will fully get rid of nuclear weapon stockpiles, stating that the hermit nation views these capabilities as key to its survival.
"We currently assess that North Korea will seek to retain its [weapons of mass destruction] capabilities," Coats told members of the Senate Intelligence Committee during the panel's worldwide threats hearing.

US intel chiefs contradict Trump on North Korea, ISIS threats
Directly contradicting President Donald Trump, U.S. intelligence agencies told Congress on Tuesday that North Korea is unlikely to dismantle its nuclear arsenal, that the Islamic State group remains a threat and that the Iran nuclear deal is working. The chiefs made no mention of a crisis at the U.S.-Mexican border for which Trump has considered declaring a national emergency.

Their analysis stands in sharp contrast to Trump's almost singular focus on security gaps at the border as the biggest threat facing the United States.

Top security officials including FBI Director Christopher Wray, CIA Director Gina Haspel and Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats presented an update to the Senate intelligence committee on Tuesday on their annual assessment of global threats. They warned of an increasingly diverse range of security dangers around the globe, from North Korean nuclear weapons to Chinese cyberespionage to Russian campaigns to undermine Western democracies.

Und hier das ganze offizielle Dokument:

Bereits die ersten Absaetze des Foreword sind instruktiv.

Threats to US national security will expand and diversify in the coming year, driven in part by China and Russia as they respectively compete more intensely with the United States and its
traditional allies and partners. This competition cuts across all domains, involves a race for technological and military superiority, and is increasingly about values. Russia and China seek to
shape the international system and regional security dynamics and exert influence over the politics and economies of states in all regions of the world and especially in their respective backyards.

China and Russia are more aligned than at any point since the mid-1950s, and the relationship is likely to strengthen in the coming year as some of their interests and threat perceptions converge, particularly regarding perceived US unilateralism and interventionism and Western promotion of democratic values and human rights.

 As China and Russia seek to expand their global influence, they are eroding once well established security norms and increasing the risk of regional conflicts, particularly in the
Middle East and East Asia.

 At the same time, some US allies and partners are seeking greater independence from Washington in response to their perceptions of changing US policies on security and trade and
are becoming more open to new bilateral and multilateral partnerships.

The post-World War II international system is coming under increasing strain amid continuing cyber and WMD proliferation threats, competition in space, and regional conflicts. ...

Hervorhebungen sind meine.

zuletzt bearbeitet 30.01.2019 14:38 | nach oben springen


RE: US-Geheimdienste widersprechen Trump-Weltbild

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 30.01.2019 15:25
von Willie (gelöscht)

Mueller Witness’ Team Gamed Out Russian Meddling … in 2015
One former analyst at the Wikistrat consulting firm called it “disturbing.”

Days after Donald Trump rode down an escalator at Trump Tower and announced he’d run for president, a little-known consulting firm with links to Israeli intelligence started gaming out how a foreign government could meddle in the U.S. political process. Internal communications, which The Daily Beast reviewed, show that the firm conducted an analysis of how illicit efforts might shape American politics. ...

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RE: US-Geheimdienste widersprechen Trump-Weltbild

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 30.01.2019 17:23
von Indo_HS | 2.703 Beiträge

An Dummdreistigkeit nicht zu überbieten ...:

<<Trump spottet über Klimawandel und Erderwärmung>>

Donald Trump hält den Klimawandel für eine Erfindung. Angesichts von eisiger Kälte im Mittleren Westen wünscht sich der US-Präsident die Erderwärmung zurück.

zuletzt bearbeitet 30.01.2019 17:35 | nach oben springen


RE: US-Geheimdienste widersprechen Trump-Weltbild

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 30.01.2019 17:43
von Willie (gelöscht)

Zitat von Indo_HS im Beitrag #4821
An Dummdreistigkeit nicht zu überbieten ...:

<<Trump spottet über Klimawandel und Erderwärmung>>

Donald Trump hält den Klimawandel für eine Erfindung. Angesichts von eisiger Kälte im Mittleren Westen wünscht sich der US-Präsident die Erderwärmung zurück.

Das zeigt schon alleine wie beschraenkt der 'stable genius' ist.
Und dass er damit auch noch angibt, zeigt wie blind und taub er in seinem Narzissmus ist.
Und dass das Weisse Haus ihn das auch nch publizieren laesst, zeigt wie disfunktional die Administration ist.
Und dass die gesamte GOP hinter dieser Witzfigur noch herlaeuft, zeigt wie schwach und ausgehoehlt die Partei ist.

Das kann nicht mehr lange gut gehen.

zuletzt bearbeitet 30.01.2019 17:44 | nach oben springen


RE: US-Geheimdienste widersprechen Trump-Weltbild

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 30.01.2019 18:08
von nahal | 24.498 Beiträge

Na, ich hoffe Willie hat eine Heizdsecke.

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RE: US-Geheimdienste widersprechen Trump-Weltbild

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 30.01.2019 18:12
von nahal | 24.498 Beiträge

Harris hat schon verkackt.
Die anderen Zwerge folgen ihr.
Habe mir das Interview von Schultz mit Behar angeschaut.

Der Typ konnte meine Stimme haben.


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RE: US-Geheimdienste widersprechen Trump-Weltbild

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 30.01.2019 18:20
von nahal | 24.498 Beiträge

Voll Häme haben wir alle Artikel über Trumps China-Strategie über uns ergehen lassen.
Und jetzt......................
Die Chinesen lassen langsam die Hosen runter.

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