
RE: "The Greengold tale"

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 28.03.2019 23:25
von Maga-neu | 35.179 Beiträge




So, that's racism in Trump's America. Should we talk about the privilege of the rich or should we talk about judging of disposition? And, of course, CNN viewers will never know whether he is a villain or a victim. It's so confusing...

btw, it happened in Chicago... What do you think, Willie?

zuletzt bearbeitet 28.03.2019 23:27 | nach oben springen


RE: "The Greengold tale"

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 29.03.2019 03:32
von Willie (gelöscht)

Zitat von Maga-neu im Beitrag #5676



So, that's racism in Trump's America. Should we talk about the privilege of the rich or should we talk about judging of disposition? And, of course, CNN viewers will never know whether he is a villain or a victim. It's so confusing...

btw, it happened in Chicago... What do you think, Willie?

Schnappatmung bei Fox, der Luegenbaron im Oval mit Schaum vorm Mund und schon den FBI einschalten wollend, die Nazis und Rassisten schon von "total vindication" traeumend -und ich komme aus dem Lachen nicht heraus. Schlimm ist das. 😂

zuletzt bearbeitet 29.03.2019 13:13 | nach oben springen


RE: "The Greengold tale"

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 29.03.2019 07:00
von nahal | 24.480 Beiträge

Die Bevölkerung scheint ihn zu mögen:


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RE: "The Greengold tale"

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 29.03.2019 13:24
von Willie (gelöscht)

Zitat von nahal im Beitrag #5678
Die Bevölkerung scheint ihn zu mögen:




zuletzt bearbeitet 29.03.2019 13:31 | nach oben springen


RE: "The Greengold tale"

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 29.03.2019 14:29
von Willie (gelöscht)

Republican Party reportedly says it will target reporters critical of Trump
"Their tweets have all been screencapped. It’s all ready to go."

The Republican National Committee and pro-Trump super PAC America First plan to use intimidation tactics and harassment to defend President Donald Trump from journalists reporting facts they deem critical of the White House, according to reports on Thursday.


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RE: "The Greengold tale"

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 29.03.2019 14:30
von Willie (gelöscht)

Hitler’s Mein Kampf Read On House Floor By Republican Congressman


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RE: "The Greengold tale"

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 29.03.2019 15:13
von Willie (gelöscht)

AP FACT CHECK: Trump misleads on health care, Russia probe
Rallying in Michigan, President Donald Trump bragged about a surging auto industry that isn’t surging, a Republican rescue for health care that has yet to take shape, a “total” exoneration in the Russia investigation that was not offered.

And Trump, as he routinely does, took credit for a veterans health care initiative that his predecessor achieved and ignored the reality when veterans seek treatment — waiting times that still last for weeks.
Here’s a look at rhetoric from his Grand Rapids rally on Thursday night, as well as his remarks leading up to it:

Die uebliche Verlogenheit. Wie immer bejubelt von seiner Moronengefolgschaft.

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RE: "The Greengold tale"

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 29.03.2019 19:50
von Willie (gelöscht)

Here’s the Real Trump-Russia Hoax
It’s Trump defenders and lefty Russiagate skeptics claiming there is no scandal.

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RE: "The Greengold tale"

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 29.03.2019 22:33
von Willie (gelöscht)

Maria Butina Seeks Speedy Deportation Back to Russia
Maria Butina says she does not fear torture or persecution in Russia, even though she made a deal to cooperate with the FBI.

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RE: "The Greengold tale"

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 29.03.2019 22:33
von Willie (gelöscht)

‘You Keep Telling Me That’: How Michael Flynn Kissed Up to Russia’s Ambassador
That time Trump’s national security adviser and Moscow’s emissary surprised White House staff.

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RE: "The Greengold tale"

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 29.03.2019 22:36
von Willie (gelöscht)

Trump Aided and Abetted Russia’s Attack. That Was Treachery. Full Stop.
The scandal may not be a crime. It’s a betrayal.

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RE: "The Greengold tale"

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 29.03.2019 22:40
von Willie (gelöscht)

Adam Schiff: Evidence Available Already Shows That Trump Should Be Indicted
There's already sufficient evidence to support an indictment of President Trump even before the conclusion of the special counsel investigation, California Rep. Adam Schiff said Tuesday.

The chairman of the House intelligence committee pointed to the case of Michael Cohen, the president's former personal lawyer, in which the government described how "Individual 1" directed and coordinated a campaign fraud scheme.

"Individual 1" is Trump, and Cohen is set to begin a three-year prison sentence in part because of those crimes.
"It's very difficult to make the argument that the person who was directed and was coordinated should go to jail but the person who did the directing and did the coordinating should not," Schiff told reporters at a breakfast on Tuesday organized by the Christian Science Monitor.

The evidence therefore already in place argues "very strongly in favor of indicting the president when he is out of office," he said.

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RE: "The Greengold tale"

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 31.03.2019 11:23
von Maga-neu | 35.179 Beiträge


So, we learn President Trump is responsible that Jussie Smollet faked a racist attack. And his attackers wore whiteface. :-)

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RE: "The Greengold tale"

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 31.03.2019 17:36
von Willie (gelöscht)

Trump’s NAFTA 2.0 Puts Big Pharma First, America Second
If there’s anything Donald Trump hates more than globalist trade deals that restrict U.S. sovereignty, it’s the exorbitant cost of pharmaceuticals in this country.

“The next major priority for me, and for all of us, should be to lower the cost of health care and prescription drugs,” the president said in his most recent State of the Union Address. “It is unacceptable that Americans pay vastly more than people in other countries for the exact same drugs, often made in the exact same place.”

And yet, the president’s new version of NAFTA — the uncreatively named United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) — actually forbids the U.S. Congress from curtailing Big Pharma’s patent monopolies on some of the world’s most expensive drugs. In other words: Trump’s “America First” trade deal restricts U.S. sovereignty, for the sake of locking in high drug prices.

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RE: "The Greengold tale"

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 31.03.2019 17:38
von Willie (gelöscht)

Rand Paul blocks resolution calling for Mueller report release
Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) blocked a resolution calling for special counsel Robert Mueller's report to be made public, arguing that Congress should also call for the release of communications and testimony from Obama-era officials.

Always working hard. For Putin.

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RE: "The Greengold tale"

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 31.03.2019 17:41
von Willie (gelöscht)

Fox's Napolitano predicts Mueller report will prove Schiff 'correct' on some collusion
Fox News legal analyst Andrew Napolitano said Thursday that special counsel Robert Mueller's full report on the investigation into Russia's election interference likely contains some evidence of conspiracy between Russia and President Trump's campaign.

"I think that [Rep. Adam] Schiff [(D-Calif.)] is correct: In that report will be evidence of the existence of a conspiracy, not enough evidence to prove the existence beyond a reasonable doubt,” Napolitano said while speaking with host Neil Cavuto on Fox Business Network.

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RE: "The Greengold tale"

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 31.03.2019 17:47
von Willie (gelöscht)

Longtime sports writer says Trump 'cheats at the highest level' at golf
A former Sports Illustrated and ESPN writer in a new book paints President Trump as a serial cheater on the golf course, saying he "cheats at the highest level."

Rick Reilly includes accounts from dozens of people who have played with Trump, including professional golfers, about Trump’s cheating in "Commander in Cheat: How Golf Explains Trump."
"To say 'Donald Trump cheats' is like saying 'Michael Phelps swims,'" Reilly writes, according to the New York Post.

"He cheats at the highest level. He cheats when people are watching and he cheats when they aren’t. He cheats whether you like it or not. He cheats because that’s how he plays golf … if you’re playing golf with him, he’s going to cheat," Riley writes.

Natuerlich. Das ist, was er sein Leben lang tat und tut -in allem, was er tut. Der Verbrecher/mental Kranke ist durch und durch korrupt. Der kann garnicht anders. Es ist bei ihm schon pathologisch.
Und seine Fans sind davon begeistert. Denn gleich und gleich gesellt sich gern.


zuletzt bearbeitet 31.03.2019 18:25 | nach oben springen


RE: "The Greengold tale"

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 31.03.2019 17:49
von Willie (gelöscht)

Son of Stormfront Founder Reveals His Family Watches Tucker Carlson for Tips on ‘White Nationalist Talking Points’

“It’s really, really alarming that my family watches Tucker Carlson show once and then watches it on the replay because they feel that he is making the white nationalist talking points better than they have and they’re trying to get some tips on how to advance it,” Black explained before noting it was change of community that prompted him to rethink his white supremacist beliefs.

Auch klar. Jeder weiss es.

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RE: "The Greengold tale"

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 31.03.2019 18:37
von Willie (gelöscht)

Congress Sean Duffy a former reality Tv star gives an example of why he is a political lightweight. I confess to not quite understand why this man gets re-elected.


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RE: "The Greengold tale"

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 31.03.2019 18:47
von Willie (gelöscht)
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RE: "The Greengold tale"

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 31.03.2019 23:54
von Maga-neu | 35.179 Beiträge
zuletzt bearbeitet 31.03.2019 23:56 | nach oben springen


RE: "The Greengold tale"

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 01.04.2019 00:17
von Willie (gelöscht)

Zitat von Maga-neu im Beitrag #5696
What a moron looks like:

Yep, Fox News -morons.Totally. And their fans are even worse.

Fox Refers to El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras as ‘Three Mexican Countries’

zuletzt bearbeitet 01.04.2019 03:34 | nach oben springen


RE: "The Greengold tale"

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 01.04.2019 01:35
von Willie (gelöscht)
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RE: "The Greengold tale"

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 01.04.2019 01:43
von Willie (gelöscht)

Sally Yates Op-Ed in Washington Post:
(The writer served as deputy attorney general from January 2015 to January 2017.)
“America’s justice system is built upon one thing — truth. When witnesses give testimony, they are sworn to tell ‘the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.’bThe word ‘verdict’ derives from the Latin term ‘veredictum,’ meaning ‘to say the truth.’ Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III, a public servant with impeccable integrity, was entrusted to find the truth regarding Russian interference in the 2016 election and has spoken through a comprehensive report that details the facts that he uncovered.
Yet a week after Mueller issued his report, we don’t know those facts and have only been provided with Attorney General William P. Barr’s four-page summary of Mueller’s estimated 400-page report. It is time for the American people to hear the whole truth. We need to see the report itself.
First, as the attorney general’s letter to Congress notes, the Mueller report ‘outlines the Russian effort to influence the election and documents crimes committed by persons associated with the Russian government in connection with those efforts.’ Congress has a solemn responsibility to protect our democracy. Without access to the full factual record of what the special counsel uncovered, it cannot fulfill that mandate. As you read this, the Russian government is undoubtedly hard at work to undermine our next election. Each day that passes without Congress having access to the full Mueller report is a day that Congress is prevented from doing its job of keeping our elections free from Russian espionage efforts.
Second, Barr’s letter leaves important questions unanswered concerning what then-candidate Donald Trump and his associates knew about Russian interference, and how they responded to Russian overtures to assist the campaign. While Barr’s letter states that the investigation did not establish that the campaign reached an agreement with the Russian government to take actions to impact the election in Trump’s favor, it reveals that the campaign did field ‘multiple offers from Russian-affiliated individuals to assist the Trump campaign.’ Yet President Trump and others have repeatedly claimed that they had no contact with Russians, or knowledge that Russians were acting to assist his campaign. Moreover, the Trump campaign did not bring the Russian outreach to the attention of law enforcement but secretly allowed a foreign adversary’s assistance. Remarkably, after the release of the Barr letter — which makes it undeniable that the Russians were seeking to help the Trump campaign — the president still denies it. Why? Why was the Trump campaign willing to allow the help of one of the country’s foremost geopolitical adversaries rather than report the overtures to law enforcement? And, as importantly, does the role that the Russians played in his election have any bearing on Trump’s current approach toward Russia? Only by seeing the full Mueller report can Congress and the American people make an informed assessment.
Third, until the Mueller report is released by the attorney general, Congress and the American people will not be able to evaluate the president’s conduct with respect to obstruction of justice. Existing Justice Department policy prevents the criminal prosecution of a sitting president. The department’s institutional view is that a congressional hearing room, not a federal courtroom, is the proper forum for the evaluation of presidential misconduct. According to Barr’s letter, the Mueller report details evidence of potentially obstructive conduct, but it does not reveal what that evidence comprises. Until Congress is provided the full report, it cannot evaluate the seriousness of the evidence. And we, the American people, cannot make our own evaluation.
Barr has indicated that he will provide Congress a redacted version of the report within weeks. There are legitimate reasons to make narrow redactions to the report provided to Congress. For example, testimony before the grand jury, as well as classified information that the intelligence community believes should remain classified, should not be provided in a report that will ultimately be made public. But the attorney general has great discretion in determining how these exceptions are defined and what information is excluded. The Justice Department should expeditiously provide to Congress a redacted version of the report that identifies the basis for each redaction, and those redactions should be drawn as narrowly as possible. The redacted report should clearly identify whether the president is seeking to shield information from disclosure based upon an assertion of executive privilege, and redactions to withhold information that is deemed merely ‘sensitive’ should not be accepted without clear justification.
Barr has correctly noted that this is a matter of significant public interest. Indeed, the investigation was not about some tangential issue. It was about a foreign adversary’s attempt to subvert our election; it cuts to the very core of our democracy. It is absolutely essential that our country move forward with a common set of facts. And regardless of whether those facts comport with one’s political preferences, we should all be willing to accept the facts, whatever they may be. The American people need to know what happened. We can handle the truth.” - Sally Yates

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RE: "The Greengold tale"

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 01.04.2019 10:25
von Maga-neu | 35.179 Beiträge

Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #5697
Zitat von Maga-neu im Beitrag #5696
What a moron looks like:

Yep, Fox News -morons.Totally. And their fans are even worse.

Fox Refers to El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras as ‘Three Mexican Countries’

The plain and simple truth is that she is fucking dumb. (And you can read it in her eyes.) She may have enough intelligence to be a bartender, but not a politician. (This doesn't exclude that there are fox commentators or fans or Republican politicians who are equally dumb.)

zuletzt bearbeitet 01.04.2019 10:26 | nach oben springen

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