
RE: Die Trump Präsidentschaft

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 17.10.2017 15:44
von Willie (gelöscht)

Trump's alternative reality
President Trump "goes there, on just about every topic imaginable," as NBC's Brian Williams put it, during a pair of Q&As, two hours apart yesterday — one in the Cabinet Room and one with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell in the Rose Garden.

Why it matters: It's almost impossible for the media to cover these press conferences — or for Republicans to discern what he wants and how he plans to get it — because Trump spreads fake news while calling real news fake. This isn't new. And, yes, 35% of voters don't seem to care. But that doesn't make it any less dangerous. ...

Dazu der psychoanalyst:

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RE: Die Trump Präsidentschaft

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 17.10.2017 16:09
von Willie (gelöscht)

The Dangerous Case Of Donald Trump


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RE: Die Trump Präsidentschaft

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 17.10.2017 23:22
von Willie (gelöscht)

Exclusive: Putin's 'chef,' the man behind the troll factory
US investigators believe it was Prigozhin's company that financed a Russian "troll factory" that used social media to spread fake news during the 2016 US presidential campaign, according to multiple officials briefed on the investigation. One part of the factory had a particularly intriguing name and mission: a "Department of Provocations" dedicated to sowing fake news and social divisions in the West, according to internal company documents obtained by CNN.

Russian troll factory paid US activists to help fund protests during election
Russian trolls posing as Americans made payments to genuine activists in the US to help fund protest movements on socially divisive issues, according to a new investigation by a respected Russian media outlet.

On Tuesday, the newspaper RBC published a major investigation into the work of a so-called Russian “troll factory” since 2015, including during the period of the US election campaign, disclosures that are likely to put further spotlight on alleged Russian meddling in the election.

Russian journalists publish massive investigation into St. Petersburg troll factory's U.S. operations
In August and September this year, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter suspended 118 communities and accounts run by the St. Petersburg “troll factory,” disabling a network capable of reaching 6 million subscribers. In 2016, at the height of the U.S. presidential campaign, this network reportedly produced content that reached 30 million people each week.

The main activity in the troll factory’s U.S. desk was to incite racial animosity (playing both sides of the issue), and promoting the secession of Texas, objections to illegal immigration, and gun rights.

zuletzt bearbeitet 17.10.2017 23:26 | nach oben springen


RE: Die Trump Präsidentschaft

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 17.10.2017 23:39
von Willie (gelöscht)

Rex Tillerson and the Unraveling of the State Department
With an isolated leader, a demoralized diplomatic corps and a president dismantling international relations one tweet at a time, American foreign policy is adrift in the world.

‘You can’t have a secretary of state going around the world who’s not seen as representing the president’s foreign policy.’


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RE: Die Trump Präsidentschaft

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 18.10.2017 17:12
von Willie (gelöscht)

Genau so.

Why Trump Will Regret Passing Tax Reform
What else is keeping the GOP establishment in line behind him?

Meeting with his Cabinet on Monday, the president of the United States, ever a believer in the axiom “overpromise and underdeliver,” vowed to sign “the largest tax cut in the history of our country.” Just as they told the president that Obamacare repeal was a brilliant, slam-dunk first move for his administration, so too his advisers are telling him that tax reform is another no-brainer. A political masterstroke.

They are wrong about that. At least, when it comes to Trump.

Since Congress appears unable or unwilling to move on almost anything, any tax cut bill—let alone the biggest and best in the history of the world, as the president envisions—will have to overcome serious challenges. But the real problem for Trump is not another legislative failure, but a victory. To paraphrase the immortal words of Admiral Ackbar, the tax cut bill is a trap. If Trump actually does sign it into law, he might as well be signing his political death warrant.

I say this not because tax cuts are a bad idea, or unpopular. Nor because tax relief will be invariably characterized, as it always is by liberals, as a giveaway to the rich. The reason the tax cut bill is a danger to Trump is that it’s the one last thing keeping the bulk of his own party in line behind him. ...

... once Trump signs that bill, he faces his greatest danger: Republicans will finally have an achievement to run on as they seek reelection in 2018. Their donors and supporters will have a prize that eluded them through eight years of Obama, who reversed the Bush-era tax cuts and made them feel like Scrooges who wrecked the global economy. Simply put, they won’t need the president anymore. After that, the investigative team assembled by special counsel Robert Mueller can do its worst. Mueller would actually be doing GOP leaders a favor. ....

Ironically, in an administration filled with ironies, the president’s first chance at enacting a piece of major legislation might also be his last.

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RE: Die Trump Präsidentschaft

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 19.10.2017 19:25
von Maga-neu | 35.185 Beiträge



Ich denke, auch das ist der Hintergrund, auf dem die Wahl Trumps zu sehen ist. Wer das Rassenspiel versucht, riskiert es zu verlieren - wie in diesem Fall.

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RE: Die Trump Präsidentschaft

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 19.10.2017 19:38
von mbockstette | 12.380 Beiträge

Zitat von Maga-neu im Beitrag #2506


Ich denke, auch das ist der Hintergrund, auf dem die Wahl Trumps zu sehen ist. Wer das Rassenspiel versucht, riskiert es zu verlieren - wie in diesem Fall.

Was das "Rassenspiel" bertifft, so hat nur eine Rasse in den USA dasselbe tatsächlich gespielt und die Nachspielzeit ist noch nicht zu ende. Neben dem ordinären weißen Rassismus gibt es noch den institutionellen Rassismus, und wer den Mut besitzt sich das nachfolgende, aktuelle Polizei-Video anzusehen, dem wird sich mehr als nur der Magen umdrehen.


zuletzt bearbeitet 19.10.2017 19:47 | nach oben springen


RE: Die Trump Präsidentschaft

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 19.10.2017 20:29
von Maga-neu | 35.185 Beiträge

Zitat von mbockstette im Beitrag #2507
Zitat von Maga-neu im Beitrag #2506


Ich denke, auch das ist der Hintergrund, auf dem die Wahl Trumps zu sehen ist. Wer das Rassenspiel versucht, riskiert es zu verlieren - wie in diesem Fall.

Was das "Rassenspiel" bertifft, so hat nur eine Rasse in den USA dasselbe tatsächlich gespielt und die Nachspielzeit ist noch nicht zu ende. Neben dem ordinären weißen Rassismus gibt es noch den institutionellen Rassismus, und wer den Mut besitzt sich das nachfolgende, aktuelle Polizei-Video anzusehen, dem wird sich mehr als nur der Magen umdrehen.


The Young Turks. :-))

Am besten gefällt mir dieses Video von den Young Turks, die mit jeder ihrer Prognosen danebenlagen.


Neben dem ordinären weißen Rassismus gibt es auch einen ordinären schwarzen Rassismus, nur dass der in den Medien kaum thematisiert wird. Weil, wie manche glauben, eben nur Weiße Rassisten sein können.

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RE: Die Trump Präsidentschaft

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 19.10.2017 23:20
von Willie (gelöscht)

Brennan: Trump Aides May Need to Talk Him Out of War
Former CIA Director John Brennan, noting that President Donald Trump has escalated tensions with North Korea to a dangerous level, said Thursday that Cabinet members and other senior officials may need to step in as "governors" over the president to prevent war.

Speaking on NBC's "TODAY" show, Brennan said that while Trump was "trying to demonstrate he’s tough" with hostile rhetoric aimed at North Korea, he lacks experience with "international brinkmanship," and that could put top officials — like Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, Chief of Staff John Kelly and Marine Corps Gen. Joseph Dunford, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff — in the position of having to talk the commander in chief out of military conflict.

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RE: Die Trump Präsidentschaft

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 19.10.2017 23:27
von Willie (gelöscht)

Trump’s refusal to take responsibility is a deep moral failure
If Trump won't take responsibility for a grieving widow's loss, what will he take responsibility for?

Trump has been very clear that he lacks that psychology, that kind of reverence and appreciation for the gravity of his actions. He cannot hold in his head at the same time the idea that he was right to have troops in Niger and that some of those troops died, and that he owes it to their families and the nation to understand and grieve that loss. He definitely appears incapable of considering that the mission itself might have been a mistake, that he himself may have screwed up.

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RE: Die Trump Präsidentschaft

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 19.10.2017 23:33
von Willie (gelöscht)

Nikki Haley: Russia committed 'warfare' against US in 2016
"When a country can come interfere in another country's elections, that is warfare," Haley said at the George W. Bush Institute with former secretaries of State Madeleine Albright and Condoleezza Rice. "It really is, because you're making sure that the democracy shifts from what the people want to giving out that misinformation."
Haley added that Russia's cyber capabilities have become its "weapon of choice" against the U.S. and other democracies.

"They are doing this everywhere," she said. "This is their new weapon of choice."

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RE: Die Trump Präsidentschaft

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 19.10.2017 23:41
von Willie (gelöscht)

Trump's Evangelical Fans Preach the Gospel of Greed, Not Grace
The Christians Trump emboldens pray publicly and prey on the people privately.

... the Values Voter Summit, hosted by the anti-abortion, anti-gay Family Research Council, no more represents Jesus than did the church authorities who backed slavery.

Trump invoked the name of Jesus just a day after he announced his executive order to stop the federal government's Cost Sharing Reduction payments, which subsidize health care for lower-income families under the Affordable Care Act. Throughout the Scriptures, virtually every story told by Jesus admonishes us to see to the needs of the poor and vulnerable among us. Instead, Trump told the crowd of cheering evangelicals that he would always defend those who use religion to discriminate.

The Christian nationalists Trump has emboldened do not follow the Jesus I know and preach. Their values stem not from Christ, but from cash; theirs is the gospel of greed, not grace. As the Princeton historian Kevin M. Kruse chronicled in his book "One Nation Under God: How Corporate America Invented Christian America," these preachers are the heirs of the corrupt religious leaders who spoke against Rabbi Abraham Heschel and the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. during the civil rights movement. ...

... Ironically, the agenda these peddlers of piety are pushing in Washington and in statehouses may end up hurting Southern "red" states the most. But at the Values Voters Summit, lead organizer Tony Perkins put on duck-hunting waders and pretended to "wade into the swamp" as a man of the people.

Perkins is not a man of the people anymore than he is a follower of Christ. The Southern Poverty Law Center calls Perkins' Family Research Council "a hate group."

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RE: Die Trump Präsidentschaft

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 19.10.2017 23:43
von Willie (gelöscht)

Donald Trump is a textbook racist

... As a professor who researches and teaches courses on the health effects of race, racism and inequality, I can assure you that the president’s defenders are wrong. Trump is a racist. What he says and does meets the scholarly definition of the term.

Broadly speaking, a racist combines negative prejudicial biases with sufficient power to leverage action against targeted groups. Trump’s words and behaviors demonstrate considerable prejudicial bias, and, as president of the United States — arguably the most powerful office in the contemporary world — he has indeed leveraged action against various groups.

Racism is predicated on belief in the scientifically discredited concept of biological race. Skin color simply has no correlation with significant inherent distinctions among human beings. However, “race” in the past and now has led to notions of a natural hierarchy among various populations. In the United States, it was used to justify stealing labor from black Africans through slavery and stealing land from red Native Americans through forced relocation and genocide. ...

....Trump and his supporters seem to believe that simple protestations to the contrary are sufficient to refute and erase his actions. Despite these claims, some in the Republican Party recognize the truth. Rep. Will Hurd of Texas and Sens. Lindsey Graham, Jeff Flake, John McCain and Mitch McConnell have all specifically spoken out against Trump’s worst behavior.

Perhaps House Speaker Paul D. Ryan said it best when he responded to Trump’s statement about Curiel. “Isn’t that the textbook definition of racism?” Ryan asked.
The answer is simple: Yes, it is.

And by keeping him in office, they all become complicit.


zuletzt bearbeitet 19.10.2017 23:53 | nach oben springen


RE: Die Trump Präsidentschaft

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 20.10.2017 12:32
von mbockstette | 12.380 Beiträge

Zitat von Maga-neu im Beitrag #2508
Zitat von mbockstette im Beitrag #2507
Zitat von Maga-neu im Beitrag #2506


Ich denke, auch das ist der Hintergrund, auf dem die Wahl Trumps zu sehen ist. Wer das Rassenspiel versucht, riskiert es zu verlieren - wie in diesem Fall.

Was das "Rassenspiel" bertifft, so hat nur eine Rasse in den USA dasselbe tatsächlich gespielt und die Nachspielzeit ist noch nicht zu ende. Neben dem ordinären weißen Rassismus gibt es noch den institutionellen Rassismus, und wer den Mut besitzt sich das nachfolgende, aktuelle Polizei-Video anzusehen, dem wird sich mehr als nur der Magen umdrehen.


The Young Turks. :-))

Am besten gefällt mir dieses Video von den Young Turks, die mit jeder ihrer Prognosen danebenlagen.


Neben dem ordinären weißen Rassismus gibt es auch einen ordinären schwarzen Rassismus, nur dass der in den Medien kaum thematisiert wird. Weil, wie manche glauben, eben nur Weiße Rassisten sein können.

Russland soll US-Bürgerrechtler finanziert haben

Laut CNN und ABC haben sich russische Internet-Trolle als Unterstützer afroamerikanischer Bürgerrechtsbewegungen ausgegeben und sogar Demonstrationen initiiert - um die Rassenspannungen zu verstärken.


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RE: Die Trump Präsidentschaft

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 20.10.2017 20:08
von Maga-neu | 35.185 Beiträge

Zitat von mbockstette im Beitrag #2514
Zitat von Maga-neu im Beitrag #2508
Zitat von mbockstette im Beitrag #2507
Zitat von Maga-neu im Beitrag #2506


Ich denke, auch das ist der Hintergrund, auf dem die Wahl Trumps zu sehen ist. Wer das Rassenspiel versucht, riskiert es zu verlieren - wie in diesem Fall.

Was das "Rassenspiel" bertifft, so hat nur eine Rasse in den USA dasselbe tatsächlich gespielt und die Nachspielzeit ist noch nicht zu ende. Neben dem ordinären weißen Rassismus gibt es noch den institutionellen Rassismus, und wer den Mut besitzt sich das nachfolgende, aktuelle Polizei-Video anzusehen, dem wird sich mehr als nur der Magen umdrehen.


The Young Turks. :-))

Am besten gefällt mir dieses Video von den Young Turks, die mit jeder ihrer Prognosen danebenlagen.


Neben dem ordinären weißen Rassismus gibt es auch einen ordinären schwarzen Rassismus, nur dass der in den Medien kaum thematisiert wird. Weil, wie manche glauben, eben nur Weiße Rassisten sein können.

Russland soll US-Bürgerrechtler finanziert haben

Laut CNN und ABC haben sich russische Internet-Trolle als Unterstützer afroamerikanischer Bürgerrechtsbewegungen ausgegeben und sogar Demonstrationen initiiert - um die Rassenspannungen zu verstärken.


Mal wieder die Russen. :-)

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käuflich ...

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 24.10.2017 13:27
von Indo_HS | 2.703 Beiträge

<<Sanktionen gegen Iran: Tillerson droht Europa und unterstützt Saudi-Arabien>>
23.10.2017 • 16:17 Uhr
Saudi-Arabien und die USA treiben die Neuordnung des Nahen Ostens voran, nachdem die Kriege im Irak und in Syrien sich dem Ende nähern. Wie immer sollen nun die Europäer zahlen, um amerikanische Interessen in der Region durchzusetzen.

"Der amerikanische Außenminister Rex Tillerson warnte Europäer am Sonntag davor, weiter Geschäfte mit Unternehmen aus der Republik Iran zu machen. Die Trump-Regierung arbeitet daran, das internationale Atomabkommen mit dem Iran aufzukündigen. Bereits in der vergangenen Woche kündete Präsident Donald Trump erneut Sanktionen gegen den Iran an.

Am Wochenende besuchte Tillerson den engsten US-Verbündeten im Nahen Osten, das Königreich Saudi-Arabien. ..."


Nur ein weiterer Beweis dafür, dass die NO/MO-Politik der USA seit Trump käuflich geworden ist ...

zuletzt bearbeitet 24.10.2017 13:27 | nach oben springen


RE: käuflich ...

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 24.10.2017 13:29
von Indo_HS | 2.703 Beiträge

<<Röttgen kritisiert Tillersons Warnung vor Geschäften mit dem Iran>>
23. Oktober 2017 15:16

"Der CDU-Außenpolitiker Norbert Röttgen hat die an europäische Unternehmen gerichtete Warnung des US-Außenministers Rex Tillerson vor Geschäften mit dem Iran zurückgewiesen. “Die USA wollen mit wirtschaftlichem Druck erzwingen, dass die Europäer ihrem Ansatz zur Isolierung des Iran folgen – das widerspricht einer guten westlichen Kooperation für den Mittleren Osten”, sagte Röttgen dem “Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland” (Dienstag). Der Vorsitzende des Auswärtigen Ausschusses im Bundestag äußerte sich besorgt über mögliche Folgen: “Es besteht die Gefahr, dass europäische Unternehmen mittelbar von den Iran-Sanktionen betroffen sein werden.” ..."

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RE: Die Trump Präsidentschaft

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 24.10.2017 16:29
von Willie (gelöscht)

Russian Propaganda Traced Back to Staten Island, New York
Moscow may have paid for the memes, but a man in a quiet Staten Island neighborhood hosted them. It’s further evidence of how deep into America the Russian campaign extended.

Russia’s propaganda campaign targeting Americans was hosted, at least in part, on American soil.
A company owned by a man on Staten Island, New York, provided internet infrastructure services to DoNotShoot.Us, a Kremlin propaganda site that pretended to be a voice for victims of police shootings, a Daily Beast investigation has found.
Every website needs to be “hosted”—given an Internet Protocol address and space on a physical computer—in order to be publicly viewed. DoNotShoot.Us is a website run out of the Kremlin-backed “Russian troll farm,” according to two sources familiar with the website, both of whom independently identified it to The Daily Beast as a Russian propaganda account. It was hosted on a server with the IP address

That IP address was owned by Greenfloid LLC, a company registered to New Yorker Sergey Kashyrin and two others. Other Russian propaganda sites, like BlackMattersUs.com, were also hosted on servers with IP addresses owned by Greenfloid. The company’s ties to Russian propaganda sites were first reported by ThinkProgress.
The web services company owns under 250 IP addresses, some of which resolve to Russian propaganda sites and other fake news operations. Others are sites that could not be hosted at other providers, like “xxxrape.net.” There’s also a Russian trinket site called “soviet-power.com.” (The IP address that pointed to DoNotShoot.Us now resolves to a botnet and phishing operation, and is currently owned by Total Server Solutions LLC.)
The use of a tiny, no-questions-asked hosting company run by a man living in New York shows the Kremlin-backed troll farm’s brazen use of Americans and American companies to conduct its disinformation campaign.

Over the past two months, Russia’s efforts to integrate Americans and U.S. communities into its vast propaganda campaigns has become clearer, as social media companies began shuttering accounts originating from Russia’s Internet Research Agency, or troll farm.

In September, The Daily Beast discovered that one of the troll accounts, “Being Patriotic,” organized 17 in-person rallies for Donald Trump on one day in Florida alone. Last week, BuzzFeed reported that unwitting Americans were used to amplify Russian social media accounts pretending to be a Black Lives Matter offshoot.
Now, it appears Russia’s influence campaign attempted to host that campaign within the United States.

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RE: Die Trump Präsidentschaft

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 24.10.2017 17:22
von Nante | 10.432 Beiträge

Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #2518
Russian Propaganda Traced Back to Staten Island, New York
Moscow may have paid for the memes, but a man in a quiet Staten Island neighborhood hosted them. It’s further evidence of how deep into America the Russian campaign extended.

Ist erscheckend, diese Einflußnahme auf die US-Wahlen. Na ja, nächstes Jahr kann man sich revanchieren.

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RE: Die Trump Präsidentschaft

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 24.10.2017 17:24
von Willie (gelöscht)

Corker unloads: Trump is 'debasing' the nation

“I don't know why he lowers himself to such a low, low standard and debases our country in the way he does but he does… but it's unfortunate our nation finds itself in this place,” Corker added.

“I expressed concerns a few weeks ago about his leadership and just his stability and the lack of desire to be competent on issues and understand and, you know, nothing has changed,” Corker said.


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RE: Die Trump Präsidentschaft

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 24.10.2017 17:35
von Willie (gelöscht)

Zitat von Nante im Beitrag #2519
Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #2518
Russian Propaganda Traced Back to Staten Island, New York
Moscow may have paid for the memes, but a man in a quiet Staten Island neighborhood hosted them. It’s further evidence of how deep into America the Russian campaign extended.

Ist erscheckend, diese Einflußnahme auf die US-Wahlen. Na ja, nächstes Jahr kann man sich revanchieren.

Der volle Einfluss ist ja noch nicht einmal bekannt, man ist ja gerade erst einmal dabei mit dem ausgraben zu beginnen. Noch weniger weiss man um die Auswirkungen dessen.

Aber soviel wird bereits ueberdeutlich klar: Durch das relative Novum der vielen neuen Kommunikationsplatformen im Internet -ja das Internet selbst- hat sich die Propaganda dorthin verschoben und hat aufgrund der dort moeglichen Verschleierungen gewaltige Moeglichkeiten und Effektivitaet. Vom Umfange des Potentials bekommt man gerade erst einmal einen Vorgeschmack.

Dies in Verbindung mit einer generell fortschreitenden gesellschaftlichen Verdummung, besonders in der "freien Welt", macht die Manipulationen aeusserst effektiv. Es laesst wenig Gutes fuer die Zukunft erkennen.

Der Propaganda, der Leuteverarschung, der Manipulation laesst sich nur mit Bildung in kritischem Denken begegnen. Genau das was heute zunehmend unpopulaerer wird. Weil nicht ganz einfach -und vor allen Dingen schmerzhaft. Die Gutfuehlgesellschaft will keinen Schmerz. Um keinen Preis. Dann lieber dumm bleiben.

Zur Revanche:
Das ist nicht so einfach, wenn auf der anderen Seite der Informationsfluss gesteuert wird. Nicht ohne Grund wird in Diktaturen dieser kontrolliert.

zuletzt bearbeitet 24.10.2017 18:20 | nach oben springen


RE: Die Trump Präsidentschaft

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 24.10.2017 17:39
von Willie (gelöscht)

Yates: Trump has a 'complete indifference to truth'
Former acting Attorney General Sally Yates on Monday ripped President Trump on Twitter, saying that he has an “indifference to the truth."

Yates, an Obama appointee who was suddenly fired from her post in January after refusing to defend Trump’s travel ban, tweeted Tuesday morning that “normalizing” the president’s false statements would be “dangerous.”

“We can’t let POTUS’s complete indifference to truth become ours,” she tweeted. “Constant barrage may be exhausting, but normalizing it is too dangerous.”


Wenn so etwas nur mit Schulterzucken hingenommen wird, dann wird schon klar wie weit wir sind....down the river.

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RE: Die Trump Präsidentschaft

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 24.10.2017 17:48
von Willie (gelöscht)

Hier eine Beschreibung von einem Bekannten zu Trump und seinem malignanten Narzissmus, das es ziemlich genau auf den Punkt bringt. Meiner Meinung nach.
Leider habe ich es nur in English und ich konnte es auch nicht verlinken. Falls es aber emand fuer sich fuer von Interesse erachtet, wuerde ich mich an eine Uebersetzung dessen geben.

"I have a kind of morbid curiosity about sociopathy. Having thrice had relationships with a sociopath (one a boss, one a “friend” and one a lover), I’ve read dozens of papers on how they tick. It’s estimated that 1 in 40 Americans is a sociopath, either diagnosed or otherwise. That’s a LOT. Around 8 Million people. Which means you too probably have had one or more encounters with one. And I suspect you came away from it angry or hurt.

You all know their shtick. Narcissistic as hell, ZERO concern for anybody else’s feelings, Olympic-level ability to lie, they’re usually emotionally unstable, and the biggie: incredibly manipulative. That last one should be the first warning sign. Lots of folks pressure others to get what they want, but the sociopath has elevated using others to a science.

Of the umpteen articles I’ve read on the topic, they’re virtually unanimous in their conclusions. Namely, that you can’t change the sociopath any more than you can change the day of the week. They are who they are. Reason WILL NOT WORK. The best advice for those who discover a sociopath in their lives? Distance. Either get them out of your life ASAP, or if a family member, keep your contact with them to the bare essentials. Because if there’s one universal truth about the sociopath, it’s this: If you don’t protect yourself, sooner or later, they’ll ruin your life. And yes, this means Trump too.

I can’t prove this of course, but I’m 99% certain this is correct:

When Sean Spicer walked out to greet the media that day last January and announced “This was the biggest Inauguration Day crowd in history,” I believe the Ochre Ogre instructed him to say those exact words. When Stephen Miller looked into the camera with those beady fascistic eyes and said “this president’s word will not be questioned,” here too, I believe there was a turmeric-hued ghoul behind the curtain controlling the levers. Likewise, when Sarah Huckabee Sanders utters the idiotic hyperbole she spews at the lectern, I believe the author of that idiocy is Trump. Same with Kellyann Conway, Tony Scaramucci, Devin Nunes, Paul Ryan etc. And the non-disclosed deal goes something like “If you want to work for me, you’ll do as I say. If you disobey, you’re fired, and I’ll make sure your reputation suffers well after you’re gone.”

This isn’t confined to sociopathy. In the big wheeling-dealing business world Trump exuded from, the boss is supposed to call the shots. The difference here, is that he doesn’t allow them to do their own thinking. He doesn’t trust them to get the job done THEIR way. It’s always his way or the highway.

Since January, there’ve been two incidents that challenged this pattern (keep in mind, this is just me speculating based on observation). The first, was FBI Director Comey. Trump tried to pressure him into dropping the Russia investigation, but Comey wouldn’t play ball. When that failed, he tried manipulating him to go on record saying Trump wasn’t a subject of the investigation. Whatever it took for him to achieve his ends. And as usual, the consequences of disobedience is “You’re fired.” Which, to Comey’s credit, he accepted over acquiescing to Trump’s blackmail.

And the second was what we saw this past week with Chief of Staff John Kelly. Here’s a guy with a stellar record of four decades in the Marines. Everyone, military brass and politicians alike, have had nothing but glowing praise for Kelly’s character. His integrity—up until now—was unsurpassed. So what the hell happened?

We’ll probably never know the nitty-gritty, but this much is certain. The lies he told regarding the La David Johnson incident were uncharacteristic of his reputation. Which by the way, is now in a shambles. As I said, I don’t know this for a fact, but I *suspect* the false story of Congresswoman Wilson’s alleged bad behavior at the dedication of a Florida FBI building didn’t come from him. Oh, I have no doubt that he was there, but I suspect the story was “fine tuned” by Trump himself, who then sent Kelly out before the press with instructions to tell it his way... and the story has now blown up in their faces.

For whatever the details behind the scenes, John Kelly told a bald-faced lie. This Four Star General, a leader amongst leaders, went before the broadcast networks and cable channels and told a ham-handedly manufactured account of an otherwise gracious speech given by an honorable Congresswoman two years ago.

Which wasn’t Kelly’s style. But it WAS Trump’s.

And the MANNER in which Kelly told his version; the degrading, belittling, condescending manner in which he told it, twice referring to her as an “empty barrel” smacked of one Donald J. Trump. And now, Kelly’s reputation is gone forever. He got in the cage with the cobra, thinking he’d be the one who could charm it — only to learn that you can’t charm a cobra. And now that Kelly’s been bitten, the cobra will go in search of another sucker to do its dirty work, oblivious to the blood it’s drawn.

But as someone said very recently, you knew what you were signing up for. Welcome to your new reality, General.

Keep in mind what virtually every psychologist and psychiatrist recommends about engaging the sociopath. *Don’t.* The ONLY thing you can do to protect yourself from a sociopath, is to get them totally out of your life. Have NO contact, for they’ll surely bring you down.

Yet 63 Million Americans handed one the keys to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, along with the launch codes.

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RE: Die Trump Präsidentschaft

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 24.10.2017 21:03
von Maga-neu | 35.185 Beiträge

Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #2521
Zitat von Nante im Beitrag #2519
Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #2518
Russian Propaganda Traced Back to Staten Island, New York
Moscow may have paid for the memes, but a man in a quiet Staten Island neighborhood hosted them. It’s further evidence of how deep into America the Russian campaign extended.

Ist erscheckend, diese Einflußnahme auf die US-Wahlen. Na ja, nächstes Jahr kann man sich revanchieren.

Der volle Einfluss ist ja noch nicht einmal bekannt, man ist ja gerade erst einmal dabei mit dem ausgraben zu beginnen. Noch weniger weiss man um die Auswirkungen dessen.

Aber soviel wird bereits ueberdeutlich klar: Durch das relative Novum der vielen neuen Kommunikationsplatformen im Internet -ja das Internet selbst- hat sich die Propaganda dorthin verschoben und hat aufgrund der dort moeglichen Verschleierungen gewaltige Moeglichkeiten und Effektivitaet. Vom Umfange des Potentials bekommt man gerade erst einmal einen Vorgeschmack.

Dies in Verbindung mit einer generell fortschreitenden gesellschaftlichen Verdummung, besonders in der "freien Welt", macht die Manipulationen aeusserst effektiv. Es laesst wenig Gutes fuer die Zukunft erkennen.

Der Propaganda, der Leuteverarschung, der Manipulation laesst sich nur mit Bildung in kritischem Denken begegnen. Genau das was heute zunehmend unpopulaerer wird. Weil nicht ganz einfach -und vor allen Dingen schmerzhaft. Die Gutfuehlgesellschaft will keinen Schmerz. Um keinen Preis. Dann lieber dumm bleiben.

Zur Revanche:
Das ist nicht so einfach, wenn auf der anderen Seite der Informationsfluss gesteuert wird. Nicht ohne Grund wird in Diktaturen dieser kontrolliert.

Mag sein, dass es russische Einflussnahme gab. Als Erklärung für die Niederlage reicht sie nicht. Die Erklärung ist in der Demokratischen Partei zu finden, die sich geändert hat. Ich zitiere aus einem Vorwort von Dean Wilentz von der Princeton University: "Three years later, dissension over the [Vietnam] war and civil rights within the Democratic Party broke the New Deal coalition; and over the next forty years, the party more often than not was in the political wilderness, a congeries of contending interest groups lacking a common purpose. Some of the party's left wing [e.g. Pocahontas] came to accept the view that America was in the clutches of a remorseless, all-powerful, white male corporate elite - a globalist conspiracy that included center-left democrats such as Bill Clinton. Here was a stlye of left-wing paranoia that closely resembled the right-wing propaganda Hofstadter described earlier."

Man kann natürlich, der Paranoia folgend, russische Hacker und letztlich Putin für den Sieg Trumps verantwortlich machen. Oder man kann sich fragen, was man selbst falsch gemacht hat. Was es vielleicht auch die Tatsache, die Bloomberg nennt [s. Posting unten] dass Trump ein Narrativ hatte "Make America great again", während die Demokraten keines hatten?

zuletzt bearbeitet 24.10.2017 21:10 | nach oben springen


RE: Die Trump Präsidentschaft

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 24.10.2017 21:09
von Maga-neu | 35.185 Beiträge

Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #2523
Hier eine Beschreibung von einem Bekannten zu Trump und seinem malignanten Narzissmus, das es ziemlich genau auf den Punkt bringt. Meiner Meinung nach.
Leider habe ich es nur in English und ich konnte es auch nicht verlinken. Falls es aber emand fuer sich fuer von Interesse erachtet, wuerde ich mich an eine Uebersetzung dessen geben.

"I have a kind of morbid curiosity about sociopathy. Having thrice had relationships with a sociopath (one a boss, one a “friend” and one a lover), I’ve read dozens of papers on how they tick. It’s estimated that 1 in 40 Americans is a sociopath, either diagnosed or otherwise. That’s a LOT. Around 8 Million people. Which means you too probably have had one or more encounters with one. And I suspect you came away from it angry or hurt.

You all know their shtick. Narcissistic as hell, ZERO concern for anybody else’s feelings, Olympic-level ability to lie, they’re usually emotionally unstable, and the biggie: incredibly manipulative. That last one should be the first warning sign. Lots of folks pressure others to get what they want, but the sociopath has elevated using others to a science.

Of the umpteen articles I’ve read on the topic, they’re virtually unanimous in their conclusions. Namely, that you can’t change the sociopath any more than you can change the day of the week. They are who they are. Reason WILL NOT WORK. The best advice for those who discover a sociopath in their lives? Distance. Either get them out of your life ASAP, or if a family member, keep your contact with them to the bare essentials. Because if there’s one universal truth about the sociopath, it’s this: If you don’t protect yourself, sooner or later, they’ll ruin your life. And yes, this means Trump too.

I can’t prove this of course, but I’m 99% certain this is correct:

When Sean Spicer walked out to greet the media that day last January and announced “This was the biggest Inauguration Day crowd in history,” I believe the Ochre Ogre instructed him to say those exact words. When Stephen Miller looked into the camera with those beady fascistic eyes and said “this president’s word will not be questioned,” here too, I believe there was a turmeric-hued ghoul behind the curtain controlling the levers. Likewise, when Sarah Huckabee Sanders utters the idiotic hyperbole she spews at the lectern, I believe the author of that idiocy is Trump. Same with Kellyann Conway, Tony Scaramucci, Devin Nunes, Paul Ryan etc. And the non-disclosed deal goes something like “If you want to work for me, you’ll do as I say. If you disobey, you’re fired, and I’ll make sure your reputation suffers well after you’re gone.”

This isn’t confined to sociopathy. In the big wheeling-dealing business world Trump exuded from, the boss is supposed to call the shots. The difference here, is that he doesn’t allow them to do their own thinking. He doesn’t trust them to get the job done THEIR way. It’s always his way or the highway.

Since January, there’ve been two incidents that challenged this pattern (keep in mind, this is just me speculating based on observation). The first, was FBI Director Comey. Trump tried to pressure him into dropping the Russia investigation, but Comey wouldn’t play ball. When that failed, he tried manipulating him to go on record saying Trump wasn’t a subject of the investigation. Whatever it took for him to achieve his ends. And as usual, the consequences of disobedience is “You’re fired.” Which, to Comey’s credit, he accepted over acquiescing to Trump’s blackmail.

And the second was what we saw this past week with Chief of Staff John Kelly. Here’s a guy with a stellar record of four decades in the Marines. Everyone, military brass and politicians alike, have had nothing but glowing praise for Kelly’s character. His integrity—up until now—was unsurpassed. So what the hell happened?

We’ll probably never know the nitty-gritty, but this much is certain. The lies he told regarding the La David Johnson incident were uncharacteristic of his reputation. Which by the way, is now in a shambles. As I said, I don’t know this for a fact, but I *suspect* the false story of Congresswoman Wilson’s alleged bad behavior at the dedication of a Florida FBI building didn’t come from him. Oh, I have no doubt that he was there, but I suspect the story was “fine tuned” by Trump himself, who then sent Kelly out before the press with instructions to tell it his way... and the story has now blown up in their faces.

For whatever the details behind the scenes, John Kelly told a bald-faced lie. This Four Star General, a leader amongst leaders, went before the broadcast networks and cable channels and told a ham-handedly manufactured account of an otherwise gracious speech given by an honorable Congresswoman two years ago.

Which wasn’t Kelly’s style. But it WAS Trump’s.

And the MANNER in which Kelly told his version; the degrading, belittling, condescending manner in which he told it, twice referring to her as an “empty barrel” smacked of one Donald J. Trump. And now, Kelly’s reputation is gone forever. He got in the cage with the cobra, thinking he’d be the one who could charm it — only to learn that you can’t charm a cobra. And now that Kelly’s been bitten, the cobra will go in search of another sucker to do its dirty work, oblivious to the blood it’s drawn.

But as someone said very recently, you knew what you were signing up for. Welcome to your new reality, General.

Keep in mind what virtually every psychologist and psychiatrist recommends about engaging the sociopath. *Don’t.* The ONLY thing you can do to protect yourself from a sociopath, is to get them totally out of your life. Have NO contact, for they’ll surely bring you down.

Yet 63 Million Americans handed one the keys to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, along with the launch codes.


Interessant ist, dass Bloomberg eine Wiederwahl Trumps 2020 für möglich hält. Interessant auch, dass er Donald Trump als "very nice guy" bezeichnet. Ich denke auch, dass Trump im persönlichen Umgang gar nicht so schlimm ist. In Hollywood, in den Medien, in der Politik gibt es wahrscheinlich viele, die sehr viel schlimmer sind, ich denke auch, dass Weinstein nur die Spitze eines Eisbergs an netten, möglicherweise liberalen und progressiven Männern ist, deren Abgründe abscheulich sind, während beim Präsidenten wohl viel Show und Theater dabei sind. Dennoch bin ich der Ansicht Bloombergs, dass Trump nicht der Richtige ist. Das macht ihn aber weder zum Leibhaftigen noch zum Nazi oder zum Faschisten.

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