
RE: Die Trump Präsidentschaft

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 04.09.2017 17:05
von Willie (gelöscht)

How an obstruction of justice case may be shaping up against Trump
Documents that emerged this week offer insight into Robert Mueller’s investigation of the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia, legal experts say

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RE: Die Trump Präsidentschaft

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 04.09.2017 19:50
von Willie (gelöscht)

All This 'True Conservative' Talk About 'Principles' Is Just Another Lie

.....Yeah, so after nearly two years of tiresome finger-wagging about “the Rule of Law” and how we need to put our “principles” above our desire for “winning,” the whole sordid scam we always knew it always was is revealed for the world to see. They can’t hide it anymore and they aren’t even trying. Their glorious “conservative principles” aren’t principles at all but a skeevy ploy designed to tie our hands and keep us from pursuing policy goals our establishment coalition partners disfavor. They want open borders. They want illegals. They want cheap foreign labor that doesn’t get uppity to man their donors’ corporations so the Captains of Crony Capitalism don’t have to fuss with American workers who won’t tolerate being treated like chattel. Yeah, “we’re better than that” all right – if you mean that we are better than enforcing the laws the American people passed through a constitutional process if the ruling class decides it doesn’t like them.

“The Rule of Law” is for us, not for them. “The Rule of Law” was supposed to be a shield to protect us from the ravages of the powerful, but our Truer-Than-You Cons use it as a sword to cut our legs out from under us and keep us from defending our own interests....

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RE: Die Trump Präsidentschaft

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 04.09.2017 23:55
von Willie (gelöscht)

When ICE Came for the Chaldeans
Michigan’s Chaldean Christians escaped persecution in Iraq and helped Donald Trump win the presidency. Now, they’re at risk of deportation.

The Chaldeans of Michigan have a conservative history, consistently supporting the Republican Party with votes and donations, and they voted heavily for Donald Trump in the 2016 election, helping him win Michigan by fewer than 11,000 votes. Trump and Vice President Mike Pence inspired many Chaldeans to show up at voting booths with unprecedented enthusiasm by promising to protect persecuted Christians in the Middle East. A Chaldean priest publicly blessed Trump while he was on the campaign trail, and conservative Christians praised Trump’s commitment to Christian minorities on Facebook. Few in the community expected that Trump’s immigration crackdown—touted in part as a means to protect the country from radical Islamists—would come to target them.

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RE: Die Trump Präsidentschaft

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 05.09.2017 03:25
von Willie (gelöscht)

Trump’s punt to Congress on DACA threatens new GOP rift
A growing number of Republican lawmakers are softening toward Dreamers, but others say Trump can’t end the program fast enough.

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RE: Die Trump Präsidentschaft

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 05.09.2017 14:28
von Willie (gelöscht)

Der Feigling.

Donald Trump Is Making Someone Else Face The Cameras To Announce DACA’s Fate
Attorney General Jeff Sessions, a vocal opponent of the Obama-era program, will do the job instead on Tuesday. And he won’t be taking questions.

President Donald Trump, an obsessive television viewer and master of the medium, is not scheduled to face the cameras. In fact, the only public event on the president’s schedule on Tuesday is a photo op before a meeting with GOP congressional leaders on tax reform.
Don’t expect too many of those questions answered by your public officials on Tuesday, however. Sessions will “not be taking questions” after his briefing with reporters, per a DOJ advisory sent Monday.

The president, meanwhile, seems like he’d prefer that the whole debate just go away. According to the New York Times, an “exasperated” Trump asked his aides for “a way out” of a situation he boxed himself into by promising to repeal the program immediately upon taking office, while also insisting he would show “great heart” in dealing with Dreamers.

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RE: Die Trump Präsidentschaft

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 05.09.2017 15:24
von Willie (gelöscht)

Why Does Trump Always Shoot The Hostages?
The president prepares to throw DREAMers' lives into chaos, his political goals unknown.

President Trump, cornered, weakened, and apparently unable to get his hands on the usual levers of presidential powers, has adopted pretty much the worst possible strategy for someone trying to wield the power of the most powerful job in the world: He’s shooting the hostages.

Trump can’t seem to get the hard stuff associated with the presidency done. He hasn’t been able to mount a legislative agenda or give federal employees (besides ICE agents and the occasional EPA regulator) the foggiest idea of what he wants them to do. Congress is beyond his control and doesn’t fear him: It slapped him in the face on Russia, and when his allies “burned the ships” to pass a health care bill, his confused conquistadors didn’t make it out.

His remaining political leverage has come largely from the policies left to him as hostages by President Barack Obama: the Paris climate accord, the Iran nuclear deal, the Trans-Pacific Partnership, and, most of all, DACA and the nearly 800,000 sympathetic young Americans it allows to live normal, and sometimes extraordinary, lives.

Trump's decision to simply kill those Obama-era acts, rather than to even attempt to use them as political leverage, helps explain the surprising weakness of his presidency. It's far from the only way he's frittered away his power. But if you are playing a weak political hand, hostages can be a source of enormous power....

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RE: Die Trump Präsidentschaft

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 06.09.2017 14:36
von nahal | 24.499 Beiträge

Und weiter halten uns die Medien, sowohl hier als auch in den USA für blöd-
Was ist DACA?

Obama hat ein Dekret erlassen, dass illegale Einwanderer, die während der Kindheit illegal eingewandert sind, im Lande verbleiben sollen.
Ehrenwert, nachvollziehbar.
Das Problem ist, dass dies eines Gesetzes bendar, ein Dekret des Präsidenten sich über das geltende Recht hinwegzusetzen ist nicht zulässig.
Und der Präsident macht keine Gesetze, sondern das Parlament.
So auch die Entscheidung der US-Gerichte:

"The Supreme Court announced a 4-4 decision in a case
challenging President Obama’s plan to shield as many as
five million unauthorized immigrants from deportation and
to allow them to work in the United States. The decision
leaves in place an appeals court ruling blocking the president’s
ambitious plan
, dealing a sharp blow to a program that
Mr. Obama had hoped would be one of his central legacies."


Die US-Regierung hat konsequent entschieden:
Der Kongress hat 6 Monate Zeit, ein Gesetz zu verabschieden, das die Lage dieser Einwanderer regelt.
Trump hat erklärt, sollte der Kongress innerhalb dieser Zeit kein Gesetz verabschieden, wird er sich erneut mit dem Thema befassen

"Congress now has 6 months to legalize DACA (something the Obama Administration was unable to do). If they can't, I will revisit this issue!"

zuletzt bearbeitet 06.09.2017 14:37 | nach oben springen


RE: Die Trump Präsidentschaft

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 06.09.2017 15:03
von Willie (gelöscht)

Zitat von nahal im Beitrag #2182
Und weiter halten uns die Medien, sowohl hier als auch in den USA für blöd-
Was ist DACA?

Obama hat ein Dekret erlassen, dass illegale Einwanderer, die während der Kindheit illegal eingewandert sind, im Lande verbleiben sollen.
Ehrenwert, nachvollziehbar.
Das Problem ist, dass dies eines Gesetzes bendar, ein Dekret des Präsidenten sich über das geltende Recht hinwegzusetzen ist nicht zulässig.
Und der Präsident macht keine Gesetze, sondern das Parlament.
So auch die Entscheidung der US-Gerichte:

"The Supreme Court announced a 4-4 decision in a case
challenging President Obama’s plan to shield as many as
five million unauthorized immigrants from deportation and
to allow them to work in the United States. The decision
leaves in place an appeals court ruling blocking the president’s
ambitious plan
, dealing a sharp blow to a program that
Mr. Obama had hoped would be one of his central legacies."


Die US-Regierung hat konsequent entschieden:
Der Kongress hat 6 Monate Zeit, ein Gesetz zu verabschieden, das die Lage dieser Einwanderer regelt.
Trump hat erklärt, sollte der Kongress innerhalb dieser Zeit kein Gesetz verabschieden, wird er sich erneut mit dem Thema befassen

"Congress now has 6 months to legalize DACA (something the Obama Administration was unable to do). If they can't, I will revisit this issue!"

Wie immer, keine Ahnung.
Tip: DAPA ist nicht DACA.

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RE: Die Trump Präsidentschaft

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 06.09.2017 15:05
von nahal | 24.499 Beiträge

Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #2183
Zitat von nahal im Beitrag #2182
Und weiter halten uns die Medien, sowohl hier als auch in den USA für blöd-
Was ist DACA?

Obama hat ein Dekret erlassen, dass illegale Einwanderer, die während der Kindheit illegal eingewandert sind, im Lande verbleiben sollen.
Ehrenwert, nachvollziehbar.
Das Problem ist, dass dies eines Gesetzes bendar, ein Dekret des Präsidenten sich über das geltende Recht hinwegzusetzen ist nicht zulässig.
Und der Präsident macht keine Gesetze, sondern das Parlament.
So auch die Entscheidung der US-Gerichte:

"The Supreme Court announced a 4-4 decision in a case
challenging President Obama’s plan to shield as many as
five million unauthorized immigrants from deportation and
to allow them to work in the United States. The decision
leaves in place an appeals court ruling blocking the president’s
ambitious plan
, dealing a sharp blow to a program that
Mr. Obama had hoped would be one of his central legacies."


Die US-Regierung hat konsequent entschieden:
Der Kongress hat 6 Monate Zeit, ein Gesetz zu verabschieden, das die Lage dieser Einwanderer regelt.
Trump hat erklärt, sollte der Kongress innerhalb dieser Zeit kein Gesetz verabschieden, wird er sich erneut mit dem Thema befassen

"Congress now has 6 months to legalize DACA (something the Obama Administration was unable to do). If they can't, I will revisit this issue!"

Wie immer, keine Ahnung.
Tip: DAPA ist nicht DACA.

"DAPA came into existence when, back in 2014, Obama issued an executive order instructing government officials to defer the enforcement of our nation’s deportation law for an entire category of people - the parents of children born in the United States, and also of children who were brought to the country illegally. For clarification, “deferred enforcement of the law” is Washington-speak for ignoring the law.
DAPA, however, never went into effect because 26 states sued, and the U.S. Supreme Court last year upheld a temporary injunction, which effectively pressed the pause button on DAPA.

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RE: Die Trump Präsidentschaft

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 06.09.2017 15:08
von Willie (gelöscht)

Zitat von nahal im Beitrag #2184
Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #2183
Zitat von nahal im Beitrag #2182
Und weiter halten uns die Medien, sowohl hier als auch in den USA für blöd-
Was ist DACA?

Obama hat ein Dekret erlassen, dass illegale Einwanderer, die während der Kindheit illegal eingewandert sind, im Lande verbleiben sollen.
Ehrenwert, nachvollziehbar.
Das Problem ist, dass dies eines Gesetzes bendar, ein Dekret des Präsidenten sich über das geltende Recht hinwegzusetzen ist nicht zulässig.
Und der Präsident macht keine Gesetze, sondern das Parlament.
So auch die Entscheidung der US-Gerichte:

"The Supreme Court announced a 4-4 decision in a case
challenging President Obama’s plan to shield as many as
five million unauthorized immigrants from deportation and
to allow them to work in the United States. The decision
leaves in place an appeals court ruling blocking the president’s
ambitious plan
, dealing a sharp blow to a program that
Mr. Obama had hoped would be one of his central legacies."


Die US-Regierung hat konsequent entschieden:
Der Kongress hat 6 Monate Zeit, ein Gesetz zu verabschieden, das die Lage dieser Einwanderer regelt.
Trump hat erklärt, sollte der Kongress innerhalb dieser Zeit kein Gesetz verabschieden, wird er sich erneut mit dem Thema befassen

"Congress now has 6 months to legalize DACA (something the Obama Administration was unable to do). If they can't, I will revisit this issue!"

Wie immer, keine Ahnung.
Tip: DAPA ist nicht DACA.

"DAPA came into existence when, back in 2014, Obama issued an executive order instructing government officials to defer the enforcement of our nation’s deportation law for an entire category of people - the parents of children born in the United States, and also of children who were brought to the country illegally. For clarification, “deferred enforcement of the law” is Washington-speak for ignoring the law.
DAPA, however, never went into effect because 26 states sued, and the U.S. Supreme Court last year upheld a temporary injunction, which effectively pressed the pause button on DAPA.

Eben. Der oben angefuehrte Artikel bezog sich auf DAPA. Er ist vom 22.Juni, 2016. Und hier geht es um DACA. Etwas ganz anderes.
Tip: P ist nicht gleich C.

zuletzt bearbeitet 06.09.2017 15:10 | nach oben springen


RE: Die Trump Präsidentschaft

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 06.09.2017 15:21
von nahal | 24.499 Beiträge

Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #2185
Zitat von nahal im Beitrag #2184
Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #2183
Zitat von nahal im Beitrag #2182
Und weiter halten uns die Medien, sowohl hier als auch in den USA für blöd-
Was ist DACA?

Obama hat ein Dekret erlassen, dass illegale Einwanderer, die während der Kindheit illegal eingewandert sind, im Lande verbleiben sollen.
Ehrenwert, nachvollziehbar.
Das Problem ist, dass dies eines Gesetzes bendar, ein Dekret des Präsidenten sich über das geltende Recht hinwegzusetzen ist nicht zulässig.
Und der Präsident macht keine Gesetze, sondern das Parlament.
So auch die Entscheidung der US-Gerichte:

"The Supreme Court announced a 4-4 decision in a case
challenging President Obama’s plan to shield as many as
five million unauthorized immigrants from deportation and
to allow them to work in the United States. The decision
leaves in place an appeals court ruling blocking the president’s
ambitious plan
, dealing a sharp blow to a program that
Mr. Obama had hoped would be one of his central legacies."


Die US-Regierung hat konsequent entschieden:
Der Kongress hat 6 Monate Zeit, ein Gesetz zu verabschieden, das die Lage dieser Einwanderer regelt.
Trump hat erklärt, sollte der Kongress innerhalb dieser Zeit kein Gesetz verabschieden, wird er sich erneut mit dem Thema befassen

"Congress now has 6 months to legalize DACA (something the Obama Administration was unable to do). If they can't, I will revisit this issue!"

Wie immer, keine Ahnung.
Tip: DAPA ist nicht DACA.

"DAPA came into existence when, back in 2014, Obama issued an executive order instructing government officials to defer the enforcement of our nation’s deportation law for an entire category of people - the parents of children born in the United States, and also of children who were brought to the country illegally. For clarification, “deferred enforcement of the law” is Washington-speak for ignoring the law.
DAPA, however, never went into effect because 26 states sued, and the U.S. Supreme Court last year upheld a temporary injunction, which effectively pressed the pause button on DAPA.

Eben. Der oben angefuehrte Artikel bezog sich auf DAPA. Er ist vom 22.Juni, 2016. Und hier geht es um DACA. Etwas ganz anderes.
Tip: P ist nicht gleich C.

P ist rechtlich gleich C

" Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton has said she would continue the deportation-relief program if she became president. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has vowed to end it. Either way, nothing is stopping other federal judges from issuing a similar injunction against the original DACA program, based on the same reasoning cited in the Texas case, which was that President Obama had overstepped his executive power in granting temporary deportation relief to millions of undocumented immigrants and their parents.

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RE: Die Trump Präsidentschaft

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 06.09.2017 15:29
von Willie (gelöscht)

Zitat von nahal im Beitrag #2186
Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #2185
Zitat von nahal im Beitrag #2184
Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #2183
Zitat von nahal im Beitrag #2182
Und weiter halten uns die Medien, sowohl hier als auch in den USA für blöd-
Was ist DACA?

Obama hat ein Dekret erlassen, dass illegale Einwanderer, die während der Kindheit illegal eingewandert sind, im Lande verbleiben sollen.
Ehrenwert, nachvollziehbar.
Das Problem ist, dass dies eines Gesetzes bendar, ein Dekret des Präsidenten sich über das geltende Recht hinwegzusetzen ist nicht zulässig.
Und der Präsident macht keine Gesetze, sondern das Parlament.
So auch die Entscheidung der US-Gerichte:

"The Supreme Court announced a 4-4 decision in a case
challenging President Obama’s plan to shield as many as
five million unauthorized immigrants from deportation and
to allow them to work in the United States. The decision
leaves in place an appeals court ruling blocking the president’s
ambitious plan
, dealing a sharp blow to a program that
Mr. Obama had hoped would be one of his central legacies."


Die US-Regierung hat konsequent entschieden:
Der Kongress hat 6 Monate Zeit, ein Gesetz zu verabschieden, das die Lage dieser Einwanderer regelt.
Trump hat erklärt, sollte der Kongress innerhalb dieser Zeit kein Gesetz verabschieden, wird er sich erneut mit dem Thema befassen

"Congress now has 6 months to legalize DACA (something the Obama Administration was unable to do). If they can't, I will revisit this issue!"

Wie immer, keine Ahnung.
Tip: DAPA ist nicht DACA.

"DAPA came into existence when, back in 2014, Obama issued an executive order instructing government officials to defer the enforcement of our nation’s deportation law for an entire category of people - the parents of children born in the United States, and also of children who were brought to the country illegally. For clarification, “deferred enforcement of the law” is Washington-speak for ignoring the law.
DAPA, however, never went into effect because 26 states sued, and the U.S. Supreme Court last year upheld a temporary injunction, which effectively pressed the pause button on DAPA.

Eben. Der oben angefuehrte Artikel bezog sich auf DAPA. Er ist vom 22.Juni, 2016. Und hier geht es um DACA. Etwas ganz anderes.
Tip: P ist nicht gleich C.

P ist rechtlich gleich C

" Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton has said she would continue the deportation-relief program if she became president. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has vowed to end it. Either way, nothing is stopping other federal judges from issuing a similar injunction against the original DACA program, based on the same reasoning cited in the Texas case, which was that President Obama had overstepped his executive power in granting temporary deportation relief to millions of undocumented immigrants and their parents.

Ach ja, jetzt kommt die grosse Ablenkung.
Nein, P ist auch rechtlich nicht gleich C. Genausowenig wie Hillary Clinton gleich Barack Obama ist -und ganz zu schweigen von dem orangenen Luegensack.
Either way, nothing is stopping other federal judges from issuing any injunctions against anything. Just like they did with Trumpsky's immigration stop.
Fact is, so far they haven't. So it is a bullshit argument. And once again: DAPA is not DACA.

zuletzt bearbeitet 06.09.2017 16:06 | nach oben springen


RE: Die Trump Präsidentschaft

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 06.09.2017 15:35
von Willie (gelöscht)

Four serious lies Jeff Sessions and Donald Trump told you about DACA
This morning (Sept. 5), US attorney general Jeff Sessions, a longtime critic of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) policy, announced the Donald Trump administration’s decision to rescind the program. A statement issued shortly after by president Trump echoes much of the announcement, and employs the same rationale for the highly controversial decision as Sessions’ announcement.
But many of the reasons and explanations the two used are misleading and inaccurate, Anil Kalhan, a law professor at Drexel University, told Quartz. Kalhan pointed out a few important lies:

1. DACA provided legal immigration status to illegal aliens
2. DACA is unconstitutional
3. DACA is a amnesty program
4. DACA led to a surge of unaccompanied minors illegally entering the US


Alles gelogen.

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RE: Die Trump Präsidentschaft

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 06.09.2017 15:38
von Willie (gelöscht)

DACA could be ruinous Prop 187 moment with Latinos for Trump and GOP
It took decades for rigor mortis to cripple the California GOP. National Republicans are setting themselves up for the same sort of long-term rot.

When we need a shortcut to explain why it's a bad long-term strategy to scapegoat immigrants for short-term gain, we point to California — where the GOP has become a sloppy karaoke version of its old self, a larger third-party that may not even field a candidate for governor in next year’s general election.

Of the many steps the national GOP has taken in that direction, none was more dramatic or potentially consequential than Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ announcement Tuesday that the Trump administration was rescinding the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program that protects undocumented immigrants brought here as children.

I certainly hope so.

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RE: Die Trump Präsidentschaft

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 06.09.2017 15:44
von Willie (gelöscht)

Poll: Majority opposes deporting Dreamers

Support for allowing these immigrants to remain in the U.S. spans across party lines: 84 percent of Democrats, 74 percent of independents and 69 percent of Republicans think they should stay.
Just 24 percent of Republicans, 12 percent of independents and 8 percent of Democrats say that Dreamers should be deported.

The same holds true for Trump’s electoral base. Two-thirds of self-identified Trump voters think the Dreamers should stay; only 26 percent think they should be deported.
Among voters who say they strongly approve of Trump’s job performance as president, 60 percent think these immigrants should be allowed to stay, compared with only 33 percent who think they should be deported.

The Politico/Morning Consult poll also shows that more than two-thirds of voters, 68 percent, think Dreamers should be given permits to work in the United States. That includes majorities of Democrats (78 percent), Republicans (57 percent) and independents (69 percent).

A majority of voters, 58 percent, think these undocumented immigrants, also known as Dreamers, should be allowed to stay and become citizens if they meet certain requirements — a sentiment that goes well beyond the existing DACA program. Another 18 percent think they should be allowed to stay and become legal residents, but not citizens. Only 15 percent think they should be removed or deported from the country.

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RE: Die Trump Präsidentschaft

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 06.09.2017 15:49
von Willie (gelöscht)

United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
USCCB President, Vice President And Committee Chairmen Denounce Administration’s Decision To End DACA And Strongly Urge Congress To Find Legislative Solution.

"The cancellation of the DACA program is reprehensible. It causes unnecessary fear for DACA youth and their families. These youth entered the U.S. as minors and often know America as their only home. The Catholic Church has long watched with pride and admiration as DACA youth live out their daily lives with hope and a determination to flourish and contribute to society: continuing to work and provide for their families, continuing to serve in the military, and continuing to receive an education. Now, after months of anxiety and fear about their futures, these brave young people face deportation. This decision is unacceptable and does not reflect who we are as Americans.

zuletzt bearbeitet 06.09.2017 16:03 | nach oben springen


RE: Die Trump Präsidentschaft

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 06.09.2017 15:53
von Willie (gelöscht)

Admin memo: DACA recipients should prepare for 'departure from the United States'
White House talking points on Tuesday urged DACA recipients to prepare for a "departure from the United States," a much starker possible future than Trump administration officials used in public when announcing an end to the program.
The statement was contained in a background document that was sent by the White House to offices on Capitol Hill, obtained by CNN from multiple sources.

In the "DACA talking points" memo, the White House laid out a number of bullet points for supporters on Tuesday's announcement outlining the administration's action. One bullet point suggests DACA participants should prepare to leave the country.
"The Department of Homeland Security urges DACA recipients to use the time remaining on their work authorizations to prepare for and arrange their departure from the United States -- including proactively seeking travel documentation -- or to apply for other immigration benefits for which they may be eligible," the memo says.
Neither the White House or Department of Homeland Security disputed the contents of the document to CNN.

zuletzt bearbeitet 06.09.2017 15:54 | nach oben springen


RE: Die Trump Präsidentschaft

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 06.09.2017 16:01
von Willie (gelöscht)

Analysis: After tough talk on immigration, Trump waffles
Since the day he launched his presidential campaign, Donald Trump has talked tough on immigration, promising to take the kind of decisive action he accused other politicians of avoiding.

This week, he waffled.

Trump passed off responsibility for the fate of the 800,000 young immigrants brought to the United States illegally as children to a Congress that has shown little ability to tackle politically fraught issues. He gave lawmakers six months to act, then said in a Tuesday night tweet that he would “revisit this issue” if they didn’t. He sent Attorney General Jeff Sessions out to be the face of the controversial policy, effectively ceding one of the central roles of the presidency: explaining difficult decisions to the American people.
Trump addressed the move only briefly during a tax policy event at the White House, saying he had “a great heart for the folks we’re talking about, a great love.” ....

In punting to Congress, Trump is taking a page out of the playbook of predecessors. Presidents often try to pass the burden for difficult decisions on to Congress. Obama tried for years to get Congress to take up sweeping immigration legislation, and ultimately took executive action to protect hundreds of thousands of young immigrants from deportation when it became clear lawmakers wouldn’t act on that front ahead of his re-election campaign.

But rarely do presidents hang the kind of legislative albatross on their own party in the way Trump did.
It was the path of least resistance for a president who promised bold action and decisive leadership. And it pleased almost no one....

Republicans, who have spent years struggling with the party’s positioning on immigration, have no appetite for taking up legislation this year. While some GOP leaders complained of executive overreach when Obama enacted DACA, many are sympathetic to the young immigrants brought to the U.S. illegally as children and were willing to let the program stand.
“I strongly believe that children who were illegally brought into this country through no fault of their own should not be forced to return to a country they do not know,” said Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., who called Trump’s move the “wrong approach.”

The president’s decision underscored his own uneasiness with the future of the program. As a candidate, Trump vowed to end the deportation protections for young immigrants. But as president, he assured the dreamers they could “rest easy.” In private meetings with aides, he often tried to skirt the issue and delay a decision on the program’s future. ...

Da hat der Pflaumenaugust sich und seiner Partei ein schoenes Ei ins Nest gelegt.

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RE: Die Trump Präsidentschaft

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 06.09.2017 16:14
von Willie (gelöscht)

DACA move deepens CEO split with Trump
President Donald Trump's decision to end the Dreamers program is inflaming his rift with America's corporate leaders — a group he once touted as a key ally for his business-friendly administration.

Within minutes of the administration's announcement that it will revoke protections for undocumented immigrants brought to the U.S. as children, a slew of top CEOs and business groups slammed the move — warning of the human toll and its impact on the nation's economy.

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RE: Die Trump Präsidentschaft

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 06.09.2017 17:16
von Willie (gelöscht)

A Frazzled Congress May Not Be Able To Clean Up Trump’s DACA Mess
Members of Congress from both sides of the aisle vowed Tuesday to pass legislation to undo President Donald Trump’s decision to terminate the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. But with a GOP-controlled Congress that has proven itself barely able to keep the basic gears of government turning this year, advocates and political veterans are taking these promises with a large grain of salt.

“It’s not easy and it’s probably not realistic,” said Doug Heye, who was a top adviser to then-House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) during Congress’ last attempt at comprehensive immigration reform — when House Republicans’ fear of their base killed the effort. Heye said the same forces that tanked reform in 2013 have only “calcified” since, with Republicans fearful both of their own base (and rightly so, given Cantor’s shocking 2014 primary defeat was driven in large part by his support of immigration reform) and of Trump.

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RE: Die Trump Präsidentschaft

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 06.09.2017 17:38
von Willie (gelöscht)

Rush Limbaugh Claims Hurricane Irma Is Part Of A Vast Conspiracy
Conservative radio host says storms are used to sell bottled water and batteries.

Jim Bakker: Hurricane Is God’s ‘Judgment’ So Hurry Up and Buy My Doomsday Food
Televangelist turns tragedy into a marketing opportunity.

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RE: Die Trump Präsidentschaft

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 06.09.2017 17:46
von Willie (gelöscht)

The government is already winding down DACA — no matter what Trump tweets
Why Donald Trump can’t just “revisit” DACA in six months, explained for Donald Trump.

As of Wednesday, September 6, the Trump administration is no longer accepting new applications from young immigrants to be temporarily protected from deportation (and able to work legally) under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.
Does Donald Trump actually know that? It’s not clear.

Trump is either lying about what his administration is doing right now, or simply doesn’t understand it.
While the administration has claimed March 5 as the “official” end to DACA, it’s actually starting to wind the program down right now.

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RE: Die Trump Präsidentschaft

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 07.09.2017 15:29
von Willie (gelöscht)

GOP livid after Trump cuts deal with Democrats
Congressional Republicans say the move will only embolden Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi in future talks.

... Not 24 hours later, the president cut a deal with Democrats on a short-term debt ceiling increase opposed by McConnell and House Speaker Paul Ryan. Just Wednesday morning, in fact, Ryan had scoffed at the Democratic offer that Trump accepted minutes later.
In the aftermath, Republicans seethed privately and distanced themselves publicly from the deal. They were left to hope that Trump’s collaboration with Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi was a temporary dalliance, and not the new MO for the president.

Giddy Lou Dobbs Dances All Over ‘Hapless Fool’ Paul Ryan’s Political Grave
Fox Business anchor celebrates the “death of a RINO.”

“The president not only took RINO Ryan to the woodshed but eliminated any need for any Republican to ever pretend again that Ryan is a real Republican in any way,” Dobbs said. “Or that any RINO has a political future after Mr. Trump simply booted the hapless fool of a speaker out of the way of those trying to get the nation’s business done.”

zuletzt bearbeitet 07.09.2017 15:32 | nach oben springen


RE: Die Trump Präsidentschaft

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 07.09.2017 16:08
von nahal | 24.499 Beiträge

"President Trump assured illegal immigrant Dreamers they remain safe for at least six more months, saying in a tweet Thursday morning that there will be “no action!”
“For all of those (DACA) that are concerned about your status during the 6 month period, you have nothing to worry about,” the president said."

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RE: Die Trump Präsidentschaft

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 07.09.2017 17:20
von mbockstette | 12.380 Beiträge

Zitat von nahal im Beitrag #2199
"President Trump assured illegal immigrant Dreamers they remain safe for at least six more months, saying in a tweet Thursday morning that there will be “no action!”
“For all of those (DACA) that are concerned about your status during the 6 month period, you have nothing to worry about,” the president said."

Wird das jetzt so gehandhabt wie der beabsichtigte Umzug der amerikanischen Botschaft nach Jerusalem, wo die Aussetzung des Vollzugs schon seit Jahren alle sechs Monate verlängert wird?

zuletzt bearbeitet 07.09.2017 17:20 | nach oben springen

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