
RE: Most corrupt administration ever ...

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 18.05.2019 01:15
von Willie (gelöscht)
zuletzt bearbeitet 18.05.2019 01:16 | nach oben springen


RE: Most corrupt administration ever ...

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 18.05.2019 03:39
von Willie (gelöscht)

Appeals court rules Trump end of DACA was unlawful
A split federal appeals court on Friday ruled that President Trump’s decision to rescind the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program was unlawful because “it was not adequately explained."

The 4th Circuit Court of Appeals in Virginia found that the administration's termination of the program was "arbitrary and capricious," in line with a prior ruling from the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.

The bulk of the ruling rests on how the administration laid out its decision to rescind the DACA program.

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RE: Most corrupt administration ever ...

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 18.05.2019 03:53
von Willie (gelöscht)

Christian TV Host Rick Wiles: We Will Impose Christian Rule In This Country
Wiles returned to that theme On Thursday night’s program Wiles continued to discuss the recent abortion law, citing an op-ed from the Israeli paper Haaretz and written by Debra Nussbaum Cohen. In her post Cohen wrote:

[Alabama’s new abortion law is] a threat to my religious freedom as a Jew … because according to classical Jewish text and most rabbinic interpreters, a developing embryo or fetus is not ‘an unborn child’ or ‘person,’ but has the legal status of an appendage of the pregnant woman. It is part of her body, not a separate person, until the moment that a majority of a viable baby capable of independent life has been born.”

After reading from Cohen’s post Wiles launched into a wild anti-semitic rant where he argued that Christians are going to take back America from the Jews and “impose Christian rule.

In his rant Wiles said:
We Christians are standing up and pushing out Zionism. That’s what we’re doing. Zionism brought the slaughter of 65 million babies to America and we’re going to end it and we are going to impose Christian rule in this country.

Why are you imposing Judaism on me? Because that’s exactly what’s been done in America since 1973 with Roe v. Wade. Judaism was imposed on me, on my Christian nation and we became a Jewish nation that kills babies. That’s against my Christian beliefs.
Judaism became the law of the land in America. That’s precisely what the courts have ruled. They have based their rulings on the Zohar, on the Talmud, and now we have Zionistic Talmudic law ruling this country and resulting in the death of millions of babies.
We Christians are standing up and we’re telling you that we’re done with Zionism, we’re done with your values. We are going to impose Christian values in America again, whether you like it or not.

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RE: Most corrupt administration ever ...

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 18.05.2019 10:52
von Maga-neu | 35.188 Beiträge

Zitat von Landegaard im Beitrag #6598
Zitat von Maga-neu im Beitrag #6595
Zitat von Landegaard im Beitrag #6593
Bento in der üblichen Bestform.
Liest du immer noch diesen Scheiß? :-))

Seit ich heute den Verriß von GOT gelesen habe, habe ich mir vorgenommen, es aufzugeben.

Grundsätzlich lese ich mich lieber in Kreisen rum, die meiner Meinungslandschaft nicht nahe sind. Da ist Bento ideal. Ich finde es wichtiger zu wissen, wie "der Feind" denkt. Mir ist aber nun hinreichend klar, Bento denkt einfach nicht.
Nee, bei bento sitzt der intellektuelle Schrott versammelt.
Immerhin, etwas ändert sich in unseren Ländern. Hier eine Nachricht aus dem Vereinigten Königreich:
“Islamophobia is rooted in racism and is a type of racism that targets expressions of Muslimness or perceived Muslimness,”
Definition of Islamophobia rejected by the government.
Man sage mir nicht, es habe nichts mit Farage und der Brexit Party zu tun.

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RE: Most corrupt administration ever ...

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 18.05.2019 10:57
von Maga-neu | 35.188 Beiträge

Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #6599
Das ist mir schon klar. Ich habe es nur eben im Nachgang zu ihrem Posting bezueglich Deutschand, dem mal gegenuebergestellt. Rein informativ. Keine Handlung von irgendjemandem fuer irgendetwas ist da gefragt oder vonnoeten.
Man kann es auch gerne ignorieren. Jeder kann schliesslich fuer sich entscheiden, wie unwissend oder ignorant er gerne bleiben moechte.
Wenn ihnen das aber bereits schon wieder als auf den Schlips getreten gilt, dann bitte ich im voraus schon um Entschuldigung.

Richtig, die USA sind die USA (und eben immer noch viel religiöser), und Deutschland ist Deutschland. Die USA sind eine auf Verfassungspatriotismus gegründete Nation (die einzige weltweit), Deutschland ist es nicht. Die USA sind eine multiethnische Nation, Deutschland war es nicht. Die USA empfinden sich als "indispensable" nation, bei Deutschland würde dieser Ausdruck mehr als Kopfschütteln hervorrufen. Der Ausdruck "Make America Great Again" erinnert an Ronald Reagan, der Ausdruck "Macht Deutschland Wieder Groß" würde Erinnerungen an ganz andere Zeiten hervorrufen. Die USA haben seit Urzeiten das ius soli, in Deutschland und Italien konnte die Anwendung des ius soli (gegen das ius sanguinis) bisher verhindert werden - in Italien, obwohl der Papst und seine Lakaien in der italienischen Bischofskonferenz - wo sind eigentlich solche Leute vom Schlage eines Kardinal Biffi? - massiv Druck ausgeübt haben...

zuletzt bearbeitet 18.05.2019 11:10 | nach oben springen


RE: Most corrupt administration ever ...

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 18.05.2019 14:27
von Willie (gelöscht)

Trump blames Obama for not warning him about Michael Flynn. Which Obama did.
Trump tries to shift blame — and rewrites history in the process.

President Donald Trump wants you to believe that he had no way of knowing about former national security adviser Michael Flynn’s shady dealings with Russia before he made him his first national security adviser. In reality, the president is trying to rewrite history.

On Friday, Trump tweeted his lament that nobody warned him about Flynn, a retired Army lieutenant general who was dismissed from his job as director of national intelligence by then-President Barack Obama in 2014. After his dismissal, Flynn wasted little time cozying up to the Kremlin, and then spent 2016 as one of Trump’s key campaign surrogates.

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RE: Most corrupt administration ever ...

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 18.05.2019 14:31
von Willie (gelöscht)

Amid cooperation bid, Flynn messaged top Mueller critic in Congress
Just months into a cooperation agreement with special counsel Robert Mueller, former national security adviser Michael Flynn sent an unsolicited text message to one of President Donald Trump's top allies in Congress, urging him to "keep the pressure on."

"You stay on top of what you're doing. Your leadership is so vital for our country now," Flynn wrote to Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.), one of Congress' most vocal critics of the Mueller investigation. "Keep the pressure on." ...

It's unclear if Mueller was aware of Flynn's outreach to lawmakers, particularly to one of the special counsel's top antagonists on Capitol Hill. It's also unclear if Flynn sent messages to other lawmakers. Flynn's attorney did not immediately respond to requests for comment. The special counsel's office declined to comment. ...

Gaetz was an early and frequent critic of Mueller's probe, and a regular guest on Fox News delivering broadsides against the investigation. He has also voiced his concerns with Mueller's probe directly to Trump and embraced some of the most hot-blooded criticisms of Mueller.
Flynn faces a status update and possible sentencing in his case next month. He was due to be sentenced in December — with Mueller's team endorsing a lenient sentence in the matter, praising his cooperation — but Flynn sought to postpone the decision after the judge, Emmett Sullivan, hinted he might recommend jail time.

"Arguably, you sold your country out," Sullivan said to Flynn at the time.

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RE: Most corrupt administration ever ...

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 18.05.2019 14:38
von Willie (gelöscht)

How Trump Twists ‘Free Speech’
Trump doesn’t believe in free speech on social media any more than he believes in open borders or free trade

Donald Trump’s unmatched facility at bleeding sense and meaning from words and concepts until only a heap of husk and stalk remains reared up again this week.

Having previously established himself the foe of the First Amendment—calling defenders of free speech on the internet “foolish people,” coercing White House staffers into signing nondisclosure agreements, attacking the mainstream press as the enemy of the people and urging the jailing of flag-burners—Trump has seemingly switched sides. Now he’s presenting himself as a free-speech proponent, introducing a new White House web survey whose purported fact-finding goal is to “advance FREEDOM OF SPEECH” and deter bias on social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and Facebook by getting you to file a complaint about how they’ve treated you.

Of course, all this talk about free speech is a Trumpian dodge, designed to advance his political ends: He doesn’t believe in free speech on social media any more than he believes in open borders or free trade, as he’s demonstrated. Suppressing free speech in the name of free speech, he has jawboned Google News search results, demanding the company surface more flattering coverage of his administration. “I think Google has really taken advantage of a lot of people, and I think that’s a very serious thing. That’s a very serious charge,” Trump said last summer, adding that Google, Twitter, Facebook and others “better be careful, because you can’t do that to people.” He has berated social media platforms for suspending the accounts of his supporters, like Alex Jones and Milo Yiannopoulos, for violating terms of service. He’s accused Twitter of “shadow banning” prominent Republicans.

He even brought Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey to the Oval Office recently to lecture him on how to run his platform, telling him the site was “very discriminatory” and “hard for people to sign on.” Accusing Twitter of “playing their political games” (on Twitter, no less), Trump writes, “No wonder Congress wants to get involved—and they should,” a statement that all but threatens regulation of speech....

Trump turnabouts look like flip-flops, tune-changing, contradictions, post-truth in action—or lies, if you want to exercise your high dudgeon. Without a doubt, Trump lies. But Trump’s method is greater than just lying. He intentionally blurs the meaning of words to make them mean whatever he wants them to mean, resetting definitions and inverting their meaning whenever it suits him.

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RE: Most corrupt administration ever ...

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 18.05.2019 14:40
von Willie (gelöscht)

12 Million Americans Believe Lizard People Run Our Country
About 90 million Americans believe aliens exist. Some 66 million of us think aliens landed at Roswell in 1948. These are the things you learn when there's a lull in political news and pollsters get to ask whatever questions they want.


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RE: Most corrupt administration ever ...

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 18.05.2019 14:49
von Willie (gelöscht)

'Possible' More Counties Than Now Known Were Hacked In 2016, Fla. Delegation Says
Florida lawmakers were angry Thursday when they emerged from an FBI briefing that left them with unanswered questions about the two county election offices in their state that were breached by Russian cyberattacks in 2016.

The bipartisan group of members of Congress was most frustrated with not learning about the hacks sooner. The first word of at least one intrusion came from a single line in special counsel Robert Mueller's redacted report, which was released publicly in April.

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RE: Most corrupt administration ever ...

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 18.05.2019 15:30
von Willie (gelöscht)

In Barr, Trump has found his champion and advocate
More and more, Barr’s becoming Trump’s favorite lawyer. He’s not only enthusiastically embracing Trump’s political agenda, he’s also gone all-in by casting special counsel Robert Mueller’s report as vindication for Trump and hinting that the real wrongdoing was committed by those who launched the investigation.


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RE: Most corrupt administration ever ...

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 18.05.2019 22:59
von Willie (gelöscht)

Jeffrey Toobin Torches William Barr: ‘Sean Hannity Is The Attorney General’
CNN’s chief legal analyst called out Barr for repeating Fox News talking points.

CNN’s chief legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin on Friday accused Attorney General William Barr of simply regurgitating Fox News talking points in a bid to cast a positive light on President Donald Trump.
Toobin said he was “amazed” by an “astonishing” interview Barr gave Fox News earlier in the day in which he defended his new probe into the origins of special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation and backed Trump’s repeated description of Mueller’s work as a “witch hunt” and “a hoax.”
“It turns out the attorney general is Sean Hannity and Sean Hannity is the attorney general,” Toobin said on Friday’s broadcast of “The Situation Room” with Wolf Blitzer.

Hannity is the host of the widely watched primetime Fox News show “Hannity.” He is a staunch supporter of Trump and last year even controversially joined the president onstage at a rally in Missouri.

“I mean, every talking point from Fox News gets repeated,” Toobin added. “He has no problem with calling the FBI, which works for him, ‘a hoax’ and ‘a witch hunt’ and [saying] Donald Trump co-operated fully even though he didn’t talk to the investigation.”

zuletzt bearbeitet 18.05.2019 23:00 | nach oben springen


RE: Most corrupt administration ever ...

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 18.05.2019 23:14
von Willie (gelöscht)

Comey Tells Attorney General Barr: Be A Leader And Stop ‘Sliming’ Your Own People
“If there are bad facts, show us,” tweeted the former FBI director. “Donald Trump has enough spokespeople.”

A furious James Comey tweeted Friday to lash Attorney General William Barr for “sliming” his own department.

The former FBI director was referring to Barr’s questioning the Justice Department and the FBI for launching an investigation into Russian interference in the presidential election and possible collusion by Donald Trump’s campaign.

Comey told him to put up or shut up:
“If there are bad facts, show us, or search for them professionally and then tell us what you found,” he wrote. “An AG must act like the leader of the Department of Justice, an organization based on truth.”
In an added dig, Comey said: “Donald Trump has enough spokespeople.”

Comey last took on Barr in a scathing New York Times op-ed, saying that an “amoral” leader like Trump “eats your soul in small bites.”

He added, referring to Barr and others in the administration: “Accomplished people lacking inner strength can’t resist the compromises necessary to survive Mr. Trump and that adds up to something they will never recover from.”

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RE: Most corrupt administration ever ...

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 19.05.2019 00:41
von Willie (gelöscht)

GOP Rep. Justin Amash: Trump ‘Engaged in Impeachable Conduct’ – ‘Barr Mislead The Public’
Moments ago Republican Congressman Justin Amash from Michigan’s 3rd congressional district sent out a long Twitter thread making it clear that he believes President Trump engaged in impeachable conduct and that Attorney General William Barr is misleading the American public. The full statement can be read below:

Here are my principal conclusions:

1. Attorney General Barr has deliberately misrepresented Mueller’s report.
2. President Trump has engaged in impeachable conduct.
3. Partisanship has eroded our system of checks and balances.
4. Few members of Congress have read the report.

I offer these conclusions only after having read Mueller’s redacted report carefully and completely, having read or watched pertinent statements and testimony, and having discussed this matter with my staff, who thoroughly reviewed materials and provided me with further analysis.

In comparing Barr’s principal conclusions, congressional testimony, and other statements to Mueller’s report, it is clear that Barr intended to mislead the public about Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s analysis and findings.
Barr’s misrepresentations are significant but often subtle, frequently taking the form of sleight-of-hand qualifications or logical fallacies, which he hopes people will not notice.

Under our Constitution, the president “shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.” While “high Crimes and Misdemeanors” is not defined, the context implies conduct that violates the public trust.

Contrary to Barr’s portrayal, Mueller’s report reveals that President Trump engaged in specific actions and a pattern of behavior that meet the threshold for impeachment.

In fact, Mueller’s report identifies multiple examples of conduct satisfying all the elements of obstruction of justice, and undoubtedly any person who is not the president of the United States would be indicted based on such evidence.
Impeachment, which is a special form of indictment, does not even require probable cause that a crime (e.g., obstruction of justice) has been committed; it simply requires a finding that an official has engaged in careless, abusive, corrupt, or otherwise dishonorable conduct.

While impeachment should be undertaken only in extraordinary circumstances, the risk we face in an environment of extreme partisanship is not that Congress will employ it as a remedy too often but rather that Congress will employ it so rarely that it cannot deter misconduct.Our system of checks and balances relies on each branch’s jealously guarding its powers and upholding its duties under our Constitution. When loyalty to a political party or to an individual trumps loyalty to the Constitution, the Rule of Law—the foundation of liberty—crumbles.

We’ve witnessed members of Congress from both parties shift their views 180 degrees—on the importance of character, on the principles of obstruction of justice—depending on whether they’re discussing Bill Clinton or Donald Trump.

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RE: Most corrupt administration ever ...

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 19.05.2019 00:46
von Willie (gelöscht)

Justin Amash@justinamash
Here are my principal conclusions:
1. Attorney General Barr has deliberately misrepresented Mueller’s report.
2. President Trump has engaged in impeachable conduct.
3. Partisanship has eroded our system of checks and balances.
4. Few members of Congress have read the report.
12:30 PM - 18 May 2019

Justin Amash@justinamash
I offer these conclusions only after having read Mueller’s redacted report carefully and completely, having read or watched pertinent statements and testimony, and having discussed this matter with my staff, who thoroughly reviewed materials and provided me with further analysis.
12:30 PM - 18 May 2019

Justin Amash@justinamash
In comparing Barr’s principal conclusions, congressional testimony, and other statements to Mueller’s report, it is clear that Barr intended to mislead the public about Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s analysis and findings.
12:30 PM - 18 May 2019

Justin Amash@justinamash
Barr’s misrepresentations are significant but often subtle, frequently taking the form of sleight-of-hand qualifications or logical fallacies, which he hopes people will not notice.
12:30 PM - 18 May 2019

Justin Amash@justinamash
Contrary to Barr’s portrayal, Mueller’s report reveals that President Trump engaged in specific actions and a pattern of behavior that meet the threshold for impeachment.
12:30 PM - 18 May 2019

Justin Amash@justinamash
In fact, Mueller’s report identifies multiple examples of conduct satisfying all the elements of obstruction of justice, and undoubtedly any person who is not the president of the United States would be indicted based on such evidence.
12:30 PM - 18 May 2019

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RE: Most corrupt administration ever ...

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 19.05.2019 14:13
von Willie (gelöscht)

The Hell of Working at Trump’s New Favorite Network
Conspiracy theories, racist outbursts, and a whole lot of Putin love. Working for the far-right One America News Network was a deeply weird experience, former employees say.

zuletzt bearbeitet 19.05.2019 14:14 | nach oben springen


RE: Most corrupt administration ever ...

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 19.05.2019 14:14
von Willie (gelöscht)

Trump’s New Favorite Network Embraces Russian Propaganda
One America News Network has no qualms with playing the mouthpiece for Kremlin-hatched conspiracy theories. And one of its most loyal viewers lives in the White House

When it comes to putting disinformation in front of American eyeballs, Vladimir Putin has long been able to count alt-right social media stars like Alex Jones and Mike Cernovich as reliable allies. Now the One America News Network, a pro-Trump cable news and commentary channel, is joining them in embracing some of Moscow’s most vile fake news.

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RE: Most corrupt administration ever ...

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 19.05.2019 14:22
von Willie (gelöscht)

AG Barr's FBI investigation, President Trump and the threat from within
By perpetuating Trump's falsehoods about the FBI and Mueller's report, Barr has become the kind of threat capable of doing severe harm.

On Monday, Attorney General William Barr, acting more like defense counsel for a cornered president than the nation’s top law enforcement official, ordered a U.S. Attorney review the FBI's decision to open a counterintelligence investigation into alleged ties between Trump associates and Russia in 2016. This action, coupled with Barr’s previous reckless conduct, unwittingly promotes the interests of America’s enemies as Barr perpetuates dangerous conspiracy theories about secret Washington cabals and FBI corruption.

Counterintelligence professionals often refer to their mission as “the three D’s:” detect, deter and defeat the efforts of foreign intelligence services targeting the United States. Per Executive Order 12333, our government’s lead counterintelligence agency is the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The counterintelligence program is the second most important priority for the FBI, just after preventing the next terror attack. FBI agents assigned to this work are hunters at heart. They seek and find those whose efforts would weaken our nation, make us more vulnerable to attack, undermine the rule of law and wreak havoc with our democracy.

Often external forces are aided by both witting and unwitting parties inside our borders and even within our government. Such insiders need not be recruited nor even capable of finding Russia or China on a map. Frequently these players can neither foresee nor comprehend the consequences of their actions until long after the damage to our democracy has been done. When an adversary is aided in its cause by a fortuitous insider who required no energy or resources to cajole or coerce, the enemy views such serendipity as a gift. When that insider happens to be the attorney general of the United States, that gift is priceless.

As we all have learned, the FBI’s Counterintelligence Division, acting on classified data, allied intelligence, human sources and conduct occurring in plain view, opened a counterintelligence investigation to explore Russia’s attempts to interfere with the 2016 presidential election. The Russian efforts were later detailed in over two dozen federal grand jury indictments involving Russian intelligence officers and Russian nationals.

The FBI inquiry also included connections between the Trump campaign and known or suspected Russian government affiliated individuals. Those connections are detailed in over 100 pages of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report. Mueller’s inquiry was predicated by the FBI’s initial Russia investigation. Now, President Donald Trump and Barr seek to undermine Mueller’s findings by fueling doubt about the FBI’s decision to open the initial Russian case that led to a special counsel appointment. Back at the Kremlin, the vodka is flowing.

Barr instructed John Durham, a veteran and respected prosecutor and current U.S. Attorney for Connecticut, to examine the predication for the FBI’s Russia case. Choosing to use a hand-picked direct subordinate instead of simply tapping the more independent Department of Justice inspector general is suspicious on its own. When added to Barr’s other partisan conduct over the past few weeks, his decision is one more blow to a Justice Department and FBI that must function as independent, apolitical champions of the truth.

Barr has already etched his legacy as a politically motivated AG. He issued a misleading summary of the special counsel’s findings, unilaterally proclaimed there was “no collusion” between the campaign and Russia although Mueller limited his search to only criminal conspiracy and decided that Trump did not commit obstruction of justice despite Mueller specifically stating that the president could not be exonerated and had committed 10 acts that could constitute obstruction. Barr also chose to refer to lawful investigation of Russia’s influence in our presidential campaign as “spying,” knowing full well that the word implied illegal acts as alleged by his seeming client, President Donald Trump.

Barr occupies the cabinet position arguably most critical to preserving our unique form of government. More than any of his administration colleagues, the attorney general must be apolitical, independent and loyal only to the Constitution. The role is rightly described as “the people’s lawyer” because we count on the AG to uphold the rule of law so that the least among us may receive justice.

But instead, our current attorney general would have us believe the myth that some kind of deep state resides within the corridors of our most trusted institutions, a conspiracy theory the president’s supporters have repeatedly echoed. Despite ongoing related investigations by a capable DOJ inspector general, Barr wants us to believe, as does his boss, that our system is broken and that the only fix lies outside the practices and policies that served our democracy for centuries.

We don’t know if Barr’s decisions are malicious, self-serving or simply ignorant. But by perpetuating the president’s falsehoods and eroding Americans’ trust in our institutions, Barr has become the kind of threat capable of doing severe harm; he has become a threat from within.

C. Frank Figliuzzi is the former FBI assistant director for counterintelligence and a previous chief inspector of the FBI. He is now the COO for ETS Risk Management, Inc. and an analyst for NBC News/MSNBC.

Frank ist eine exzellenter Fachmann und Analyst. Der kann gewisse, nicht so intelligente, ehemalige intelligence officers schon noch was lehren. Putin Schreiberlingen dagegen natuerlich nicht. Das versteht sich von selbst. 😄

zuletzt bearbeitet 19.05.2019 14:34 | nach oben springen


RE: Most corrupt administration ever ...

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 19.05.2019 14:52
von Maga-neu | 35.188 Beiträge

Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #6618
AG Barr's FBI investigation, President Trump and the threat from within
By perpetuating Trump's falsehoods about the FBI and Mueller's report, Barr has become the kind of threat capable of doing severe harm.

On Monday, Attorney General William Barr, acting more like defense counsel for a cornered president than the nation’s top law enforcement official, ordered a U.S. Attorney review the FBI's decision to open a counterintelligence investigation into alleged ties between Trump associates and Russia in 2016. This action, coupled with Barr’s previous reckless conduct, unwittingly promotes the interests of America’s enemies as Barr perpetuates dangerous conspiracy theories about secret Washington cabals and FBI corruption.

Counterintelligence professionals often refer to their mission as “the three D’s:” detect, deter and defeat the efforts of foreign intelligence services targeting the United States. Per Executive Order 12333, our government’s lead counterintelligence agency is the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The counterintelligence program is the second most important priority for the FBI, just after preventing the next terror attack. FBI agents assigned to this work are hunters at heart. They seek and find those whose efforts would weaken our nation, make us more vulnerable to attack, undermine the rule of law and wreak havoc with our democracy.

Often external forces are aided by both witting and unwitting parties inside our borders and even within our government. Such insiders need not be recruited nor even capable of finding Russia or China on a map. Frequently these players can neither foresee nor comprehend the consequences of their actions until long after the damage to our democracy has been done. When an adversary is aided in its cause by a fortuitous insider who required no energy or resources to cajole or coerce, the enemy views such serendipity as a gift. When that insider happens to be the attorney general of the United States, that gift is priceless.

As we all have learned, the FBI’s Counterintelligence Division, acting on classified data, allied intelligence, human sources and conduct occurring in plain view, opened a counterintelligence investigation to explore Russia’s attempts to interfere with the 2016 presidential election. The Russian efforts were later detailed in over two dozen federal grand jury indictments involving Russian intelligence officers and Russian nationals.

The FBI inquiry also included connections between the Trump campaign and known or suspected Russian government affiliated individuals. Those connections are detailed in over 100 pages of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report. Mueller’s inquiry was predicated by the FBI’s initial Russia investigation. Now, President Donald Trump and Barr seek to undermine Mueller’s findings by fueling doubt about the FBI’s decision to open the initial Russian case that led to a special counsel appointment. Back at the Kremlin, the vodka is flowing.

Barr instructed John Durham, a veteran and respected prosecutor and current U.S. Attorney for Connecticut, to examine the predication for the FBI’s Russia case. Choosing to use a hand-picked direct subordinate instead of simply tapping the more independent Department of Justice inspector general is suspicious on its own. When added to Barr’s other partisan conduct over the past few weeks, his decision is one more blow to a Justice Department and FBI that must function as independent, apolitical champions of the truth.

Barr has already etched his legacy as a politically motivated AG. He issued a misleading summary of the special counsel’s findings, unilaterally proclaimed there was “no collusion” between the campaign and Russia although Mueller limited his search to only criminal conspiracy and decided that Trump did not commit obstruction of justice despite Mueller specifically stating that the president could not be exonerated and had committed 10 acts that could constitute obstruction. Barr also chose to refer to lawful investigation of Russia’s influence in our presidential campaign as “spying,” knowing full well that the word implied illegal acts as alleged by his seeming client, President Donald Trump.

Barr occupies the cabinet position arguably most critical to preserving our unique form of government. More than any of his administration colleagues, the attorney general must be apolitical, independent and loyal only to the Constitution. The role is rightly described as “the people’s lawyer” because we count on the AG to uphold the rule of law so that the least among us may receive justice.

But instead, our current attorney general would have us believe the myth that some kind of deep state resides within the corridors of our most trusted institutions, a conspiracy theory the president’s supporters have repeatedly echoed. Despite ongoing related investigations by a capable DOJ inspector general, Barr wants us to believe, as does his boss, that our system is broken and that the only fix lies outside the practices and policies that served our democracy for centuries.

We don’t know if Barr’s decisions are malicious, self-serving or simply ignorant. But by perpetuating the president’s falsehoods and eroding Americans’ trust in our institutions, Barr has become the kind of threat capable of doing severe harm; he has become a threat from within.

C. Frank Figliuzzi is the former FBI assistant director for counterintelligence and a previous chief inspector of the FBI. He is now the COO for ETS Risk Management, Inc. and an analyst for NBC News/MSNBC.

Frank ist eine exzellenter Fachmann und Analyst. Der kann gewisse, nicht so intelligente, ehemalige intelligence officers schon noch was lehren. Putin Schreiberlingen dagegen natuerlich nicht. Das versteht sich von selbst. 😄
Hier, ein weiterer exzellenter Fachmann und Analyst kommunistischer und antiamerikanischer Umtriebe zu seiner Zeit.

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RE: Most corrupt administration ever ...

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 19.05.2019 15:03
von Willie (gelöscht)

Trump administration identifies at least 1,700 additional children it may have separated
The children were separated from their parents before the government's "zero tolerance" policy went into effect in May 2018.

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RE: Most corrupt administration ever ...

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 19.05.2019 16:16
von Willie (gelöscht)

John O. Brennan@JohnBrennan
Senator Graham & his ilk bear responsibility for damage being done to our national interests—at home & abroad—by acquiescing to Mr. Trump’s incompetence, corruption, & malevolence.
Who will shun political expedience & do what is right? “Who among you is wise and understanding?”
2:30 PM - 14 May 2019

zuletzt bearbeitet 19.05.2019 16:29 | nach oben springen


RE: Most corrupt administration ever ...

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 19.05.2019 16:34
von Willie (gelöscht)

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump
For all of the Fake News Sunday Political Shows, whose bias & dishonesty is greater than ever seen in our Country before, please inform your viewers that our Economy is setting records, with more people employed today than at any time in U.S. history, our Military, which....
5:49 AM - 19 May 2019

Tony Posnanski@tonyposnanski
Everything is fake except people who agree with Trump.
5:58 AM - 19 May 2019

Natuerlich. Und jetzt eine Superidee, die der Herr Trumski ja mal aufgreifen koennte:

Dennis Herring@dcherring
Replying to @tonyposnanski @realDonaldTrump
maybe the Office Of Truth N’ Reality could put together a comprehensive list of all things FAKE, put it on their website, so we the people could print it out & have ‘er laminated, and once and for all have a handy reference sheet.
6:12 AM - 19 May 2019


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RE: Most corrupt administration ever ...

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 19.05.2019 16:43
von Willie (gelöscht)

Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #6614
GOP Rep. Justin Amash: Trump ‘Engaged in Impeachable Conduct’ – ‘Barr Mislead The Public’
Moments ago Republican Congressman Justin Amash from Michigan’s 3rd congressional district sent out a long Twitter thread making it clear that he believes President Trump engaged in impeachable conduct and that Attorney General William Barr is misleading the American public. The full statement can be read below:

Here are my principal conclusions:

1. Attorney General Barr has deliberately misrepresented Mueller’s report.
2. President Trump has engaged in impeachable conduct.
3. Partisanship has eroded our system of checks and balances.
4. Few members of Congress have read the report.

I offer these conclusions only after having read Mueller’s redacted report carefully and completely, having read or watched pertinent statements and testimony, and having discussed this matter with my staff, who thoroughly reviewed materials and provided me with further analysis.

In comparing Barr’s principal conclusions, congressional testimony, and other statements to Mueller’s report, it is clear that Barr intended to mislead the public about Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s analysis and findings.
Barr’s misrepresentations are significant but often subtle, frequently taking the form of sleight-of-hand qualifications or logical fallacies, which he hopes people will not notice.

Under our Constitution, the president “shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.” While “high Crimes and Misdemeanors” is not defined, the context implies conduct that violates the public trust.

Contrary to Barr’s portrayal, Mueller’s report reveals that President Trump engaged in specific actions and a pattern of behavior that meet the threshold for impeachment.

In fact, Mueller’s report identifies multiple examples of conduct satisfying all the elements of obstruction of justice, and undoubtedly any person who is not the president of the United States would be indicted based on such evidence.
Impeachment, which is a special form of indictment, does not even require probable cause that a crime (e.g., obstruction of justice) has been committed; it simply requires a finding that an official has engaged in careless, abusive, corrupt, or otherwise dishonorable conduct.

While impeachment should be undertaken only in extraordinary circumstances, the risk we face in an environment of extreme partisanship is not that Congress will employ it as a remedy too often but rather that Congress will employ it so rarely that it cannot deter misconduct.Our system of checks and balances relies on each branch’s jealously guarding its powers and upholding its duties under our Constitution. When loyalty to a political party or to an individual trumps loyalty to the Constitution, the Rule of Law—the foundation of liberty—crumbles.

We’ve witnessed members of Congress from both parties shift their views 180 degrees—on the importance of character, on the principles of obstruction of justice—depending on whether they’re discussing Bill Clinton or Donald Trump.

Donald J. Trump‏@realDonaldTrump
Never a fan of @justinamash, a total lightweight who opposes me and some of our great Republican ideas and policies just for the sake of getting his name out there through controversy.
If he actually read the biased Mueller Report, “composed” by 18 Angry Dems who hated Trump,....
....he would see that it was nevertheless strong on NO COLLUSION and, ultimately, NO OBSTRUCTION...
Anyway, how do you Obstruct when there is no crime and, in fact, the crimes were committed by the other side?
Justin is a loser who sadly plays right into our opponents hands!
6:55 AM - 19 May 2019

Replying to @realDonaldTrump
Totally love you Trump!
On another totally unrelated point please push to have Nigel Farage attend Buckingham Palace dinner when you visit Britain.
He has the interest of our future at heart & would play a role in its future relationship with the US.
7:36 AM - 19 May 2019

zuletzt bearbeitet 19.05.2019 16:54 | nach oben springen


RE: Most corrupt administration ever ...

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 19.05.2019 20:54
von Willie (gelöscht)

Deutsche Bank staff saw suspicious Trump and Kushner activity – report
New York Times releases explosive report on Russia-linked bank
Employee says ‘nothing happened’ after she raised concerns

Several financial moves by legal entities controlled by Donald Trump and Jared Kushner between 2016 and 2017 triggered suspicious activity alerts inside Deutsche Bank, a major lender to the Trump family, according to a report in the New York Times.
The newspaper said it had been in touch with five existing or former Deutsche Bank employees, one of whom spoke on the record. They said they had been alerted to possible illicit activity when they were working in the team responsible for combating money laundering, and had recommended the federal government be notified.
Suspicious activity reports were prepared for filing with the US treasury for investigation as possible federal financial crimes. According to the Times, bank executives overruled the employees and did not alert the government.

The Times pointed out that the “red flags raised by employees do not necessarily mean the transactions were improper”.

zuletzt bearbeitet 19.05.2019 20:55 | nach oben springen


RE: Most corrupt administration ever ...

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 19.05.2019 20:56
von Willie (gelöscht)

No holds Barred: Trump and his troops push for imperial presidency
With his compliant attorney general, the man in the White House is taking aim at the constitutional balance of powers

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