
RE: A Biden administration

in Politik 19.11.2020 21:02
von Willie (gelöscht)

Trump is wrecking the government on his way out
When he takes office, Joe Biden is going to face a government in smoking ruins. He will essentially have to rebuild the federal bureaucracy from scratch if he wants to achieve anything, no matter its political inflection. One hopes he's ready for the task.

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RE: A Biden administration

in Politik 19.11.2020 23:03
von Willie (gelöscht)

Biden tells governors he’ll help states overcome coronavirus
“We haven’t been able to get into Operation Warp Speed but we will take what we learned today and build it into our plan,” Biden said after the meeting, which included Republicans Larry Hogan of Maryland, Asa Hutchinson of Arkansas, Kay Ivey of Alabama, Charlie Baker of Massachusetts and Gary Herbert of Utah. ...

“All the governors, no matter their political party, … no matter their political philosophy shared a strong and abiding sense of common purpose,” Biden said. “There’s a real desire for real partnership between the states and the federal government.”

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RE: A Biden administration

in Politik 19.11.2020 23:12
von Willie (gelöscht)

White House Admits Trump Is Intentionally Sabotaging US Foreign Policy So Biden Will Fail
The Trump team has prepared legally required transition memos describing policy challenges, but there are no discussions about actions they could take or pause. Instead, the White House is barreling ahead. A second official tells CNN their goal is to set so many fires that it will be hard for the Biden administration to put them all out.

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RE: A Biden administration

in Politik 19.11.2020 23:26
von Willie (gelöscht)

Trump's vaccine team will not brief Biden administration: U.S. senators
Officials from President Donald Trump’s vaccine distribution effort have not briefed anyone on President-elect Joe Biden’s transition team, and have no plans to do so, Democratic U.S. senators said after a White House call on Thursday.

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RE: A Biden administration

in Politik 20.11.2020 23:15
von Maga-neu | 35.170 Beiträge

If there was a hall of fame for people that delivered no message but in a fantastic package I think that's Obama." Adam Carolla.

Und ja, ich denke, Obama ist sogar noch narzisstischer als Trump (und das dürfte wirklich eine Leistung sein).

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RE: A Biden administration

in Politik 21.11.2020 00:21
von Willie (gelöscht)

Rudy Giuliani’s Son Is a White House Staffer. He Just Tested Positive for Coronavirus.
Andrew Giuliani, a White House staffer and the son of President Donald Trump’s attorney Rudy Giuliani, has tested positive for the novel coronavirus.

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RE: A Biden administration

in Politik 21.11.2020 00:27
von Willie (gelöscht)

Steve Mnuchin Is Trying To Burn The Economy Down Before Biden Takes Office
Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin announced that he is ending emergency lending programs before Biden takes office in a bid to start an economic crisis.

It doesn’t take an economist to understand Mnuchin’s motivation. The Trump administration has admitted that they are trying to start so many fires on multiple fronts before they leave office that the incoming Biden administration will be hobbled by crisis. ...

Verbrannte Erde ...

Und das wollen Patrioten sein.

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RE: A Biden administration

in Politik 21.11.2020 00:46
von Willie (gelöscht)

Obama in an inteview on "60 Minutes". What a decent and all around great guy. Knowledgeable, humble and insightful. Never lost his composure, never whined -regardless how racist, shitty and deplorable the Repugnians fucks treated him. One of our best Presidents.


The howlings of Repugnians narcissists notwithstanding. :-)

zuletzt bearbeitet 21.11.2020 00:48 | nach oben springen


RE: A Biden administration

in Politik 21.11.2020 00:49
von Maga-neu | 35.170 Beiträge

Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #108
"Humble" -

The Promissed Land and the wannabe-Moses. :-)

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RE: A Biden administration

in Politik 21.11.2020 04:42
von Willie (gelöscht)

Narcissists, by the very notion of their mental impairment are incapable of comprehending "humble" and "being humble". :-)

Duty To Warn @duty2warn
Collective Narcissism is a societal phenomenon.
The fact that it exists, is immutable.
Also immutable is that the source - or leader - will always get progressively more extreme.
We cannot, as a society, continue to deny or minimize pathological illness, or its infectious power.
11:46 AM · Nov 19, 2020

zuletzt bearbeitet 21.11.2020 05:03 | nach oben springen


RE: A Biden administration

in Politik 21.11.2020 04:49
von Willie (gelöscht)

Barack and Michelle Obama are the 'world's most admired man and woman,' new global poll shows
Former president and first lady Barack and Michelle Obama side by side topped the "world's most admired" list for men and women, according to a 2020 YouGov poll.

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RE: A Biden administration

in Politik 21.11.2020 10:46
von Maga-neu | 35.170 Beiträge

Der wahre Kultist schreibt zum Objekt seines Kults "schlecht erzogen", "ungehobelt", "schlechte Performance bei der Debatte", "hat Fehler gemacht", "narzisstisch". Er weigert sich allerdings, im Objekt seines Kults das inkarnierte Böse zu sehen, einen Mann, der schlimmer als Hitler, Stalin, Mao oder Pol Pot ist. Er wagt es gar, von richtigen Entscheidungen und einem insgesamt guten Bauchgefühl zu schreiben und die Stimmen für sein Kultobjekt nicht auf die Bösartigkeit und abgrundtiefe Schlechtigkeit der Wähler zurückzuführen, sondern auf große Enttäuschung über die neofeudale Klasse. Der objektive Beobachter schreibt über das Objekt seiner Beobachtung große Klasse, größte Bewunderung, bester Präsident, größte Demut. :-)

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RE: A Biden administration

in Politik 21.11.2020 11:54
von Maga-neu | 35.170 Beiträge

Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #110
Narcissists, by the very notion of their mental impairment are incapable of comprehending "humble" and "being humble". :-)

Willie, talk more about humility...

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RE: A Biden administration

in Politik 21.11.2020 14:29
von Willie (gelöscht)
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RE: A Biden administration

in Politik 21.11.2020 14:32
von Willie (gelöscht)

Some more about narcissists:

"Narcissists sometimes understand, intellectually at least, what makes people tick; but that understanding does not translate into empathy. And anyway, they do not care about other people’s experiences, only their own.
These are frequently tied to multiple lies and fabrications about their education, pedigree, accomplishments, war duty, business exploits, name dropping and the influence they claim they have with important people, and the love and respect everyone has for them, all designed to bolster their own ego in the eyes of others. They may use the language of higher values, especially when it serves their needs; but a closer examination reveals that their understanding of values is severely truncated and shallow."

Exactly. As is with humility. They might wax about it, opine about how much others lack it -but the concept escapes them entirely. And that shows well when they post examples of what is supposedly disproving humility in others. Fact is they have no clue.:-)

zuletzt bearbeitet 21.11.2020 18:31 | nach oben springen

zuletzt bearbeitet 21.11.2020 14:56 | nach oben springen


RE: A Biden administration

in Politik 21.11.2020 18:34
von Willie (gelöscht)

As cases explode in Midwest, Trump rages against the first COVID-19 vaccine submitted to the FDA

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RE: A Biden administration

in Politik 21.11.2020 20:46
von Willie (gelöscht)

Week offers snapshot of how Trump, Biden approach presidency
One spent the week at his home in Delaware carefully trying to build a government and preparing to take on a pandemic.

The other largely kept to himself behind closed doors at a mostly empty White House, angrily tweeting and using his office and allies to try to subvert the results of an American election in a dangerous breach of democracy.

If the differences between President-elect Joe Biden and President Donald Trump were not already clear, the days since the Nov. 3 election was decided have demonstrated the dramatically divergent ways in which each approaches the job of commander in chief.

Trump has largely abandoned governing, despite a pandemic that has now killed more than 250,000 people in the U.S. and is raging out of control. He has rejected the results of the election, concocted conspiracies that are now believed by his most loyal supporters and refused to allow his government to participate in the peaceful transition of power to the next administration while trying to pressure state legislators and election officials to overturn the will of the voters.

Denied the briefings, access to agencies and funding that are part of a traditional transition, Biden has nonetheless tried to move forward. He has named senior staff, decided on Cabinet members and attempted to glean information about policy and national security from former government officials and others, including governors, who have worked with the Trump administration. ...

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RE: A Biden administration

in Politik 22.11.2020 21:04
von Maga-neu | 35.170 Beiträge

"Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Each nation must decide for itself how it will meet it. The choice we make for ourselves must be made with a moderation of counsel and a temperateness of judgment befitting our character and our motives as a nation. We must put excited feeling away. Our motive will not be revenge or the victorious assertion of the physical might of the nation, but only the vindication of right, of human right, of which we are only a single champion. So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is...fear itself — nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance. In the long history of the world, only a few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger. I do not shrink from this responsibility — I welcome it. I do not believe that any of us would exchange places with any other people or any other generation. The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavour will light our country and all who serve it — and the glow from that fire can truly light the world. And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man. New Democrats, new America, the party renewed, the country reborn. New Democrats. New America. It's morning again in America."

Die Rede von Joe Biden am 20. Januar. Vielleicht könnte er ja doch noch Neil Kinnock einbauen.

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RE: A Biden administration

in Politik 22.11.2020 21:34
von Willie (gelöscht)
zuletzt bearbeitet 22.11.2020 21:51 | nach oben springen


RE: A Biden administration

in Politik 22.11.2020 22:48
von Willie (gelöscht)

Trump Exits Open Skies Treaty, Moves to Discard Observation Planes
Without specialized aircraft and equipment, Biden administration would have difficult time re-entering post-Cold War pact

Erst noch schnell soviel kapputtmachen wie geht. Vindictiveness pur.

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RE: A Biden administration

in Politik 23.11.2020 22:54
von Willie (gelöscht)

Republicans created an anti-democratic mob
Opinion by Jennifer Rubin (Conservative Columnist)

CNN’s Jake Tapper on “State of the Union” summed up the state of the Republican Party on Sunday: “State election officials and judges throughout the country are serving as protectors of our democracy at a time when, frankly, Republican leaders in Washington, D.C., are failing miserably at the job, as are administration officials who have proven willing to degrade themselves, to serve the president’s brittle spirit instead of the Constitution and the American people.” ...

... Republicans who failed to take on Trump not only created a monster, but also misled their own base, rendering them unable and unwilling to accept the results of an election. These politicians and right-wing media personalities are as responsible as Trump for the MAGA masses who believe they are persecuted, regard pressure on election officials as fair game, buy into crackpot conspiracy theories and no longer accept the premise of democracy.

The Republican lawmakers who tell their base that Democrats want to take away Thanksgiving or hate Christians reinforce the white grievance mentality that Trump whipped up. The Republican senators and House members who mouthed Russian propaganda and simply lied to the public about the evidence of Trump’s impeachable conduct made their own voters more ignorant and antagonistic toward factual evidence. The lawmakers who scream that Facebook (where the top-performing posts often come from conservative pundits) is out to get Republicans or that climate change is a hoax have turned their base into an unhinged mob for whom facts are irrelevant.

The problem is not merely Trump; nor is it the cowardly elected Republicans who refuse to stand up to his treacherous attempt to steal an election. The disturbing and more difficult conundrum is that they’ve turned tens of millions of voters into gullible consumers of Trumpian nonsense. Even if elected Republicans wanted to speak truth to the MAGA crowd, I am not certain many will listen.

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RE: A Biden administration

in Politik 23.11.2020 23:44
von Willie (gelöscht)

Biden chooses former Fed Chair Janet Yellen to be Treasury secretary

President-elect Joe Biden has chosen former Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen as Treasury secretary, a historic decision that could make her the first woman to lead the department, according to people familiar with the matter.

Yellen, 74, is widely seen as a politically “safe” pick for the role, likely to garner support from Senate Republicans as someone capable of pursing bipartisan compromise during an otherwise fragile time for the economy.
A graduate of Brown and Yale universities, Yellen was also the first woman to serve as Fed chair after her Senate confirmation in 2014.

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RE: A Biden administration

in Politik 23.11.2020 23:46
von Willie (gelöscht)

G.M. Drops Its Support for Trump Climate Rollbacks and Aligns With Biden
General Motors said it would no longer back President Trump’s lawsuit seeking to strip California of the power to set fuel economy standards.

Ms. Barra said her company, one of the largest automakers in the world, was withdrawing its support for Trump administration litigation that seeks to strip California of its ability to set its own, strict fuel economy standards, and she urged Toyota and Fiat Chrysler to do the same.

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RE: A Biden administration

in Politik 23.11.2020 23:50
von Willie (gelöscht)

Biden Taps Veteran US Diplomat Linda Thomas-Greenfield as UN Ambassador 
U.S. President-elect Joe Biden has named veteran diplomat Linda Thomas-Greenfield to join his forthcoming Cabinet as his pick for U.N. ambassador, his transition team announced Monday. The post requires Senate confirmation.

Thomas-Greenfield has worked in both Democratic and Republican administrations during her 35-year State Department career. An Africa specialist, she served as U.S. ambassador to Liberia, and held posts in Kenya, The Gambia and Nigeria. Under President Barack Obama, she served as the assistant secretary for the Bureau of African Affairs (2013-2017), developing and managing Washington's policy toward sub-Saharan Africa. She has also worked in Geneva at the U.S. Mission to the United Nations.

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