
RE: Die Trump Präsidentschaft

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 24.10.2017 21:30
von Leto_II. | 27.833 Beiträge

Zitat von Maga-neu im Beitrag #2524
Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #2521
Zitat von Nante im Beitrag #2519
Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #2518
Russian Propaganda Traced Back to Staten Island, New York
Moscow may have paid for the memes, but a man in a quiet Staten Island neighborhood hosted them. It’s further evidence of how deep into America the Russian campaign extended.

Ist erscheckend, diese Einflußnahme auf die US-Wahlen. Na ja, nächstes Jahr kann man sich revanchieren.

Der volle Einfluss ist ja noch nicht einmal bekannt, man ist ja gerade erst einmal dabei mit dem ausgraben zu beginnen. Noch weniger weiss man um die Auswirkungen dessen.

Aber soviel wird bereits ueberdeutlich klar: Durch das relative Novum der vielen neuen Kommunikationsplatformen im Internet -ja das Internet selbst- hat sich die Propaganda dorthin verschoben und hat aufgrund der dort moeglichen Verschleierungen gewaltige Moeglichkeiten und Effektivitaet. Vom Umfange des Potentials bekommt man gerade erst einmal einen Vorgeschmack.

Dies in Verbindung mit einer generell fortschreitenden gesellschaftlichen Verdummung, besonders in der "freien Welt", macht die Manipulationen aeusserst effektiv. Es laesst wenig Gutes fuer die Zukunft erkennen.

Der Propaganda, der Leuteverarschung, der Manipulation laesst sich nur mit Bildung in kritischem Denken begegnen. Genau das was heute zunehmend unpopulaerer wird. Weil nicht ganz einfach -und vor allen Dingen schmerzhaft. Die Gutfuehlgesellschaft will keinen Schmerz. Um keinen Preis. Dann lieber dumm bleiben.

Zur Revanche:
Das ist nicht so einfach, wenn auf der anderen Seite der Informationsfluss gesteuert wird. Nicht ohne Grund wird in Diktaturen dieser kontrolliert.

Mag sein, dass es russische Einflussnahme gab. Als Erklärung für die Niederlage reicht sie nicht. Die Erklärung ist in der Demokratischen Partei zu finden, die sich geändert hat. Ich zitiere aus einem Vorwort von Dean Wilentz von der Princeton University: "Three years later, dissension over the [Vietnam] war and civil rights within the Democratic Party broke the New Deal coalition; and over the next forty years, the party more often than not was in the political wilderness, a congeries of contending interest groups lacking a common purpose. Some of the party's left wing [e.g. Pocahontas] came to accept the view that America was in the clutches of a remorseless, all-powerful, white male corporate elite - a globalist conspiracy that included center-left democrats such as Bill Clinton. Here was a stlye of left-wing paranoia that closely resembled the right-wing propaganda Hofstadter described earlier."

Man kann natürlich, der Paranoia folgend, russische Hacker und letztlich Putin für den Sieg Trumps verantwortlich machen. Oder man kann sich fragen, was man selbst falsch gemacht hat. Was es vielleicht auch die Tatsache, die Bloomberg nennt [s. Posting unten] dass Trump ein Narrativ hatte "Make America great again", während die Demokraten keines hatten?

Rechnerisch kann es das Zünglein an der Waage gewesen sein, gerade weil Trump rein rechnerisch verloren hat. Das ist dann aber eine "Aussensicht". Politisch/inhaltlich haben die DEMs ihre Wählerschaft nicht genügend mobilisieren können.

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RE: käuflich ...

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 25.10.2017 07:34
von sayada.b. | 9.135 Beiträge

Zitat von Indo_HS im Beitrag #2517
<<Röttgen kritisiert Tillersons Warnung vor Geschäften mit dem Iran>>
23. Oktober 2017 15:16

"Der CDU-Außenpolitiker Norbert Röttgen hat die an europäische Unternehmen gerichtete Warnung des US-Außenministers Rex Tillerson vor Geschäften mit dem Iran zurückgewiesen. “Die USA wollen mit wirtschaftlichem Druck erzwingen, dass die Europäer ihrem Ansatz zur Isolierung des Iran folgen – das widerspricht einer guten westlichen Kooperation für den Mittleren Osten”, sagte Röttgen dem “Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland” (Dienstag). Der Vorsitzende des Auswärtigen Ausschusses im Bundestag äußerte sich besorgt über mögliche Folgen: “Es besteht die Gefahr, dass europäische Unternehmen mittelbar von den Iran-Sanktionen betroffen sein werden.” ..."

Das Problem ist, das Firmen, die bereits mit US-amerikanischen Firmen Geschäfte machen und nun dies auch mit dem Iran tun wollen, sich extrem bei letzterem zurückhalten werden. Ansonsten drohen Klagen vor US-Gerichten...
War letzte Woche erst im "Handelsblatt" zu lesen.

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RE: Die Trump Präsidentschaft

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 25.10.2017 07:40
von sayada.b. | 9.135 Beiträge

Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #2523
Hier eine Beschreibung von einem Bekannten zu Trump und seinem malignanten Narzissmus, das es ziemlich genau auf den Punkt bringt. Meiner Meinung nach.
Leider habe ich es nur in English und ich konnte es auch nicht verlinken. Falls es aber emand fuer sich fuer von Interesse erachtet, wuerde ich mich an eine Uebersetzung dessen geben.

"I have a kind of morbid curiosity about sociopathy. Having thrice had relationships with a sociopath (one a boss, one a “friend” and one a lover), I’ve read dozens of papers on how they tick. It’s estimated that 1 in 40 Americans is a sociopath, either diagnosed or otherwise. That’s a LOT. Around 8 Million people. Which means you too probably have had one or more encounters with one. And I suspect you came away from it angry or hurt.

You all know their shtick. Narcissistic as hell, ZERO concern for anybody else’s feelings, Olympic-level ability to lie, they’re usually emotionally unstable, and the biggie: incredibly manipulative. That last one should be the first warning sign. Lots of folks pressure others to get what they want, but the sociopath has elevated using others to a science.

Of the umpteen articles I’ve read on the topic, they’re virtually unanimous in their conclusions. Namely, that you can’t change the sociopath any more than you can change the day of the week. They are who they are. Reason WILL NOT WORK. The best advice for those who discover a sociopath in their lives? Distance. Either get them out of your life ASAP, or if a family member, keep your contact with them to the bare essentials. Because if there’s one universal truth about the sociopath, it’s this: If you don’t protect yourself, sooner or later, they’ll ruin your life. And yes, this means Trump too.

I can’t prove this of course, but I’m 99% certain this is correct:

When Sean Spicer walked out to greet the media that day last January and announced “This was the biggest Inauguration Day crowd in history,” I believe the Ochre Ogre instructed him to say those exact words. When Stephen Miller looked into the camera with those beady fascistic eyes and said “this president’s word will not be questioned,” here too, I believe there was a turmeric-hued ghoul behind the curtain controlling the levers. Likewise, when Sarah Huckabee Sanders utters the idiotic hyperbole she spews at the lectern, I believe the author of that idiocy is Trump. Same with Kellyann Conway, Tony Scaramucci, Devin Nunes, Paul Ryan etc. And the non-disclosed deal goes something like “If you want to work for me, you’ll do as I say. If you disobey, you’re fired, and I’ll make sure your reputation suffers well after you’re gone.”

This isn’t confined to sociopathy. In the big wheeling-dealing business world Trump exuded from, the boss is supposed to call the shots. The difference here, is that he doesn’t allow them to do their own thinking. He doesn’t trust them to get the job done THEIR way. It’s always his way or the highway.

Since January, there’ve been two incidents that challenged this pattern (keep in mind, this is just me speculating based on observation). The first, was FBI Director Comey. Trump tried to pressure him into dropping the Russia investigation, but Comey wouldn’t play ball. When that failed, he tried manipulating him to go on record saying Trump wasn’t a subject of the investigation. Whatever it took for him to achieve his ends. And as usual, the consequences of disobedience is “You’re fired.” Which, to Comey’s credit, he accepted over acquiescing to Trump’s blackmail.

And the second was what we saw this past week with Chief of Staff John Kelly. Here’s a guy with a stellar record of four decades in the Marines. Everyone, military brass and politicians alike, have had nothing but glowing praise for Kelly’s character. His integrity—up until now—was unsurpassed. So what the hell happened?

We’ll probably never know the nitty-gritty, but this much is certain. The lies he told regarding the La David Johnson incident were uncharacteristic of his reputation. Which by the way, is now in a shambles. As I said, I don’t know this for a fact, but I *suspect* the false story of Congresswoman Wilson’s alleged bad behavior at the dedication of a Florida FBI building didn’t come from him. Oh, I have no doubt that he was there, but I suspect the story was “fine tuned” by Trump himself, who then sent Kelly out before the press with instructions to tell it his way... and the story has now blown up in their faces.

For whatever the details behind the scenes, John Kelly told a bald-faced lie. This Four Star General, a leader amongst leaders, went before the broadcast networks and cable channels and told a ham-handedly manufactured account of an otherwise gracious speech given by an honorable Congresswoman two years ago.

Which wasn’t Kelly’s style. But it WAS Trump’s.

And the MANNER in which Kelly told his version; the degrading, belittling, condescending manner in which he told it, twice referring to her as an “empty barrel” smacked of one Donald J. Trump. And now, Kelly’s reputation is gone forever. He got in the cage with the cobra, thinking he’d be the one who could charm it — only to learn that you can’t charm a cobra. And now that Kelly’s been bitten, the cobra will go in search of another sucker to do its dirty work, oblivious to the blood it’s drawn.

But as someone said very recently, you knew what you were signing up for. Welcome to your new reality, General.

Keep in mind what virtually every psychologist and psychiatrist recommends about engaging the sociopath. *Don’t.* The ONLY thing you can do to protect yourself from a sociopath, is to get them totally out of your life. Have NO contact, for they’ll surely bring you down.

Yet 63 Million Americans handed one the keys to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, along with the launch codes.

Bitte übersetzen.
Kannst es mir ja als PN schicken...

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RE: Die Trump Präsidentschaft

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 25.10.2017 11:19
von nahal | 24.498 Beiträge

Bei so viel Trump-bashing gehen einige "unwichtige" Nachrichten verloren:

"The Supreme Court handed President Trump a victory Tuesday when it tossed out the remaining case challenging his earlier travel ban."

"A lawyer representing Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign, as well as the Democratic National Committee (DNC), helped fund research for the controversial dossier about President Trump's alleged connections to Russia, according to a new report."

"The Obama administration awarded a visa allowing a top Russian nuclear executive to enter the United States after the FBI had already gathered substantial evidence he was involved in a racketeering scheme involving bribery, kickbacks, extortion and money laundering, court records show."


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RE: Die Trump Präsidentschaft

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 25.10.2017 11:32
von Maga-neu | 35.187 Beiträge

Zitat von nahal im Beitrag #2529
"A lawyer representing Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign, as well as the Democratic National Committee (DNC), helped fund research for the controversial dossier about President Trump's alleged connections to Russia, according to a new report."

Das hätte ich jetzt nicht erwartet...

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RE: Die Trump Präsidentschaft

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 25.10.2017 11:37
von Maga-neu | 35.187 Beiträge

Zitat von Leto_II. im Beitrag #2526
Rechnerisch kann es das Zünglein an der Waage gewesen sein, gerade weil Trump rein rechnerisch verloren hat. Das ist dann aber eine "Aussensicht". Politisch/inhaltlich haben die DEMs ihre Wählerschaft nicht genügend mobilisieren können.
Beim "popular vote" hat Trump verloren, weil die Republikaner im größten Bundesstaat der USA, Kalifornien (mit einer Einwohnerzahl vergleichbar Polens*), ganz "blau" geworden ist. Der letzte Republikaner, der Kalifornien gewonnen hat, war Reagan. Die Demokraten wären besser beraten gewesen, auf ein paar Stimmen in Kalifornien (auch ein paar hunderttausend) zu verzichten, um dafür ein paar mehr Stimmen in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan und Wisconsin zu gewinnen.

*Zum Vergleich: Das stramm republikanische Wyoming hat ungefähr die Einwohnerzahl Hannovers oder Dortmunds.

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RE: Die Trump Präsidentschaft

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 25.10.2017 11:41
von nahal | 24.498 Beiträge

Zitat von Maga-neu im Beitrag #2531
Zitat von Leto_II. im Beitrag #2526
Rechnerisch kann es das Zünglein an der Waage gewesen sein, gerade weil Trump rein rechnerisch verloren hat. Das ist dann aber eine "Aussensicht". Politisch/inhaltlich haben die DEMs ihre Wählerschaft nicht genügend mobilisieren können.
Beim "popular vote" hat Trump verloren, weil die Republikaner im größten Bundesstaat der USA, Kalifornien (mit einer Einwohnerzahl vergleichbar Polens*), ganz "blau" geworden ist. Der letzte Republikaner, der Kalifornien gewonnen hat, war Reagan. Die Demokraten wären besser beraten gewesen, auf ein paar Stimmen in Kalifornien (auch ein paar hunderttausend) zu verzichten, um dafür ein paar mehr Stimmen in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan und Wisconsin zu gewinnen.

*Zum Vergleich: Das stramm republikanische Wyoming hat ungefähr die Einwohnerzahl Hannovers oder Dortmunds.

"Rein rechnerisch" hat Trump NULL Wahlkampf in Kalifornien gemacht.Und mein Sohn ist in San Francisco nicht zu Wahl gegangen, weil es zwecklos gewesen wäre. Genau so wie mein anderer Sohn in Chicago - Illinois.
Das wären 2 "popular votes"

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RE: Die Trump Präsidentschaft

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 25.10.2017 11:48
von Maga-neu | 35.187 Beiträge

Zitat von sayada.b. im Beitrag #2528

Bitte übersetzen.
Kannst es mir ja als PN schicken...

Sayada, ich will dir einen Abschnitt daraus übersetzen. Die gesamte Übersetzung überlasse ich Willie, der als Rentner mehr Zeit hat. :-)

Nachdem festgestellt worden ist, dass einer von 40 Amerikanern ein Soziopath ist (also insgesamt ungefähr acht Millionen), wird folgender Satz geschrieben:
"You all know their shtick. Narcissistic as hell, ZERO concern for anybody else’s feelings, Olympic-level ability to lie, they’re usually emotionally unstable, and the biggie: incredibly manipulative. That last one should be the first warning sign. Lots of folks pressure others to get what they want, but the sociopath has elevated using others to a science."
"Ihr kennt alle ihre Masche. Narzisstisch bis zum geht nicht mehr, null Sorge um die Gefühle anderer, eine Fähigkeit zu lügen auf olympischem Niveau, sind sie gewöhnlich instabil und der Knüller: unglaublich manipulativ. Das Letzte sollte das erste Warnsignal sein. Viele Leute üben Druck auf andere aus, um zu erhalten, was sie wollen, aber der Soziopath hat den Gebrauch anderer zu einer Wissenschaft gemacht."

Klingt wie eine Beschreibung auch Bill und Hillary Clintons. Die einzige Präsidenten der letzten Jahrzehnte, auf die diese Beschreibung kein bisschen zutrifft, waren Jimmy Carter und George Bush sen. (und auch Gerald Ford, aber der wurde nie gewählt, sondern ernannt) Beide wurden nicht wiedergewählt...

zuletzt bearbeitet 25.10.2017 12:00 | nach oben springen


RE: Die Trump Präsidentschaft

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 25.10.2017 11:50
von Maga-neu | 35.187 Beiträge

Zitat von nahal im Beitrag #2532
Zitat von Maga-neu im Beitrag #2531
Zitat von Leto_II. im Beitrag #2526
Rechnerisch kann es das Zünglein an der Waage gewesen sein, gerade weil Trump rein rechnerisch verloren hat. Das ist dann aber eine "Aussensicht". Politisch/inhaltlich haben die DEMs ihre Wählerschaft nicht genügend mobilisieren können.
Beim "popular vote" hat Trump verloren, weil die Republikaner im größten Bundesstaat der USA, Kalifornien (mit einer Einwohnerzahl vergleichbar Polens*), ganz "blau" geworden ist. Der letzte Republikaner, der Kalifornien gewonnen hat, war Reagan. Die Demokraten wären besser beraten gewesen, auf ein paar Stimmen in Kalifornien (auch ein paar hunderttausend) zu verzichten, um dafür ein paar mehr Stimmen in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan und Wisconsin zu gewinnen.

*Zum Vergleich: Das stramm republikanische Wyoming hat ungefähr die Einwohnerzahl Hannovers oder Dortmunds.

"Rein rechnerisch" hat Trump NULL Wahlkampf in Kalifornien gemacht.Und mein Sohn ist in San Francisco nicht zu Wahl gegangen, weil es zwecklos gewesen wäre. Genau so wie mein anderer Sohn in Chicago - Illinois.
Das wären 2 "popular votes"
Ja, klar. Er hätte seine Energien verschwendet, die - das muss man ihm lassen - er in einem Übermaß im Wahlkampf eingesetzt hatte. Drei rallies in drei verschiedenen Staaten an einem Tag für einen über Siebzigjährigen - das ist schon erstaunlich.

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RE: Die Trump Präsidentschaft

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 25.10.2017 16:20
von Willie (gelöscht)

Zitat von sayada.b. im Beitrag #2528
Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #2523
Hier eine Beschreibung von einem Bekannten zu Trump und seinem malignanten Narzissmus, das es ziemlich genau auf den Punkt bringt. Meiner Meinung nach.
Leider habe ich es nur in English und ich konnte es auch nicht verlinken. Falls es aber emand fuer sich fuer von Interesse erachtet, wuerde ich mich an eine Uebersetzung dessen geben.

"I have a kind of morbid curiosity about sociopathy. Having thrice had relationships with a sociopath (one a boss, one a “friend” and one a lover), I’ve read dozens of papers on how they tick. It’s estimated that 1 in 40 Americans is a sociopath, either diagnosed or otherwise. That’s a LOT. Around 8 Million people. Which means you too probably have had one or more encounters with one. And I suspect you came away from it angry or hurt.

You all know their shtick. Narcissistic as hell, ZERO concern for anybody else’s feelings, Olympic-level ability to lie, they’re usually emotionally unstable, and the biggie: incredibly manipulative. That last one should be the first warning sign. Lots of folks pressure others to get what they want, but the sociopath has elevated using others to a science.

Of the umpteen articles I’ve read on the topic, they’re virtually unanimous in their conclusions. Namely, that you can’t change the sociopath any more than you can change the day of the week. They are who they are. Reason WILL NOT WORK. The best advice for those who discover a sociopath in their lives? Distance. Either get them out of your life ASAP, or if a family member, keep your contact with them to the bare essentials. Because if there’s one universal truth about the sociopath, it’s this: If you don’t protect yourself, sooner or later, they’ll ruin your life. And yes, this means Trump too.

I can’t prove this of course, but I’m 99% certain this is correct:

When Sean Spicer walked out to greet the media that day last January and announced “This was the biggest Inauguration Day crowd in history,” I believe the Ochre Ogre instructed him to say those exact words. When Stephen Miller looked into the camera with those beady fascistic eyes and said “this president’s word will not be questioned,” here too, I believe there was a turmeric-hued ghoul behind the curtain controlling the levers. Likewise, when Sarah Huckabee Sanders utters the idiotic hyperbole she spews at the lectern, I believe the author of that idiocy is Trump. Same with Kellyann Conway, Tony Scaramucci, Devin Nunes, Paul Ryan etc. And the non-disclosed deal goes something like “If you want to work for me, you’ll do as I say. If you disobey, you’re fired, and I’ll make sure your reputation suffers well after you’re gone.”

This isn’t confined to sociopathy. In the big wheeling-dealing business world Trump exuded from, the boss is supposed to call the shots. The difference here, is that he doesn’t allow them to do their own thinking. He doesn’t trust them to get the job done THEIR way. It’s always his way or the highway.

Since January, there’ve been two incidents that challenged this pattern (keep in mind, this is just me speculating based on observation). The first, was FBI Director Comey. Trump tried to pressure him into dropping the Russia investigation, but Comey wouldn’t play ball. When that failed, he tried manipulating him to go on record saying Trump wasn’t a subject of the investigation. Whatever it took for him to achieve his ends. And as usual, the consequences of disobedience is “You’re fired.” Which, to Comey’s credit, he accepted over acquiescing to Trump’s blackmail.

And the second was what we saw this past week with Chief of Staff John Kelly. Here’s a guy with a stellar record of four decades in the Marines. Everyone, military brass and politicians alike, have had nothing but glowing praise for Kelly’s character. His integrity—up until now—was unsurpassed. So what the hell happened?

We’ll probably never know the nitty-gritty, but this much is certain. The lies he told regarding the La David Johnson incident were uncharacteristic of his reputation. Which by the way, is now in a shambles. As I said, I don’t know this for a fact, but I *suspect* the false story of Congresswoman Wilson’s alleged bad behavior at the dedication of a Florida FBI building didn’t come from him. Oh, I have no doubt that he was there, but I suspect the story was “fine tuned” by Trump himself, who then sent Kelly out before the press with instructions to tell it his way... and the story has now blown up in their faces.

For whatever the details behind the scenes, John Kelly told a bald-faced lie. This Four Star General, a leader amongst leaders, went before the broadcast networks and cable channels and told a ham-handedly manufactured account of an otherwise gracious speech given by an honorable Congresswoman two years ago.

Which wasn’t Kelly’s style. But it WAS Trump’s.

And the MANNER in which Kelly told his version; the degrading, belittling, condescending manner in which he told it, twice referring to her as an “empty barrel” smacked of one Donald J. Trump. And now, Kelly’s reputation is gone forever. He got in the cage with the cobra, thinking he’d be the one who could charm it — only to learn that you can’t charm a cobra. And now that Kelly’s been bitten, the cobra will go in search of another sucker to do its dirty work, oblivious to the blood it’s drawn.

But as someone said very recently, you knew what you were signing up for. Welcome to your new reality, General.

Keep in mind what virtually every psychologist and psychiatrist recommends about engaging the sociopath. *Don’t.* The ONLY thing you can do to protect yourself from a sociopath, is to get them totally out of your life. Have NO contact, for they’ll surely bring you down.

Yet 63 Million Americans handed one the keys to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, along with the launch codes.

Bitte übersetzen.
Kannst es mir ja als PN schicken...

OK. Heute im Laufe des Tages.

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RE: Die Trump Präsidentschaft

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 25.10.2017 16:37
von Willie (gelöscht)

Michael Bloomberg: Brexit is stupidest thing any country has done besides Trump
Michael Bloomberg, the billionaire media mogul and former mayor of New York, has said Brexit is the “single stupidest thing any country has ever done” apart from the election of Donald Trump as US president.

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RE: Die Trump Präsidentschaft

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 25.10.2017 16:40
von Willie (gelöscht)

As GOP Senators Bail, Republicans Are Learning What A Trump Party Looks Like
Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan: out. Donald Trump and Steve Bannon: in.

“What party?” laughed Rick Tyler, a longtime GOP consultant who worked for the presidential campaign of Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas last year. “It’s hard to say that it’s anyone’s party right now. It is both intellectually and ideologically unmoored.”

Tyler said Trump’s inability to focus on legislation, or even understand it, makes it virtually impossible for him to lead his own party, let alone the nation. “He doesn’t have a core set of beliefs. He never has. He’s going to believe in what’s good for him at the moment,” Tyler said. “The president is supposed to be the North Star in all of these things. And he’s just a constellation. And we’ve got no way of knowing where he’s going to be in six months.” ...

“We must stop pretending that the degradation of our politics and the conduct of some in our executive branch are normal. They are not normal,” Flake said from the floor of the Senate on Tuesday. “And when such behavior emanates from the top of our government, it is something else. It is dangerous to a democracy.”

Corker earlier this month criticized Trump for running the White House as if it were a “reality show” and possibly leading the country into “World War III” with his careless language.

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RE: Die Trump Präsidentschaft

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 25.10.2017 16:48
von Willie (gelöscht)

Under Trump, Made in America Is Losing Out to Russian Steel
An oligarch-owned steel company is winning pipeline contracts, and foreign steel imports are up 24 percent this year.

Four days after his inauguration, Donald Trump signed a handful of executive memos to advance the Keystone XL pipeline and revive the U.S. steel industry. He invited builder TransCanada Corp. to reapply for a permit denied by Barack Obama and ordered up fast-track rules forcing not only Keystone but also all new U.S. pipelines to be made from American steel. “From now on, we’re going to be making pipeline in the United States,” he said.
Made-in-America Keystone was a stunt.

Puerto Rico’s infrastructure will be rebuilt by a 2-person company with ties to Ryan Zinke
A company with only two employees was given a $300 million contract to rebuild Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico's infrastructure is in desperate need of repair, which makes it all the more puzzling that the commonwealth's state-owned utility hired an obscure Montana firm to do the job.
Whitefish Energy, which was founded in 2015, signed a $300 million contract with Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority, according to The Washington Post. It did this instead of activating a "mutual aid" agreement it has with other utilities, one that has been used in other areas struck by natural disasters to speedily recover their infrastructure.
Although Whitefish Energy only had two full-time employees on the day that Hurricane Maria struck the island, it claimed on Monday that it had hired 280 workers, primarily through subcontracting, in order to begin repairing the devastated territory's electrical infrastructure.

The fact that Whitefish Energy is so small and obscure, and that so many other seemingly superior alternatives exist, has raised questions about the company's connection to Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke. White Energy Chief Executive Andy Techmanski admitted to the Post that he knows Zinke, although Zinke's office claimed that this is merely because Whitefish is such a small town, saying, "everybody knows everybody."
The Post also learned that one of Zinke's sons had worked a summer job at one of Techmanski's construction sites with a friend.

zuletzt bearbeitet 25.10.2017 17:47 | nach oben springen


RE: Die Trump Präsidentschaft

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 25.10.2017 16:50
von Willie (gelöscht)

In the dead of night, Republicans vote to give lawsuit immunity to banks
Draining that swamp.

Tuesday night, as many Americans were preparing to go to bed, an evenly divided Senate voted to give broad lawsuit immunity to credit card companies, auto lenders, credit reporting companies like Equifax, and many other financial firms. The 50-50 tie in the Senate was broken by Vice President Mike Pence (R), and the House approved the lawsuit immunity measure. President Trump is expected to sign it.

The resolution passed by the Senate overrides a rule created by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), which prevents many financial firms from engaging in two abusive practices.

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RE: Die Trump Präsidentschaft

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 25.10.2017 16:53
von Willie (gelöscht)

Congress: Trump Won’t Implement Russia Sanctions—and He Won’t Tell Us Why
Congress is close to powerless in compelling the Trump administration to implement sanctions that it already forced him to sign into law.

When Congress sent President Donald Trump a bill in July that slapped new sanctions on Russia, the president signed the legislation reluctantly while lambasting it as an example of congressional overreach.
The administration has since blown past an October 1 deadline to implement the sanctions. Lawmakers are now searching for answers as to whether the president is even planning to follow the law that they passed and he signed.
“If they don’t cooperate, then further actions need to be taken,” Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) told The Daily Beast on Monday. The Arizona senator, who chairs the powerful Armed Services Committee and has spoken out against the White House on its attitude toward Moscow, said the administration has left him in the dark.
But aside from procedural tactics, Congress is essentially powerless in compelling the executive branch to follow through on the law it forced them to sign.
The legislation, which was approved overwhelmingly by both houses of Congress, slapped sanctions on Russia and codified existing ones over its election meddling and incursions into eastern Europe that have drawn condemnation from the U.S. and its allies.

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RE: Die Trump Präsidentschaft

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 25.10.2017 17:05
von Willie (gelöscht)

Republicans on House’s Trump-Russia Probe Not That Interested in Trump or Russia
Only three of the 13 House intel committee Republicans regularly show up to grill Russia-related witnesses. Meanwhile, GOP staffers are chasing the trail of the pee tape dossier.

People familiar with the probe say it’s becoming increasingly clear where the committee’s Republican staffers are focusing their energy—and it’s not on the possible collusion between the Kremlin and Trump Tower.

....But simultaneously, the committee’s chairman, Devin Nunes, appears to be freelancing, helming his own investigation into three passion projects: discrediting the Fusion GPS “pee tape” dossier, criticizing Obama administration officials for looking at the names of U.S. citizens in intelligence intercepts—a process known as “unmasking”—and digging in on allegations that the Russians bribed Hillary Clinton to sell off America’s uranium stores. Sources say he subpoenaed Fusion GPS’ bank without telling the committee’s minority members, which may violate committee rules. ...

All those projects have the effect of blocking and tackling for Trump, even after Nunes indicated in April that he would step back from the probe because of criticism that he was trying to run interference for the White House.

Von den republikanischen Trump Clowns im Congress ist -ausser Behinderungen und Ablenkungen- also nichts zu erwarten. Es wird demnach alleine auf die Mueller Untersuchung ankommen.

zuletzt bearbeitet 25.10.2017 17:11 | nach oben springen


RE: Die Trump Präsidentschaft

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 25.10.2017 21:25
von Willie (gelöscht)

Kaspersky Lab confirms that it downloaded secret NSA tools
The head of Russian cybersecurity company Kaspersky Lab confirmed that his company's anti-virus software copied hacking tools from the National Security Agency to its servers but promptly deleted them upon learning of their existence, per the AP.

Why it matters: Kaspersky has been suspected of having ties to the Russian government — which the company denies — and it has come under scrutiny since the revelation of Russia's meddling in the 2016 presidential election, especially given the wide use of its popular anti-virus program in the United States. The U.S. government ordered Kaspersky's software to be removed from government-owned computers last month.

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RE: Die Trump Präsidentschaft

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 26.10.2017 13:50
von Maga-neu | 35.187 Beiträge


EXCLUSIVE: Six U.S Agencies Conspired to Illegally Wiretap Trump; British Intel Used as NSA Front to Spy on Campaign

Wozu hat man schließlich gute Freunde?

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RE: Die Trump Präsidentschaft

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 26.10.2017 16:03
von Willie (gelöscht)

Zitat von Maga-neu im Beitrag #2543

EXCLUSIVE: Six U.S Agencies Conspired to Illegally Wiretap Trump; British Intel Used as NSA Front to Spy on Campaign

Wozu hat man schließlich gute Freunde?

"True Pundit" :-))))

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RE: Die Trump Präsidentschaft

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 26.10.2017 16:04
von Willie (gelöscht)

The Trump administration is delaying Russia sanctions that Congress demanded
Congress wants to know why Trump is dragging his feet on Russia sanctions

President Donald Trump’s administration missed its deadline to implement sanctions on Russia — and Republicans in Congress are starting to worry about why.

"I'm going to get on the phone with someone," Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN), who played a key role negotiating the sanctions bill as chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, told reporters on Wednesday. The bill was a direct punishment for Russia’s meddling in the 2016 presidential election.

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RE: Die Trump Präsidentschaft

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 26.10.2017 16:07
von nahal | 24.498 Beiträge

Immer mehr Beweise für die kriminelle Obama-Regierung:

"The government apologized Thursday for illegally targeting tea party groups for intrusive scrutiny and agreed to settlements with hundreds of organizations snared in the targeting, bringing to a close one of the more embarrassing episodes of the Obama administration.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions said the IRS owed the groups an apology after years of poor treatment and even longer refusal to concede bad behavior. He placed blame on “the last administration,” saying the targeting that went on under President Obama “was wrong and should never have occurred.”
One of the settlement agreements, filed in federal court in Washington, D.C., officially admits that the IRS singled out groups because of their political beliefs, in defiance of the law. The other settlement, in a class-action lawsuit in Ohio, includes a “generous” payout to more than 400 groups snared, according to a lawyer involved."


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RE: Die Trump Präsidentschaft

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 26.10.2017 16:11
von nahal | 24.498 Beiträge

"According to the Washington Post, the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee gave birth to the salacious “Trump Dossier,” compiled by the Washington-based research firm of Fusion GPS and a former British spy. The Clinton campaign and the DNC funded the operation.

And that dossier, now properly seen as opposition research, served as the launching pad for the federal investigations into Russia’s role in the 2016 elections. It also served as fuel for media snark around the Trump/Russia collusion story that has dominated political news since Clinton lost her election.

Some New York Times reporters are now saying they were lied to by lawyers for Fusion GPS for more than a year. The Democratic National Committee has run for cover."

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RE: Die Trump Präsidentschaft

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 26.10.2017 16:12
von Willie (gelöscht)

The Recruitables: Why Trump’s Team Was Easy Prey for Putin
A former CIA officer looks at the personality traits that might have allowed Russian intelligence to manipulate key members of the president’s inner circle.

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RE: Die Trump Präsidentschaft

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 26.10.2017 16:17
von nahal | 24.498 Beiträge

Current and past leaders of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) say they had no knowledge that the national party was helping to fund a dossier compiled by a British spy that contained scandalous accusations about President Trump.

The Washington Post reported Tuesday that Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the DNC paid millions to the law firm Perkins Coie, where Democratic lawyer Marc Elias worked with the opposition research firm Fusion GPS to construct the memo, which was compiled by British spy Christopher Steele.

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RE: Die Trump Präsidentschaft

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 26.10.2017 16:23
von Willie (gelöscht)

The dirty Truth about the Steele Dossier
Yes, it was partially funded by the Clinton campaign. No, Trump isn’t off the hook.

... Being able to definitively tie the Clinton campaign and the D.N.C. to the Steele dossier is sure to give Republicans another line of attack against special counsel Robert Mueller. But that doesn’t change the fact that much of what Steele found—muddled as it may be by rumor, innuendo, and possible Russian disinformation—was deemed sufficiently credible by the F.B.I. for the agency to begin working with Steele and, ultimately, to fund his research—at least until his name was made public. The broader intelligence community found the allegations sufficiently credible that they gave classified briefings to members of Congress and, in January, days before the inauguration, presented a two-page synopsis to then-President Obama and President-elect Trump. Many of those details have since been confirmed, though the dossier’s most outrageous claims have not. The overall legitimacy of that intelligence, including allegations that Russia may have compromising personal and financial information about the current president, remains a matter of significant public concern.

zuletzt bearbeitet 26.10.2017 16:26 | nach oben springen

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