
RE: Brexit

in Politik 23.06.2019 17:27
von Maga-neu | 35.189 Beiträge


Ein fb-Freund schreibt dazu: "Sorry, you pro-democracy types. A privileged, pampered, humourless comedian and a racist Australian nonce-lover have announced they disagree with the biggest vote in your country's history. Time to give up, plebs, and stop being so uppity."

Privileged, pampered, humourless - klingt fast nach Jan Böhmermann.

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RE: Brexit

in Politik 23.06.2019 17:42
von Maga-neu | 35.189 Beiträge


Eine der beiden Witzfiguren mit dem Plakat - der Comedian Peter Tatchell, der im Nebenberuf ein human rights campaigner ist. Ich weiß nicht, was ich mehr verabscheue, dieses tuntenhafte Gehabe, diese Plastiksprache oder diese völlig unoriginellen Gedankengänge, falls man diesen Begriff benutzen will. Nun ja, wir kennen ja diese Art von Moralpriestern im Comedian-Gewand auch in Deutschland, für deren unkomisches Gegeifer die Leute auch noch Geld zahlen. Ich vermute, es handelt sich dabei um eine Art Ablass (vielleicht für politisch unkorrekte Gedanken oder einen Flug auf die Malediven).

zuletzt bearbeitet 23.06.2019 17:43 | nach oben springen


RE: Brexit

in Politik 23.06.2019 17:59
von Willie (gelöscht)

Und nun wieder mal eine Dosis Realitaet:

The Observer view on Boris Johnson’s Brexit fantasies
A no-deal outcome will destroy this country, though neither candidate will admit as much

When politicians can spread untruths with little accountability and few electoral consequences, an irreversible rot starts to set into the political system. There’s no greater indicator that this is happening in Britain today than the fact that a man within spitting distance of Downing Street is getting away with deploying utterly misleading information about what might happen in the aftermath of a no-deal Brexit, in order to strengthen his leadership bid. ...

... That Johnson is happy to wilfully mislead voters should come as no surprise. As the public face of Vote Leave in 2016, he claimed that leaving the EU would free up £350m a week for spending on the NHS, which saw the head of the UK’s statistics watchdog accuse him of “a clear misuse of official statistics”. During the campaign, he stoked fears that Turkey was on the verge of joining the EU, despite the fact its application had stalled, but earlier this year claimed that he said nothing about Turkey during the campaign. But his propensity to stray from the truth is doing little harm to his leadership campaign.

It is reflective of the extent to which no deal – certainly not the Brexit proposition presented to the electorate in 2016 – has become the Brexit of choice for hardline Tory Eurosceptics. Faced with the reality that the Brexit they presented to voters was only ever a fantasy, they have joined Nigel Farage in clamouring for a “clean” Brexit – in other words, crashing out of the EU. This has resonated with Conservative members: more than half say they prefer no deal to the withdrawal agreement. The two remaining Tory leadership candidates, Johnson and Jeremy Hunt, have been shamelessly playing to this crowd; even Hunt has said he would countenance no deal.

Of course, no such “clean” break from the EU exists. Britain is not legally prepared for a no-deal Brexit: at a minimum, the government needs to get at least five more bills through parliament. Britain would need to re-establish its independent status as a member of the WTO, not necessarily straightforward if other WTO members try to extract concessions. And the UK’s negotiating position with the EU would be significantly weakened: once we have left, a new transitional agreement would likely require unanimous agreement from EU states, including national and regional parliaments, rather than the qualified majority required for the withdrawal agreement under article 50.

A no-deal Brexit will have destructive economic and political consequences for the country. The government’s forecast is that it would depress GDP between 7.7% and 9.3% over a 15-year period and it is the least affluent areas of the nation that will be hit worst in terms of jobs and growth. Moreover, a no-deal Brexit risks the breakup of the UK; it would increase the pressure for a vote on Irish unity and fuel the campaign for Scottish independence. This does not seem to worry the Conservative members who will select our next prime minister. One poll last week suggests they are so ideological about Brexit that they are happy to countenance significant economic damage, the breakup of the union and the destruction of their own party in order to see it happen. Johnson is currently expected to secure a comfortable victory among them, despite the fact that 40% believe he cannot be trusted to tell the truth. ...

A lie is a lie, even if everyone believes it
The truth is still the truth, even if no one believes it.

zuletzt bearbeitet 23.06.2019 18:06 | nach oben springen


RE: Brexit

in Politik 23.06.2019 18:40
von Hans Bergman | 23.327 Beiträge

Zitat von Maga-neu im Beitrag #2677

Eine der beiden Witzfiguren mit dem Plakat - der Comedian Peter Tatchell, der im Nebenberuf ein human rights campaigner ist. Ich weiß nicht, was ich mehr verabscheue, dieses tuntenhafte Gehabe, diese Plastiksprache oder diese völlig unoriginellen Gedankengänge, falls man diesen Begriff benutzen will. Nun ja, wir kennen ja diese Art von Moralpriestern im Comedian-Gewand auch in Deutschland, für deren unkomisches Gegeifer die Leute auch noch Geld zahlen. Ich vermute, es handelt sich dabei um eine Art Ablass (vielleicht für politisch unkorrekte Gedanken oder einen Flug auf die Malediven).

Gut, dass es für den Fußball ein Refugium der Rechtsstaatlichkeit, der Menschenrechte und der Demokratie gibt, wohin er sich von Zeit zu Zeit zurückziehen kann: Katar.

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RE: Brexit

in Politik 24.06.2019 18:03
von Maga-neu | 35.189 Beiträge
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RE: Brexit

in Politik 24.06.2019 18:41
von Leto_II. | 27.837 Beiträge

Zitat von Maga-neu im Beitrag #2680

Das wird ja die Idealbesetzung.

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RE: Brexit

in Politik 24.06.2019 19:30
von Willie (gelöscht)

Zitat von Leto_II. im Beitrag #2681
Zitat von Maga-neu im Beitrag #2680

Das wird ja die Idealbesetzung.

Der 31. Oktober kommt von ganz alleine, mit oder ohne BoJo.

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RE: Brexit

in Politik 24.06.2019 20:34
von Maga-neu | 35.189 Beiträge

Zitat von Leto_II. im Beitrag #2681
Zitat von Maga-neu im Beitrag #2680

Das wird ja die Idealbesetzung.
He is a buoyant character, he could have been a character in a Charles Dickens' novel. Anyway, he isn't boring like some other heads of government. :-)
Sorry, dass das auf Englisch war, aber ich weiß nicht, wie ich das Wort "buoyant" gut ins Deutsche übersetzen soll. Es ist so wie mit sprezzatura im Italienischen, das ich auch kaum ins Deutsche übersetzen kann, lässige Eleganz wäre vielleicht noch die adäquateste Übersetzung.

zuletzt bearbeitet 24.06.2019 20:36 | nach oben springen


RE: Brexit

in Politik 24.06.2019 23:43
von Willie (gelöscht)

Zitat von Maga-neu im Beitrag #2683
Zitat von Leto_II. im Beitrag #2681
Zitat von Maga-neu im Beitrag #2680

Das wird ja die Idealbesetzung.
He is a buoyant character, he could have been a character in a Charles Dickens' novel. Anyway, he isn't boring like some other heads of government. :-)
Sorry, dass das auf Englisch war, aber ich weiß nicht, wie ich das Wort "buoyant" gut ins Deutsche übersetzen soll. Es ist so wie mit sprezzatura im Italienischen, das ich auch kaum ins Deutsche übersetzen kann, lässige Eleganz wäre vielleicht noch die adäquateste Übersetzung.

Gemeint war wohl "flamboyant". 😉

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RE: Brexit

in Politik 25.06.2019 00:00
von Leto_II. | 27.837 Beiträge

Zitat von Maga-neu im Beitrag #2683
Zitat von Leto_II. im Beitrag #2681
Zitat von Maga-neu im Beitrag #2680

Das wird ja die Idealbesetzung.
He is a buoyant character, he could have been a character in a Charles Dickens' novel. Anyway, he isn't boring like some other heads of government. :-)
Sorry, dass das auf Englisch war, aber ich weiß nicht, wie ich das Wort "buoyant" gut ins Deutsche übersetzen soll. Es ist so wie mit sprezzatura im Italienischen, das ich auch kaum ins Deutsche übersetzen kann, lässige Eleganz wäre vielleicht noch die adäquateste Übersetzung.

Verhandlungen mit der EU werden bestimmt langweilig, was Du verlinkt, solltest Du auch lesen.

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RE: Brexit

in Politik 25.06.2019 00:26
von Maga-neu | 35.189 Beiträge

Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #2684
Zitat von Maga-neu im Beitrag #2683
Zitat von Leto_II. im Beitrag #2681
Zitat von Maga-neu im Beitrag #2680

Das wird ja die Idealbesetzung.
He is a buoyant character, he could have been a character in a Charles Dickens' novel. Anyway, he isn't boring like some other heads of government. :-)
Sorry, dass das auf Englisch war, aber ich weiß nicht, wie ich das Wort "buoyant" gut ins Deutsche übersetzen soll. Es ist so wie mit sprezzatura im Italienischen, das ich auch kaum ins Deutsche übersetzen kann, lässige Eleganz wäre vielleicht noch die adäquateste Übersetzung.

Gemeint war wohl "flamboyant". 😉
Er ist beides.

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RE: Brexit

in Politik 25.06.2019 00:27
von Maga-neu | 35.189 Beiträge

Zitat von Leto_II. im Beitrag #2685
Zitat von Maga-neu im Beitrag #2683
Zitat von Leto_II. im Beitrag #2681
Zitat von Maga-neu im Beitrag #2680

Das wird ja die Idealbesetzung.
He is a buoyant character, he could have been a character in a Charles Dickens' novel. Anyway, he isn't boring like some other heads of government. :-)
Sorry, dass das auf Englisch war, aber ich weiß nicht, wie ich das Wort "buoyant" gut ins Deutsche übersetzen soll. Es ist so wie mit sprezzatura im Italienischen, das ich auch kaum ins Deutsche übersetzen kann, lässige Eleganz wäre vielleicht noch die adäquateste Übersetzung.

Verhandlungen mit der EU werden bestimmt langweilig, was Du verlinkt, solltest Du auch lesen.
Sehe ich nicht so. Die Verhandlungen werden nicht langweilig sein.

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RE: Brexit

in Politik 25.06.2019 03:06
von Willie (gelöscht)

Grossbritannien steht das Abenteuer Boris Johnson bevor – es dürfte dies bald bereuen
Die Tory-Fraktion im Unterhaus hat die Tür zur Beförderung von Boris Johnson an die Downing Street weit geöffnet. Alle wissen, dass Johnson charakterlich untauglich ist für das Amt des Premierministers. Doch die Verzweiflung der Partei war grösser als die Verantwortung für das Land.

...Und all die Parlamentarier, die vor kurzem noch mit Grauen die Möglichkeit eines Premierministers Boris Johnson von sich gewiesen hatten, tun plötzlich so, als glaubten sie selbst an die mirakulöse Wandlung eines notorischen Lügners, Betrügers und Ignoranten in einen Staatsmann, der das Land aus der Brexit-Krise führen werde. Schamloser und leichter durchschaubar war politischer Spin selten zuvor...

... Sollte Boris Johnson in den nächsten Wochen in die Wohnung des Premierministers an der Downing Street einziehen, wird ein Abenteuer für das Vereinigte Königreich beginnen. Das Land wird an der Regierungsspitze einen nicht durch eine Volkswahl legitimierten Mann haben, dem niemand vertrauen kann. Zweimal wurde er in seiner beruflichen Karriere wegen Fälschungen und Lügen fristlos entlassen. ...


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RE: Brexit

in Politik 25.06.2019 09:26
von Leto_II. | 27.837 Beiträge

Zitat von Maga-neu im Beitrag #2687
Zitat von Leto_II. im Beitrag #2685
Zitat von Maga-neu im Beitrag #2683
Zitat von Leto_II. im Beitrag #2681
Zitat von Maga-neu im Beitrag #2680

Das wird ja die Idealbesetzung.
He is a buoyant character, he could have been a character in a Charles Dickens' novel. Anyway, he isn't boring like some other heads of government. :-)
Sorry, dass das auf Englisch war, aber ich weiß nicht, wie ich das Wort "buoyant" gut ins Deutsche übersetzen soll. Es ist so wie mit sprezzatura im Italienischen, das ich auch kaum ins Deutsche übersetzen kann, lässige Eleganz wäre vielleicht noch die adäquateste Übersetzung.

Verhandlungen mit der EU werden bestimmt langweilig, was Du verlinkt, solltest Du auch lesen.
Sehe ich nicht so. Die Verhandlungen werden nicht langweilig sein.

Im Detail schon. Das ist dann eher ein Ede Stoiber gefragt, der auch das klein gedruckte lesen kann.

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RE: Brexit

in Politik 25.06.2019 16:17
von Willie (gelöscht)

I was Boris Johnson’s boss: he is utterly unfit to be prime minister
The Tory party is about to foist a tasteless joke upon the British people. He cares for nothing but his own fame and gratification

A few admirers assert that, in office, Johnson will reveal an accession of wisdom and responsibility that have hitherto eluded him, not least as foreign secretary. This seems unlikely, as the weekend’s stories emphasised. Dignity still matters in public office, and Johnson will never have it. Yet his graver vice is cowardice, reflected in a willingness to tell any audience, whatever he thinks most likely to please, heedless of the inevitability of its contradiction an hour later. ...

... Johnson would not recognise truth, whether about his private or political life, if confronted by it in an identity parade. In a commonplace book the other day, I came across an observation made in 1750 by a contemporary savant, Bishop Berkeley: “It is impossible that a man who is false to his friends and neighbours should be true to the public.” Almost the only people who think Johnson a nice guy are those who do not know him. ...

... For many of us, his elevation will signal Britain’s abandonment of any claim to be a serious country. It can be claimed that few people realised what a poor prime minister Theresa May would prove until they saw her in Downing Street. With Boris, however, what you see now is almost assuredly what we shall get from him as ruler of Britain.

We can scarcely strip the emperor’s clothes from a man who has built a career, or at least a lurid love life, out of strutting without them. ...

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RE: Brexit

in Politik 26.06.2019 17:08
von Maga-neu | 35.189 Beiträge


Gut. Falls der "no-deal-Brexit" kommt, würde ich das genauso handhaben. Wenn die EU dann Kontrollen einführt, dann weiß man zumindest, wem Irland und Nordirland am A... vorbeigehen und wer das nur benutzt hat, um die Verhandlungen zu erschweren. Nicht dass es bei den Anti-Brexit-Ideologen etwas bringen würde...

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RE: Brexit

in Politik 27.06.2019 15:06
von Willie (gelöscht)

Boris Johnson’s Big Lie
While Boris Johnson, the likely successor to British Prime Minister Theresa May, takes his country down a path of diminished trade, the European Union is negotiating one of the largest free-trade agreements in the world. One really has to wonder what the "buccaneering" Brexiteers have to complain about.

Three years after the United Kingdom’s Brexit referendum, the UK is no closer to figuring out how to leave the European Union, and what comes next, than it was when the result was announced. And now a Conservative Party leadership election to replace outgoing Prime Minister Theresa May is in full swing. To those of us watching from the outside, the debate between the candidates confirms that they have learned nothing whatsoever from the past two years of negotiations with the EU.

... As is often the case with populists, reality does not square with Johnson’s ensorceling combination of false promises, pseudo-patriotism, and foreigner bashing. He and his fellow Brexiteers speak of a “Global Britain” that will trade freely with the rest of the world, even as they drag their country down a path strewn with uprooted trade ties and substantial new barriers to commerce. ...

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RE: Brexit

in Politik 27.06.2019 15:40
von Maga-neu | 35.189 Beiträge

Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #2692
Boris Johnson’s Big Lie
While Boris Johnson, the likely successor to British Prime Minister Theresa May, takes his country down a path of diminished trade, the European Union is negotiating one of the largest free-trade agreements in the world. One really has to wonder what the "buccaneering" Brexiteers have to complain about.

Three years after the United Kingdom’s Brexit referendum, the UK is no closer to figuring out how to leave the European Union, and what comes next, than it was when the result was announced. And now a Conservative Party leadership election to replace outgoing Prime Minister Theresa May is in full swing. To those of us watching from the outside, the debate between the candidates confirms that they have learned nothing whatsoever from the past two years of negotiations with the EU.

... As is often the case with populists, reality does not square with Johnson’s ensorceling combination of false promises, pseudo-patriotism, and foreigner bashing. He and his fellow Brexiteers speak of a “Global Britain” that will trade freely with the rest of the world, even as they drag their country down a path strewn with uprooted trade ties and substantial new barriers to commerce. ...

Haha, Guy Verhofstadt, the most ridiculous and perhaps the most obnoxious "guy" in the European Parliament with the usual lament about lies, nationalism, xenophobia. I really miss misogyny in his article.

"One really has to wonder what the "buccaneering" Brexiteers have to complain about." They simply want to make their own laws, control their own borders, make their own free trade agreements, but a globalist idiot like Mr. Verhofstadt will never understand that. btw, since Belgium was never an independent nation until 1832, but only part of the Spanish, Austrian and French empires, and had never impressive personalities (only a monster like King Leopold whose rule in Africa was perhaps worse than that of Mobuto and Kabila, and fictional characters like Hercules Poirot) it's understandable that Mr. Verhofstadt cannot know what it means to be a patriotic "buccaneer".

zuletzt bearbeitet 27.06.2019 16:06 | nach oben springen


RE: Brexit

in Politik 27.06.2019 16:38
von Willie (gelöscht)

Zitat von Maga-neu im Beitrag #2693
Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #2692
Boris Johnson’s Big Lie
While Boris Johnson, the likely successor to British Prime Minister Theresa May, takes his country down a path of diminished trade, the European Union is negotiating one of the largest free-trade agreements in the world. One really has to wonder what the "buccaneering" Brexiteers have to complain about.

Three years after the United Kingdom’s Brexit referendum, the UK is no closer to figuring out how to leave the European Union, and what comes next, than it was when the result was announced. And now a Conservative Party leadership election to replace outgoing Prime Minister Theresa May is in full swing. To those of us watching from the outside, the debate between the candidates confirms that they have learned nothing whatsoever from the past two years of negotiations with the EU.

... As is often the case with populists, reality does not square with Johnson’s ensorceling combination of false promises, pseudo-patriotism, and foreigner bashing. He and his fellow Brexiteers speak of a “Global Britain” that will trade freely with the rest of the world, even as they drag their country down a path strewn with uprooted trade ties and substantial new barriers to commerce. ...

Haha, Guy Verhofstadt, the most ridiculous and perhaps the most obnoxious "guy" in the European Parliament with the usual lament about lies, nationalism, xenophobia. I really miss misogyny in his article.

"One really has to wonder what the "buccaneering" Brexiteers have to complain about." They simply want to make their own laws, control their own borders, make their own free trade agreements, but a globalist idiot like Mr. Verhofstadt will never understand that. btw, since Belgium was never an independent nation until 1832, but only part of the Spanish, Austrian and French empires, and had never impressive personalities (only a monster like King Leopold whose rule in Africa was perhaps worse than that of Mobuto and Kabila, and fictional characters like Hercules Poirot) it's understandable that Mr. Verhofstadt cannot know what it means to be a patriotic "buccaneer".

Es geht um Realitaet und um Luegen. Und da sagt Verhofstadt im vorstehenden nichts Falsches und daran ist auch nichts ridiculous. Dass du den Mann nicht leiden kannst, aendert am Wahrheitsgehalt seiner Aussage nichts.
Deswegen koenntest du dir die Polemiken eigentlich sparen.
Es sei denn du predigst zu jemandem der persoenliches Denigrierungsgesuelze hoeher stellt als faktische Wahrheiten. Fuer den macht es Sinn. Natuerlich.
Aendert aber an der Realitaet auch nix.

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RE: Brexit

in Politik 27.06.2019 16:42
von Maga-neu | 35.189 Beiträge

Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #2694
Zitat von Maga-neu im Beitrag #2693
Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #2692
Boris Johnson’s Big Lie
While Boris Johnson, the likely successor to British Prime Minister Theresa May, takes his country down a path of diminished trade, the European Union is negotiating one of the largest free-trade agreements in the world. One really has to wonder what the "buccaneering" Brexiteers have to complain about.

Three years after the United Kingdom’s Brexit referendum, the UK is no closer to figuring out how to leave the European Union, and what comes next, than it was when the result was announced. And now a Conservative Party leadership election to replace outgoing Prime Minister Theresa May is in full swing. To those of us watching from the outside, the debate between the candidates confirms that they have learned nothing whatsoever from the past two years of negotiations with the EU.

... As is often the case with populists, reality does not square with Johnson’s ensorceling combination of false promises, pseudo-patriotism, and foreigner bashing. He and his fellow Brexiteers speak of a “Global Britain” that will trade freely with the rest of the world, even as they drag their country down a path strewn with uprooted trade ties and substantial new barriers to commerce. ...

Haha, Guy Verhofstadt, the most ridiculous and perhaps the most obnoxious "guy" in the European Parliament with the usual lament about lies, nationalism, xenophobia. I really miss misogyny in his article.

"One really has to wonder what the "buccaneering" Brexiteers have to complain about." They simply want to make their own laws, control their own borders, make their own free trade agreements, but a globalist idiot like Mr. Verhofstadt will never understand that. btw, since Belgium was never an independent nation until 1832, but only part of the Spanish, Austrian and French empires, and had never impressive personalities (only a monster like King Leopold whose rule in Africa was perhaps worse than that of Mobuto and Kabila, and fictional characters like Hercules Poirot) it's understandable that Mr. Verhofstadt cannot know what it means to be a patriotic "buccaneer".

Es geht um Realitaet und um Luegen. Und da sagt Verhofstadt im vorstehenden nichts Falsches und daran ist auch nichts ridiculous. Dass du den Mann nicht leiden kannst, aendert am Wahrheitsgehalt seiner Aussage nichts.
Deswegen koenntest du dir die Polemiken eigentlich sparen.
Es sei denn du predigst zu jemandem der persoenliches Denigrierungsgesuelze hoeher stellt als faktische Wahrheiten. Fuer den macht es Sinn. Natuerlich.
Aendert aber an der Realitaet auch nix.

Verhofstadt ist ein no-go, so wie der Zwerg Nase der deutschen Außenpolitik oder die grünen Teletubbies im EP.

"with Johnson’s ensorceling combination of false promises, pseudo-patriotism, and foreigner bashing"- das ist "Denigrierungsgesuelze"...

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RE: Brexit

in Politik 27.06.2019 21:23
von Maga-neu | 35.189 Beiträge
zuletzt bearbeitet 27.06.2019 21:23 | nach oben springen


RE: Brexit

in Politik 27.06.2019 21:45
von Willie (gelöscht)

Japan to U.K. PM candidates: We don’t want a no-deal Brexit
Japan on Thursday publicly cautioned the two candidates vying to replace Prime Minister Theresa May that Japanese investment could leave the country if there is a no-deal Brexit, urging Boris Johnson and Jeremy Hunt to avoid such a scenario.

Japan, one of the biggest investors in the British economy, is very concerned about a disorderly Brexit that would have a very negative impact on Japanese firms in Britain, Foreign Minister Taro Kono told the BBC.
"Please, no no-deal Brexit," Kono said in English. "Some companies are already starting to move their operations to other places in Europe."

Asked whether investment could leave Britain, Kono said: "It could be that there is going to be less investment."

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RE: Brexit

in Politik 27.06.2019 22:35
von Willie (gelöscht)

Brexit civil servant in charge of no-deal planning quits
Exclusive: Tom Shinner departs for private sector amid rising concerns over no-deal planning

The top government official in charge of no-deal Brexit planning has quit just as the chances of crashing out of the EU appear to have increased.
Tom Shinner, 33, director of policy and delivery coordination at the Department for Exiting the EU, was in charge of coordinating the domestic policy implications of Brexit across government departments to ensure a smooth exit from the EU.
His departure comes as industry leaders are questioning whether the UK will be as prepared for no deal in November, which lead contender to be prime minister Boris Johnson says will happen “do or die” unless the UK gets a new deal in Brussels....

His departure comes hot on the heels after Karen Wheeler, the official in charge of “frictionless” Brexit border planning including emergency plans for Dover and Northern Ireland in the event of no deal, left her post in Her Majesty’s Revenue & Customs.

A former aide to the ex-Brexit secretary David Davis once said Shinner was so pivotal to no-deal planning that if he left his job Brexit would not happen.
“There is actually a Mr Big of no deal in Whitehall, very clever and very well paid, who was so integral to the process we joked that if he was hit by a No 53 bus on Parliament Square, Brexit wouldn’t happen!”, former Conservative Party MP Stewart Jackson wrote in the Times in an article sources said was a reference to Shinner.

zuletzt bearbeitet 27.06.2019 22:40 | nach oben springen


RE: Brexit

in Politik 27.06.2019 22:39
von Willie (gelöscht)

The latest Brexit fantasy is the most absurd of all
Article 24 of the WTO’s underlying treaty is not a solution to no-deal

It is three years since the UK voted to leave the EU. It did so without a clear plan about its future relationship with the bloc. Since then, the British public has been treated to a stream of more or less unworkable plans by the government and leading Brexiters about maintaining frictionless trade with the union from outside.

In the words of Boris Johnson, currently the strong favourite to win the Conservative party leadership contest and succeed Theresa May as prime minister, the UK wants to have its cake and eat it. The latest fantasy promulgated by some Brexit supporters, including Mr Johnson, is that the UK can invoke Article 24 of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (Gatt), the treaty underpinning the World Trade Organization. This, they say, would maintain an unchanged trading relationship with the EU even if the UK crashes out without a deal when the deadline expires on October 31.

There has been a lot of nonsense over the past three years, but this is a strong contender for the most absurd of all. ...

... Mr Johnson is likely to win the leadership election and become prime minister. Assuming he manages to form a government, that is when reality will bite. He needs to have a plan ready to deal with the disappointment of his followers when it turns out they were sold policies under false pretences. A unilateral invocation of part of Article 24 is not a way out of the UK’s Brexit predicament. If Mr Johnson and his followers do not know that, they soon will.

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RE: Brexit

in Politik 27.06.2019 23:51
von Willie (gelöscht)

The U.K.'s giant delusion of sovereign control
As the British struggle to choose a new prime minister and, in effect, a new government team, a huge delusion runs through much of the media comment and public debate.

This is quite simply that, whether Britain leaves the European Union with an agreed deal, with the “no-deal” (which in fact means with a string of issue-specific arrangements and mini-deals) or just stays in the EU, some kind of new sovereign control can be gained over its laws and government that will change things beneficially. We must “regain self-government,” goes the cry. ...

... Indeed, this last point illustrates the great delusion with crystal clarity. In today’s deeply interdependent world, the whole idea embodied in such ringing metaphors as “taking control,” “making our own laws” and “getting our country back” is fundamentally, intellectually and factually flawed. ...


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