
RE: politischer Verfall der USA unter Trump ...

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 23.10.2018 12:31
von Maga-neu | 35.189 Beiträge


Es ist doch so einfach: Alle Rassen sind gut - außer der einen weißen. Deswegen kann Madame Warren auch stolz auf ihre Cherokee-Herkunft sein, auch wenn sie vermutlich nicht mehr von einem Cherokee hat als ich; hohe Wangenknochen habe auch ich -, darf aber keinesfalls stolz auf ihre weiße Herkunft sein, weil dann "white supremacist"...

Wie jemand stolz sein kann, ein Weißer, ein Gelber, ein Schwarzer etc. zu sein, entzieht sich sowieso meinem Begriffsvermögen. Aber man muss ja auch nicht alles verstehen.

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RE: politischer Verfall der USA unter Trump ...

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 23.10.2018 12:32
von Maga-neu | 35.189 Beiträge


A true Indian - ich würde sie wählen, auch wenn ich in puncto Russland etwas anderer Ansicht bin.

zuletzt bearbeitet 23.10.2018 12:33 | nach oben springen


RE: politischer Verfall der USA unter Trump ...

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 23.10.2018 15:06
von Willie (gelöscht)

Trump unleashes his inner dictator in horrifying fit of rage
Using rhetoric straight from the dictator's playbook, Trump offered up an apocalyptic vision of America at his rally Monday night.

Trump’s authoritarian tendencies were on full display Monday night as he took the stage at a campaign event for GOP Sen. Ted Cruz, and proceeded to dive headfirst into an angry, unhinged, and at times terrifying rant riddled with lies, bigotry, and fearmongering at its most extreme. ...

Trump’s rhetoric on Monday night embodied the GOP’s fear-based campaign strategy, which itself mirrors tactics used by oppressive autocratic regimes, not usually democratic nations.

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RE: politischer Verfall der USA unter Trump ...

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 23.10.2018 15:08
von Willie (gelöscht)

Trump embraces 'nationalist' title at Texas rally
President Donald Trump declared himself a "nationalist" during his rally here on Monday night, officially tagging himself with the label that has long defined his populist rhetoric and protectionist policies.

"A globalist is a person that wants the globe to do well, frankly not caring about the country so much. You know, we can't have that," Trump said, prompting boos from the crowd.
"You know what I am, I'm a nationalist," he added, as the crowd erupted in "USA! USA!" chants. "Use that word."

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RE: politischer Verfall der USA unter Trump ...

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 23.10.2018 15:14
von Willie (gelöscht)

“The nationalist not only does not disapprove of atrocities committed by his own side, but he has a remarkable capacity for not even hearing about them.”
— George Orwell, 1984

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RE: politischer Verfall der USA unter Trump ...

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 23.10.2018 15:54
von nahal | 24.498 Beiträge

A key Chinese bank is preparing to halt transactions with Iran ahead of imminent U.S. sanctions against Tehran, according to Reuters.

Kunlun, the largest conduit for money flows between China and Iran, is telling clients that it will stop processing payments from Iran starting Nov. 1, the news service reported.

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RE: politischer Verfall der USA unter Trump ...

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 23.10.2018 16:27
von Willie (gelöscht)

"Patriotism is of its nature defensive, both militarily and culturally. Nationalism, on the other hand, is inseparable from the desire for power."
- Orwell, "Notes on Nationalism"

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RE: politischer Verfall der USA unter Trump ...

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 23.10.2018 16:50
von Willie (gelöscht)

Turkish president claims Saudis planned for days to kill Khashoggi

Trump 'not satisfied' with Saudi response to Khashoggi killing, but not willing to risk arms sales

Pompeo Helps the Saudis Sweep a Murder Under the Rug
The message is clear: You can get away with anything if you flatter Trump’s ego.

"No one could have predicted that the party of Nazis,
child molesters, wife beaters, con artists, embezzlers,
stock market cheaters, pedophile wrestling coaches, compromised
Russian assets and blackout-drunk rapist judges would also be the party
of bone saw murder apologists."
-Jeff Tiedrich-

zuletzt bearbeitet 23.10.2018 16:56 | nach oben springen


RE: politischer Verfall der USA unter Trump ...

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 23.10.2018 16:51
von Willie (gelöscht)

Man accused of groping woman on flight: Trump 'says it's OK to grab women by their private parts'
A man arrested for allegedly touching a woman's breast on an airplane, according to court documents, told authorities "the president of the United States says it's OK to grab women by their private parts."

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RE: politischer Verfall der USA unter Trump ...

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 23.10.2018 17:09
von Willie (gelöscht)

An Exit From Trumpocracy
The stability of American society depends on conservatives finding a way forward from the Trump dead end.

... it will require much more than Republican congressional defeats in 2018 to halt Trumpocracy. Indeed, such defeats may well perversely strengthen President Trump. Congressional defeats will weaken alternative power centers within the Republican Party. If they lose the House or the Senate or many governorships—or some combination of those defeats—then Republicans may feel all the more compelled to defend their president. ...

... If conservatives become convinced that they cannot win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. They will reject democracy. ...


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RE: politischer Verfall der USA unter Trump ...

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 24.10.2018 13:36
von Maga-neu | 35.189 Beiträge


Es ist eine gute Tradition, dass sich Ex-Präsidenten politisch zurückhalten. Leider hat Obama sie vergessen.

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RE: politischer Verfall der USA unter Trump ...

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 24.10.2018 15:50
von Maga-neu | 35.189 Beiträge

"Beto" O'Rourke ist der neue Hoffnungsträger der Dems gegen Trump, wenn man Weltspiegel und SPIEGEL glauben darf (ein Skateboard-fahrender Politiker, toll, was es nicht alles gibt. Und in einer Punkband war er auch). Zurzeit kämpft er in Texas um einen Sitz im Senat gegen den "erzkonservativen" (im Gegensatz zum "rechtspopulistischen" Präsidenten) Senator Ted Cruz. Cruz liegt zwar neun Prozentpunkte vorn, aber O'Rourke bleibt natürlich Hoffnungsträger. Und wenn er scheitert, prophezeit der SPIEGEL, steigen seine Chancen, dass er 2020 gegen Trump antritt und gewinnt. Eine Niederlage gegen Cruz ist also die beste Gewähr dafür, dass er gegen Trump gewinnt. Auf so was muss man erst einmal kommen.

Für "Beto" gilt wahrscheinlich das, was man früher über Brasilien sagte: Brasilien ist das Land der Zukunft und wird es immer bleiben. Beto ist der Politiker der Zukunft und wird es bleiben...

zuletzt bearbeitet 24.10.2018 15:51 | nach oben springen


RE: politischer Verfall der USA unter Trump ...

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 24.10.2018 15:56
von Willie (gelöscht)

Trump emasculates Ted Cruz, and the whole Republican Party
For the political equivalent of giving Trump his lunch money, Cruz bought his momentary protection. It’s a calculation many have made, none more unsuccessfully and embarrassingly than Chris Christie, who tried to lapdog his way to the vice presidency, after ruthlessly dismissing Trump as unfit to be President.

“We do not need reality TV in the Oval Office right now. President of the United States is not the place for an entertainer,” Christie said while campaigning.
Cut to becoming the first mainstream politician to endorse Trump, who rewarded Christie by parading him around behind him, mocking his weight, reportedly having him fetch his McDonald’s and, ultimately, naming Mike Pence to the ticket instead.

Another former Trump critic-turned-defender, Sen. Rand Paul, has turned being an errand boy into an art form, time and again ditching his famous “principles” to support a guy he once believed would make a worse President than “a speck of dirt.”
Now? No one in the Senate has been more dogged in their support for Trump’s coziness with Vladimir Putin.

The so-called libertarian was also a yes vote on Trump’s debt-ballooning tax bill, a yes on mass-surveillance fan Mike Pompeo’s confirmation to secretary of state and anti-privacy Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court confirmation, despite insisting he had “serious” concerns about all three.

But the emasculation of these one-time enemies — demeaning them into submission and then flaunting their devotion — is symbolic of something much bigger: Trump’s emasculation of the Republican Party itself.

For months, Trump the candidate refused to even commit to running as the party nominee, until Reince Priebus chased him down with a sworn promise statement.

Since, he’s figuratively spat on long-held Republican Party orthodoxy — lowering the debt, cutting spending, free trade, disavowing authoritarianism and defending democracy, for example — only to have Republicans in Congress line up to congratulate him for it.

It’s a disturbing thing, watching grown men grovel for another man’s approval, especially one so categorically undeserving of it.

And yet, here we are, with Beautiful Ted lapping up the praise and attention of someone who has treated him — and his party — like his chew toy.


zuletzt bearbeitet 24.10.2018 16:24 | nach oben springen


RE: politischer Verfall der USA unter Trump ...

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 24.10.2018 16:07
von Willie (gelöscht)

Trump Is Celebrating Violence and Nationalism at His Rallies
Republicans aren’t pushing back.

On Monday night, President Trump declared himself a nationalist. At a rally in Houston, he distinguished nationalists from “globalists,” people who, according to Trump, care more about the world than about their own tribe. Nationalism has a fascist pedigree, and Trump has a history of using race, religion, and ethnicity to turn the people he sees as real Americans—people who look like him—against those who have “Arab” or “Mexican heritage.” But violent nationalism, the kind that devoured Europe a century ago, couldn’t happen in America today, could it? A president wouldn’t encourage criminal violence against innocent people. If he did, his party wouldn’t stand for it.

Actually, it would. Trump has been testing the GOP’s tolerance for demagoguery that explicitly promotes brutality. And so far, Republicans seem willing to go along.

No comment. To build support for political violence, you need potential adversaries within your party to clam up or look the other way. Trump is getting that from the GOP. CNBC says it asked Republican lawmakers, “including every Republican senator,” for reactions to the president’s comments. The network got no replies.

It’s not news. Americans are becoming accustomed to Trump’s erosion of norms. Their indifference, in turn, has numbed Trump’s former critics.

Nobody got hurt this time. “Not one person harassed the numerous media reporters who were present,” Scalise said of the Montana rally. That argument glosses over the rally attendee who made a throat-slitting gesture at a CNN correspondent. It ignores the many rallies at which Trump’s followers have harassed reporters. It also ignores the assault on Jacobs. And that’s the point: to deflect attention.

It’s fun. Scalise says Trump was just “ribbing” Gianforte. Sasse says many people see Trump’s rhetoric as “playful.” Eric Trump, the president’s son, says his dad was just having “fun.”
When Republicans call this incident “fun,” they’re not talking about joking at the perpetrator’s expense. They’re talking about joking at the victim’s expense.

It’s politically incorrect. “This is exactly why my father won: because so many people are so sick and tired of … the perfectly scripted politician,” Eric Trump argued during an interview on Fox News. What voters like about President Trump, said Eric, is that “he is un-PC,” willing to “joke about” the body slam. This is what Sen. Marco Rubio meant two years ago when he observed that Trump’s assault on political correctness was an assault on correctness. Taking assault seriously is PC. Therefore, in the upside-down ethos of defying PC, praising the assailant and making light of the assault is virtuous.

It’s strong. Alex Castellanos, a veteran Republican political strategist, says the president’s praise of the attack on Jacobs shows “Trump is all about strength. In an uncertain world where everything is falling apart, where people don’t know what to believe in, where everything is uncertain, you want someone to hold it together.”

A president can call himself a nationalist without hurting people. But if he also seeks to divide people by race, ethnicity, and religion, his nationalism becomes insidious. If he endorses violence, he puts people’s lives in danger. And if his party falls in line behind him, the ingredients for a catastrophe are in place.
A day after Trump celebrated Gianforte’s assault on Jacobs, a Republican official in Montana called in to a radio show to say she would have gone further. “If that kid had done to me what he did to Greg, I would have shot him,” she said.

zuletzt bearbeitet 24.10.2018 16:09 | nach oben springen


RE: politischer Verfall der USA unter Trump ...

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 24.10.2018 16:12
von Willie (gelöscht)

BREAKING: Explosive devices mailed to Clintons, President Obama
A similar device was sent to the home of liberal philanthropist George Soros two days ago.

An explosive device was discovered to have been mailed to the Chappaqua home of Hillary Clinton and President Bill Clinton Wednesday — only 48 hours after another device was mailed to the home of liberal philanthropist George Soros.

Officials said a similar device was also sent to President Barack Obama’s office.

zuletzt bearbeitet 24.10.2018 16:22 | nach oben springen


RE: politischer Verfall der USA unter Trump ...

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 25.10.2018 12:07
von Maga-neu | 35.189 Beiträge

Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #3965
BREAKING: Explosive devices mailed to Clintons, President Obama
A similar device was sent to the home of liberal philanthropist George Soros two days ago.

An explosive device was discovered to have been mailed to the Chappaqua home of Hillary Clinton and President Bill Clinton Wednesday — only 48 hours after another device was mailed to the home of liberal philanthropist George Soros.

Officials said a similar device was also sent to President Barack Obama’s office.

Die Dinger kommen gerade zur rechten Zeit (ein paar Tage vor den Midterm Elections), um die Diskussion von der "caravan" hin zu den Sprengsätzen zu verschieben und Trump auf die Anklagebank zu setzen. Im deutschen Staatsfunk gestern wurde er wegen seiner "scharfer Rhetorik" angegriffen. Dieser Vorwurf gilt natürlich nicht für deutsche Politiker, die von "Dunkeldeutschland" (Gauck), "Pack" (Gabriel), "Mischpoke" (Özdemir) reden. :-)

btw, die Migranten nutzen offensichtlich dieselben Tricks in Mexiko wie sie 2015,16 und 17 in Ungarn und Kroatien versucht wurden - schwangere Frauen an die Front, Gewalt gegen Polizisten etc.. Dahinter steht wohl eine ganze Riege von Organisationen, die entsprechende Tipps geben und das Ganze steuern, womit wir vermutlich wieder bei einem bestimmten Milliardär wären, der zufälligerweise auch so ein Paket erhalten hat. Der "philanthropist"...

zuletzt bearbeitet 25.10.2018 12:09 | nach oben springen


RE: politischer Verfall der USA unter Trump ...

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 25.10.2018 12:22
von Maga-neu | 35.189 Beiträge


"Castro cited unspecified reporting “that Jared Kushner may have, with U.S. intelligence, delivered a hit list, an enemies list, to the crown prince, to MBS, in Saudi Arabia and that the prince may have acted on that.”

Verstehe, die Saudis und der mächtige Kronzprinz wussten vorher gar nicht, wer Kashoggi war. Sie mussten durch Kushner und die amerikanischen Dienste erst auf ihn aufmerksam gemacht werden. :-)

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RE: politischer Verfall der USA unter Trump ...

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 25.10.2018 12:46
von sayada.b. | 9.135 Beiträge

Zitat von Maga-neu im Beitrag #3967

"Castro cited unspecified reporting “that Jared Kushner may have, with U.S. intelligence, delivered a hit list, an enemies list, to the crown prince, to MBS, in Saudi Arabia and that the prince may have acted on that.”

Verstehe, die Saudis und der mächtige Kronzprinz wussten vorher gar nicht, wer Kashoggi war. Sie mussten durch Kushner und die amerikanischen Dienste erst auf ihn aufmerksam gemacht werden. :-)


Jaja, die saudischen Unschuldslämmer...

zuletzt bearbeitet 25.10.2018 12:46 | nach oben springen


RE: politischer Verfall der USA unter Trump ...

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 25.10.2018 13:27
von nahal | 24.498 Beiträge

Zitat von Maga-neu im Beitrag #3966

Die Dinger kommen gerade zur rechten Zeit (ein paar Tage vor den Midterm Elections), um die Diskussion von der "caravan" hin zu den Sprengsätzen zu verschieben und Trump auf die Anklagebank zu setzen.

Ich würde noch warten mit dieser Verschwörungstheorie.

Was bisher bekannt ist:
es sind inzwischen über 10 Bomben gefunden.
keine ist explodiert
die wurden so gekennzeichnet, dass man die sehr leicht als "Verdächtigt" bezeichnen konnte

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RE: politischer Verfall der USA unter Trump ...

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 25.10.2018 14:42
von Maga-neu | 35.189 Beiträge

Zitat von nahal im Beitrag #3969
Zitat von Maga-neu im Beitrag #3966

Die Dinger kommen gerade zur rechten Zeit (ein paar Tage vor den Midterm Elections), um die Diskussion von der "caravan" hin zu den Sprengsätzen zu verschieben und Trump auf die Anklagebank zu setzen.

Ich würde noch warten mit dieser Verschwörungstheorie.

Was bisher bekannt ist:
es sind inzwischen über 10 Bomben gefunden.
keine ist explodiert
die wurden so gekennzeichnet, dass man die sehr leicht als "Verdächtigt" bezeichnen konnte

Natürlich ist vieles möglich, man denke an den Unabomber. Also auch ein fanatischer Gegner von Soros und den Demokraten. Ist trotz allem bisher die wahrscheinlichere Variante angesichts der vielen Bekloppten (auf allen Seiten) im Land.
Dennoch sind die Bomben natürlich ein beliebtes Vehikel, um die Diskussion abzulenken von einem Thema, bei dem die Demokraten nur verlieren können (caravan), hin zu einem Thema, bei dem sie versuchen können, in die Offensive zu gehen. Das "Narrativ" ist natürlich ebenso einsichtig wie falsch: Es ist nicht Trump, der das Land spaltet, sondern der Wahlsieg Trumps war das Ergebnis einer bereits vorher existierenden Spaltung des Landes. Wenn sich also "Hoffnungsträger" - die Dems sind voller Hoffnungsträger - der Dems anbieten, das Land "zusammenzuführen", so ist das angesichts der von ihnen befürworteten Politik (more taxes, more regulations, open borders, LGBTQ, abortion, identity politics etc.) lächerlich.

zuletzt bearbeitet 25.10.2018 14:45 | nach oben springen


RE: politischer Verfall der USA unter Trump ...

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 25.10.2018 19:29
von Willie (gelöscht)

Fate Of Trump Foundation Could Be Decided At Thursday Hearing
The President’s lawyers didn’t want any more hearings in the case against the Trump Foundation before the November midterm elections.

But on Thursday, they will appear in a downtown Manhattan courtroom for a hearing on their own motion to dismiss a June lawsuit brought by New York Attorney General Barbara Underwood. Underwood has accused President Trump and his three eldest children of running their family non-profit as a “shell corporation that functioned as a checkbook” for Trump’s business and political interests.

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RE: politischer Verfall der USA unter Trump ...

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 25.10.2018 19:35
von Willie (gelöscht)

FBI Arrests Leader, 2 Other Members of Violent California Neo-Nazi Gang
The FBI has arrested the leader and two other members of a California neo-Nazi gang known for carrying out brutal physical assaults on their political enemies.

Rise Above Movement (RAM) founder Robert Rundo was tracked to Central America by U.S. authorities and brought back to the U.S. Sunday, where he was arrested at Los Angeles International Airport, FBI spokeswoman Katherine Gulotti confirmed to TPM.
Fellow RAM members Robert Boman and Tyler Laube were both arrested Wednesday morning in southern California, Gulotti said. A fourth man, Aaron Eason, was also named in a criminal complaint filed in federal court in Los Angeles, but he has yet to be apprehended by law enforcement.
All four were charged with rioting and conspiracy.

Four other RAM members—Benjamin Daley, Michael Miselis, Thomas Gillen and Cole White—were indicted earlier this month on conspiracy to riot charges for beating counter-protesters in Charlottesville. ...

After the rally, RAM members triumphantly shared an article on white supremacist site The Daily Stormer headlined “Trumpenkriegers Physically Remove Antifa Homos In Huntington Beach,” according to the affidavit. Bierwirth writes that “Trumpenkreigers” is a term used to mean “Fighters for Trump,” while “physical removal” is a reference to the white supremacist goal of forcibly excommunicating political foes....

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RE: politischer Verfall der USA unter Trump ...

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 25.10.2018 19:45
von Willie (gelöscht)

Saudi Spy Met With Team Trump About Taking Down Iran
Mueller’s investigators examined a series of meetings between an Israeli social media strategist, the general blamed for Jamal Khashoggi’s murder, and Trump adviser Michael Flynn.

Gen. Ahmed Al-Assiri, the Saudi intelligence chief taking the fall for the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, hobnobbed in New York with Michael Flynn and other members of the transition team shortly before Trump’s inauguration. The topic of their discussion: regime change in Iran.

The New York meetings were attended and brokered by George Nader, a Lebanese-American with close ties to leaders in the United Arab Emirates who is currently cooperating with Mueller’s team. Also present at the meetings was Israeli social media strategist Joel Zamel, who has been questioned by Mueller for his role in pitching top campaign officials on an influence operation to help Trump win the election—overtures that could have broken federal election laws.

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RE: politischer Verfall der USA unter Trump ...

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 25.10.2018 19:53
von Willie (gelöscht)

Trump’s tapped phone may be the largest White House breach ever: former official
“America’s most sophisticated peer competitor now has a direct line into the president’s confidential thinking,” says former White House CIO Theresa Payton.

The president had been warned. The New York Times now reports that American spy agencies have learned that China and Russia have been eavesdropping on President Trump’s personal calls to friends and colleagues from one of his iPhones, in an effort to influence U.S. policy.

“This stunning revelation by the NYT is one that has sweeping ramifications for intelligence and the security of the American people,” says former White House chief information officer Theresa Payton in an email to Fast Company.

...The list of Trump contacts that Beijing has assembled is said to include Stephen A. Schwarzman, the Blackstone Group CEO, and retired Las Vegas casino mogul Steve Wynn.

“The Chinese have identified friends of both men and others among the president’s regulars, and are now relying on Chinese businessmen and others with ties to Beijing to feed arguments to the friends of the Trump friends. The strategy is that those people will pass on what they are hearing, and that Beijing’s views will eventually be delivered to the president by trusted voices, the officials said. They added that the Trump friends were most likely unaware of any Chinese effort.”


Das Weisse Haus ist wirklich ein Kindergarten geworden. Mit einem Kind im Oval Office. Und das noch ein mentally impaired malignanter Narzisst.

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RE: politischer Verfall der USA unter Trump ...

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 26.10.2018 00:15
von Maga-neu | 35.189 Beiträge

Ohne Zweifel ist Trump vulgär, narzisstisch, ein bully und ein (Wirtschafts)nationalist. Was er nicht ist: Er ist weder ein Faschist noch ein Rassist. In seinen Reden habe ich keine Hinweise auf eine rassistische Gesinnung gefunden.

Ich glaube, er hat die Rassenbeziehungen weniger belastet als Obama. Was sagt die Intellektuelle Camille Paglia über ihn:

"I was very excited about him (Obama). I thought he was a moderate. I thought that his election would promote racial healing in the country. (...) It would be a tremendous transformation of attitudes. And instead: one thing after another. Not least: I consider him, now, one of the most racially divisive and polarizing figures ever. I think it's going to take years to undo the damage to relationships between the races." (An anderer Stelle sagt sie: "Obama Behaved Like ‘King at Versailles’", was vielleicht ein wenig unfair gegenüber Louis XIV., Louis XV. und Louis XVI. ist. :-))

Zur Entspannung trägt sicher auch bei:

zuletzt bearbeitet 26.10.2018 00:17 | nach oben springen

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