
RE: politischer Verfall der USA unter Trump ...

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 26.10.2018 03:19
von Willie (gelöscht)

As George Soros Gets Bomb Threats In America, His University Is Being Chased Out Of Hungary
Central European University announced it’s being forced to move by Viktor Orban’s far-right government.

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RE: politischer Verfall der USA unter Trump ...

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 26.10.2018 03:25
von Willie (gelöscht)

Hundreds of Thousands of Wisconsin Voters Purged from Rolls Since 2016 General Election
A review of the latest voter registration tallies by Center for Media and Democracy (CMD) finds that almost 700,000 Wisconsin voters have been removed from the voter rolls since the end of December 2016, and that significantly more voters were purged from the rolls in Democratic leaning counties than Republican leaning counties.

The high number of purged voters could create major headaches on November 6, especially if turnout is as heavy as expected.

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RE: politischer Verfall der USA unter Trump ...

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 26.10.2018 03:28
von Willie (gelöscht)

Bolton’s Whisper Campaign to Oust Mattis
Sources say the hawkish national security advisor is behind rumors that the defense secretary plans to resign.

White House National Security Advisor John Bolton and his deputy are trying to squeeze out U.S. Defense Secretary James Mattis by spreading rumors about his imminent departure, according to two well-placed sources.

Bolton and Mira Ricardel, the deputy national security advisor, who has repeatedly clashed with Mattis over Defense Department personnel appointments, believe the defense secretary is “not ideologically aligned” with President Donald Trump’s administration, according to one of the sources, a former senior defense official. The two are trying “to build the sense that he is done for,” the former official said.

Mattis ist noch einer der wenigen in der Administration, die noch wissen was sie tun.

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RE: politischer Verfall der USA unter Trump ...

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 26.10.2018 03:34
von Willie (gelöscht)

Dining club emails reveal Kavanaugh's close ties to Trump's solicitor general
New supreme court justice was a member of the Eureka club with Noel Francisco, who argues government cases before court.

Brett Kavanaugh, the new supreme court justice, counts the Trump administration’s solicitor general, who will be arguing cases before the high court on behalf of the president, as a close professional friend, according to emails that offer new insights into an all-male dinner club that Kavanaugh used to attend.

Emails obtained by the Guardian show that Kavanaugh, who was narrowly confirmed to the supreme court earlier this month, participated in monthly evening cocktails and dinners from 2001 to 2003 with a group of men that included Noel Francisco, who now serves as the Trump administration’s solicitor general. It is not clear whether the dinners continued after Kavanaugh became a federal judge in 2006.
Other attendees included a lawyer who is now a top strategic adviser to Rupert Murdoch; the author of the George W Bush-era “torture memos” that were used to justify illegal interrogation techniques; and two lawyers who now frequently appear before the supreme court on behalf of corporate clients.

The so-called “Eureka” dinners – named after the college that Ronald Reagan attended – were briefly raised in a written question that was submitted to Kavanaugh by senators following his initial confirmation hearing. Asked what the Eureka Club was, Kavanaugh said in a written response: “A group of friends sometimes gathered for dinner. The scheduling emails for those dinners would sometimes be titled ‘Eureka’.”
What Kavanaugh’s answer did not fully explain was that the dinners were attended by an elite group of men closely associated with the Federalist Society, the rightwing organization that has played a major role in vetting and choosing judicial appointments for Republican presidents since its founding in 1982.

They show that the dinner companions who Kavanaugh described as “friends” include Viet Dinh, who now serves as a senior legal adviser to Rupert Murdoch and is a godfather to Lachlan Murdoch’s child; John Yoo, who wrote the so-called “torture memos”; and Robert Coughlin, the former deputy chief of staff at the Department of Justice who pleaded guilty to a conflict of interest crime related to the Jack Abramoff lobbying scandal. Coughlin was disbarred but reinstated as a lawyer in 2016.

Paul Clement, a lawyer at the firm of Kirkland & Ellis who frequently appears before the supreme court, also attended. ...

zuletzt bearbeitet 26.10.2018 03:40 | nach oben springen


RE: politischer Verfall der USA unter Trump ...

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 26.10.2018 03:39
von Willie (gelöscht)

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) recently released the fall edition of its 2018 World Economic Outlook, a periodic report examining the global economy. Although the report forecasts continued growth for at least the next year, broader trends indicate that many economies, both advanced and developing, can expect a slowdown in the not-so-distant future.

Specifically, the report notes that “U.S. growth will decline as fiscal stimulus begins to unwind in 2020, at a time when the monetary tightening cycle is expected to be at its peak.” In other words, the boost to economic growth in the U.S. from the tax cuts and increased spending enacted over the past year is anticipated to diminish over the next year or so — while at the same time interest rates will be rising.

As we near this dangerous confluence of events, the United States unfortunately stands alone as the only country among advanced economies that is projected to have an increase in debt as a percentage of GDP over the next five years.

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RE: politischer Verfall der USA unter Trump ...

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 26.10.2018 03:54
von Willie (gelöscht)

Former McCain adviser: Trump has ‘stoked a cold civil war’ in America
"Trump has stoked a cold civil war in this Country. His rallies brim with menace and he has labeled journalists as enemies of the people. That someone would seek to kill their political enemies is not aberrational but rather the inevitable consequence of Trumps incitement."

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RE: politischer Verfall der USA unter Trump ...

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 26.10.2018 03:55
von Willie (gelöscht)

Christian TV Host: If Democrats Win They Will Slaughter ‘Tens Of Thousands Of Christians’
Christian TV host Rick Wiles warns viewers that if Democrats win power they will slaughter “tens of thousands of Christians.”

Speaking on his program earlier this week Wiles said:
"This Marxist-communist Antichrist revolution that is in full bloom in the United States of America, this thing is anti-Christian. They hate God. These people are against God. These people love to abort babies. They love to promote sexual immorality. Everything that drives them is in opposition to God and his moral laws. That is the centerpiece of their agenda."

Wiles warned:
"Every nation that has been taken over by Marxist-communists, they immediately kill the pastors. They immediately kill Christians. They immediately burn the churches. Why? Because the cross is their enemy. Do not be fooled by what’s happening in America. The anarchists in America, their enemy is not the Republican Party. Their enemy isn’t corporations. Their enemy is the church. They’re coming against the church and I’ve been warning people for years and years and years —you better get ready, you better be prepared, if these people ever get power, they’re going to slaughter tens of thousands of pastors, tens of thousands of Christians." ...

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RE: politischer Verfall der USA unter Trump ...

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 26.10.2018 16:16
von Willie (gelöscht)

INF treaty: Putin shrugs off Trump’s nuclear arms move
Waking up to daily headlines about nuclear obliteration is not a comfortable feeling. But Vladimir Putin seems to be relishing an exchange of deadly threats with the United States.

As Donald Trump tears up a key arms control treaty and pledges to rebuild his country's nuclear arsenal, Russia's president has promised to mirror every move.
Last week, he even joked about nuclear Armageddon.

Signed in 1987 by the then Soviet and American leaders, the landmark agreement eliminated a whole class of ground-based missiles capable of hitting targets in Europe at a moment's notice.
Now the US is scrapping the deal, Mr Putin has warned European nations that they'll be thrust back into the firing line as Moscow and Washington rearm.

... His statement then morphed into a dark joke.
As Russians would be the victims of such a strike, Mr Putin argued, they would be "martyrs and go to heaven, whilst [the aggressors] would just croak. Because they wouldn't even have time to repent".
The end-of-the-world quip tripped easily off his tongue, to be met by a burst of approving chuckles.
"It's impossible to imagine [Soviet President] Brezhnev making that kind of joke in the 1960s," one foreign policy analyst back in Moscow pointed out.

... The problem with all the war talk, Andrei Kortunov suggested, is that politicians on both sides have lost their terror of a nuclear strike. That fear ended, he thinks, with the Cold War.
"They just don't believe it will ever happen now," Mr Kortunov said.

"As an old Cold War warrior, I think the situation psychologically is much worse now than in the Cold War," Mr Mizin worries. "There was more predictability and more respect then."
That goes for both sides.

... There was another of his comments from the Valdai discussion that stood out: his talk of a lack of fear when taking risk. Mr Putin said he learned at spy school that the cause always took precedence over self-preservation.
As president, he sees his cause as restoring Russia to its status as a global power. He looks set to go nose-to-nose with the United States in a risky new nuclear arms race to do that.

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RE: politischer Verfall der USA unter Trump ...

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 26.10.2018 17:14
von nahal | 24.498 Beiträge

Einer in Miami ist verhaftet

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RE: politischer Verfall der USA unter Trump ...

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 26.10.2018 21:02
von Willie (gelöscht)
zuletzt bearbeitet 26.10.2018 21:07 | nach oben springen


RE: politischer Verfall der USA unter Trump ...

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 26.10.2018 21:08
von Willie (gelöscht)

Shocking Supercut Shows Trump Encouraging Violence Again And Again And Again
The president has called on supporters to “knock the crap” out of his hecklers.


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RE: politischer Verfall der USA unter Trump ...

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 27.10.2018 00:16
von Willie (gelöscht)

Im Internet gefunden:



God, (I call you that even though I suspect thou art well beyond names and words
and might actually be some sort of ineffable quantum situation), I humbly beseech thee
to make thy presence known on November 6th.
Demonstrate your omnipotence through us as we make ink marks on little circles in curtained booths.

Of course if you, in your divine wisdom, believe a fascist, hate-filled, fear-mongering,
demagogic, truth-shattering, autocratic golf cheater is what we need right now, then, you know,
thy will be done.

But if thou art inclined to more freedom, more love, more compassion, and just more
of the good stuff thou hath been promoting in our hearts or our parietal lobes - either one, doesn’t really matter - I submissively ask
that thy encourage voter turnout in that general direction.

Also God, please help Bob Mueller. Guide him and make him strong, brave, wise and true.
And yes, I know there must be thousands of guys named Bob Mueller, so why not help them all, just to be on the safe side.

Oh, almost forgot, remind those who collaborate with the darkness that thou art the light, and that the light is not above whipping out a little Old Testament wrath.
Amen again.

1st Aired: 25 Oct 2018

Und da es mich zum schmunzeln brachte, wollte ich es euch nicht vorenthalten. :-)))

Wem bestimmte Ausdruecke ungewoehnlich fremd vorkommen, da mag es sich um altenglische Ausdruecke handeln, wie sie in manchen Kirchen beim beten hier noch ueblich sind. Insbesondere da, wo strikt auf die alte King James Bibel beharrt wird.
thou art =you are =du bist
beseech thee =ask you = erflehen von dir
thou = you = du
thy = your = dein

zuletzt bearbeitet 27.10.2018 00:29 | nach oben springen


RE: politischer Verfall der USA unter Trump ...

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 27.10.2018 00:42
von Willie (gelöscht)

As Trump Gaslights Entire Nation About Package Bombs, This 'Will Go Down in History' as Clear Moment 'American Democracy Truly at Risk'
"Trump's message to the media (and I guess Democrats): If you criticize me, you'll get more bombs."


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RE: politischer Verfall der USA unter Trump ...

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 27.10.2018 09:43
von Maga-neu | 35.189 Beiträge

Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #3987
Im Internet gefunden:



God, (I call you that even though I suspect thou art well beyond names and words
and might actually be some sort of ineffable quantum situation), I humbly beseech thee
to make thy presence known on November 6th.
Demonstrate your omnipotence through us as we make ink marks on little circles in curtained booths.

Of course if you, in your divine wisdom, believe a fascist, hate-filled, fear-mongering,
demagogic, truth-shattering, autocratic golf cheater is what we need right now, then, you know,
thy will be done.

But if thou art inclined to more freedom, more love, more compassion, and just more
of the good stuff thou hath been promoting in our hearts or our parietal lobes - either one, doesn’t really matter - I submissively ask
that thy encourage voter turnout in that general direction.

Also God, please help Bob Mueller. Guide him and make him strong, brave, wise and true.
And yes, I know there must be thousands of guys named Bob Mueller, so why not help them all, just to be on the safe side.

Oh, almost forgot, remind those who collaborate with the darkness that thou art the light, and that the light is not above whipping out a little Old Testament wrath.
Amen again.

1st Aired: 25 Oct 2018

Und da es mich zum schmunzeln brachte, wollte ich es euch nicht vorenthalten. :-)))

Wem bestimmte Ausdruecke ungewoehnlich fremd vorkommen, da mag es sich um altenglische Ausdruecke handeln, wie sie in manchen Kirchen beim beten hier noch ueblich sind. Insbesondere da, wo strikt auf die alte King James Bibel beharrt wird.
thou art =you are =du bist
beseech thee =ask you = erflehen von dir
thou = you = du
thy = your = dein

Das Gebet wird bestimmt erhöht werden, könnte es so doch direkt in der King James Bibel stehen. Außerdem wählt Gott bekanntlich die Demokraten.

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RE: politischer Verfall der USA unter Trump ...

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 27.10.2018 10:40
von nahal | 24.498 Beiträge

Der Mann war ganz "gesund"
"His Twitter timeline was a greatest-hits collection of right-wing conspiracy theories: .....that German Chancellor Angela Merkel is secretly Adolf Hitler’s daughter."


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RE: politischer Verfall der USA unter Trump ...

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 27.10.2018 13:11
von Maga-neu | 35.189 Beiträge

Zitat von nahal im Beitrag #3990
Der Mann war ganz "gesund"
"His Twitter timeline was a greatest-hits collection of right-wing conspiracy theories: .....that German Chancellor Angela Merkel is secretly Adolf Hitler’s daughter."


Ich kann mich an eine Reportage mit einem "Reichsbürger" erinnern, der meinte, Merkel sei die uneheliche Tochter von Helmut Kohl. Vielleicht ist sie auch die von Erich Honecker. :-)

Was belegt die Sache in den USA? Dass es bekloppte Trump-Anhänger gibt. Was belegt sie nicht? Dass der Präsident mit seiner "scharfen Rhetorik" schuld ist. Wer das meint, sollte sich Bundestagsreden aus den fünfziger, sechziger und siebziger Reden anhören.

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RE: politischer Verfall der USA unter Trump ...

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 27.10.2018 15:45
von Willie (gelöscht)

Of Course Donald Trump Inspired Cesar Sayoc’s Alleged Terrorism
Sorry, Trumpies, this was no false-flag leftie or Unabomber in the woods. He is Trumpism uncut and unplugged. Deal with it.

After months of rabid attacks on his opponents as enemies of the people, Trump's crop of crazy came to fruition this week and was almost ready for harvest. By either incompetence, luck, design flaws, or providence, none of the bombs in this campaign of political terror cost life or limb.

This hasn't been an easy week for Trump loyalists. They spent the last 72 hours praying that the MAGABomber would turn out to be a false flag attack, the product of some dastardly Democratic cabal. The idea, which bubbled up from the fever swamps of Breitbart, Infowars, and the rest of the Trump-right ecosystem like a fart in a bathtub, was as illogical as it was pathetic. It couldn't be this President's penchant for daily political arson, right?

Twitter Javerts like Rush Limbaugh, Alex Jones, Ann Coulter, Frank Gaffney, John Cardillo, Laura Loomer, Jacob Wohl, and alt-right thought leader and Pizzagate promoter Jack Prosobiec all jumped to sell the idea that Donald Trump’s gushing sewer of inflammatory rhetoric could never inspire a serial bomber. ....

Introspection isn’t exactly one of this President’s strong suits, and the discovery that the MAGABomber was one of the millions of creatures he created, inspired, and motivated to wage war against those he describes as Enemies of the People will never trouble the placid waters of his stunningly shallow intellect. Worry about his responsibility will never penetrate the vacuum of his moral landscape. Donald Trump made an enemies list, and then he weaponized his social media power to push that enemies list into the minds of the furious and febrile who slavishly lap up his every utterance. What, precisely, did he think would happen? ...

... What’s shocking about what we’ve seen from Sayoc’s social media feeds is just how ordinary they are in the Trump online ecosystem. The slurry of conspiracy theories (particularly all things Soros), birtherism, xenophobia, boomer memes, and MAGA spank-bank material in his Twitter and Facebook feeds is the raw distillate from Infowars, Breitbart, and Fox.

I could find feeds identical to this by the dozen just by scanning my latest crop of trolls. Sayoc isn’t a one-off loner radicalized by a few edge-case media outlets; he's an inevitable outcome of an alternative-reality media silo that increasingly defines the intellectual landscape of the Trump right. ...

...Cesar Sayoc isn't just some loner gone wrong. He isn't merely a one-in-a-million Unabomber with a cabin in the woods, a crazed manifesto, and too much black powder. Cesar Sayoc is the future. Donald Trump's famously loyal base has been radicalized, and while only the tiniest fraction will resort to political violence, neither the President nor the hollow shell of the GOP will do anything to stop it.

This is a President with obvious mental and moral deficits who will say and do anything to retain power. He's backed by a runaway "conservative" media feeding his rabid base a daily dose of conspiratorial lunacy. There is no mechanism to stop Trump's division, radicalization, and calls to arms against his enemies.

America was lucky this week; none of the weapons exploded, and the FBI and state law enforcement moved with amazing speed to apprehend the bomber. We might not always be so lucky, particularly if this President continues to give what future Cesar Sayocs see as their marching orders.

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RE: politischer Verfall der USA unter Trump ...

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 27.10.2018 15:56
von Willie (gelöscht)

Zitat von nahal im Beitrag #3990
Der Mann war ganz "gesund"
"His Twitter timeline was a greatest-hits collection of right-wing conspiracy theories: .....that German Chancellor Angela Merkel is secretly Adolf Hitler’s daughter."


Also der typische Trump fan.

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RE: politischer Verfall der USA unter Trump ...

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 27.10.2018 16:05
von Willie (gelöscht)

Auszug aus dem spirituellen Unterbau der Trump Partei:

Christian TV Host: If Democrats Win They Will Slaughter ‘Tens Of Thousands Of Christians’

HOMOPHOBESChristian right leader: Straight people who have oral sex have adopted ‘homosexual sex practices’

RELIGION22-year-old Christian preacher clarifies that he wants gays executed ‘humanely’

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RE: politischer Verfall der USA unter Trump ...

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 27.10.2018 16:07
von Willie (gelöscht)

Der Trumpenfuehrer an seine Gefolgschaft:

Shocking Supercut Shows Trump Encouraging Violence Again And Again And Again
The president has called on supporters to “knock the crap” out of his hecklers.


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RE: politischer Verfall der USA unter Trump ...

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 27.10.2018 16:11
von Willie (gelöscht)

Die intellektuelle Tiefe der wissenschaftlichen Berater fuer die Trumpenfuehrer Gefolgschaft:

Christian Prophet: Hurricane Michael was created by Democrats in ‘retaliation’ for Kavanaugh’s confirmation

Die friedvolle Einstellung der Trumpenfuehrer Gefolgschaft:

Trump supporter gives his solution to the border crisis: ‘Just start shooting’

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RE: politischer Verfall der USA unter Trump ...

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 27.10.2018 16:17
von Willie (gelöscht)
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RE: politischer Verfall der USA unter Trump ...

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 27.10.2018 17:41
von Willie (gelöscht)

Ein Tweet von George Takei (Schauspieler aus der Serie Raumschiff Enterprise):

The #MAGABomber is a Trump acolyte to a
He’s bewilderingly deranged, espouses
repugnant views devoid of reason and
unsupported by fact or science, and is (thank
goodness) woefully incompetent at his
Huh. Sounds to me like a Trump cabinet
appointee, actually.
7:39 AM - 27 Oct 2018

Damit trifft er es ziemlich genau.

Und im uebrigen ist derzeit wieder eine Schiesserei in einer Synagogue in Pittsburgh im Gange. In einer mir recht vertrauten Nachbarschaft. Acht Tote soweit.

zuletzt bearbeitet 27.10.2018 17:46 | nach oben springen


RE: politischer Verfall der USA unter Trump ...

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 27.10.2018 17:49
von Willie (gelöscht)

Trump warns of violence if GOP loses midterms
President Donald Trump warned there will be "violence" if the Republicans lose their majority in Congress as a result of the 2018 midterms, in a recording now heard by CNN.

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RE: politischer Verfall der USA unter Trump ...

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 27.10.2018 19:06
von Willie (gelöscht)

The Real Reason Russia Is Rooting for Republicans in the Midterms
State-controlled media joke about abetting Trump and believe his tough talk on sanctions is just a ploy. If the Republicans win the midterms, they say, he’ll come around.

“The U.S. is deteriorating. They won’t find other fighters like McCain. There won’t be any others like him. This process is irreversible.”
— Karen Shakhnazarov, a prominent Russia film director

The Kremlin is interested in having the U.S. withdraw from the world stage, giving up its role as the dominant superpower, retreating to domestic affairs and global commerce, including a radical 180-degree shift from sanctions to business dealings with Russia.

“Help him, direct him, support him, and then you'll say he isn't ours.”
— “60 Minutes” host Olga Skabeeva

Pro-Kremlin experts and propagandists have no doubt that the Republicans will fall in line with Trump’s agenda, unless they’re “suicidal” in terms of their political prospects. Konstantin Zatulin, first deputy chairman of the committee for relations with the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) and Russian nationals abroad or the Duma, or lower house, is a leading figure in Putin’s United Russia party.
In discussing the outcome of the Helsinki summit, Zatulin asserted: National Security Adviser John Bolton and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo “just sat there. Did you hear them voicing any accusations against Russia?... Naturally, Trump’s team—if they aren’t suicidal—will find arguments in support of the president. Those who don’t, won’t be on his team—or maybe they won’t be in Congress.” ...

In 2017, addressing the question of Russia’s interference in the U.S. elections, Putin suggested suggested that “patriotically minded” Russian hackers could have been involved. The host of a popular state TV show Vladimir Soloviev joked that Republican lawmakers recently traveled to Russia “to make deals with our hackers, so they can rig the midterms in favor of Trump's team.”
As long as Trump’s—and by extension the Republican Party’s—interests are believed to match Putin’s objectives, hacking, cyber-attacks and info-offensives against the Democrats will continue to be considered “patriotic” by the Kremlin.

zuletzt bearbeitet 27.10.2018 19:07 | nach oben springen

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